Thanks for your patience here's the final part of the story…

"I will try it," said Isabelle sighing.

"Good," Jace said finally letting go of their eye contact and releasing her. "I think it's time we check on Alec, you never know what he and Magnus are getting up to all alone at home." With a mischievous grin he stepped back to avoid getting swatted by Isabelle.

"I don't understand is that it? Your just going to tell me a sob story, say try to get over it and be done? What sort of help are you?" Inquired Isabelle cheekily.

"Oh so you're the one with the experience now,eh? All hail Dr. Izzy we shall all bow to you and you great wisdom!" Proclaimed Jace, who was more than happy to give as good as he got. "For your information Miss Wisdom I think we have both had more than enough serious conversation for one day, it's time we go home."

So with that they headed back to the Institute slightly happier but never quite at peace, Max still haunted the back of their minds. Both of them discussed unimportant things like the pro's and con's of certain weapons and what they thought was the most commonly used angels name, when naming seraph blades. It was nice pretending that life was back to normal for awhile, at least as normal as it ever got, neither of them believed the feeling would last but the brief respite was appreciated.

When they reached the Institute they were greeted by Church who followed them both until they gave in and got him what little cat food was left in the cupboard. They discussed going shopping but neither of them could be bothered so they put it off for another day.

They purposely went to Jace's room this time as to avoid passing what would henceforth be thought of as Max's couch. Jace's room as always was very clean but Isabelle did notice there was a pair of dirty jeans tossed on the floor. She thought that he must be slipping a bit, then she reprimanded herself after all weren't they all slipping a bit, he did stay in her room all night she could cut him some slack.

That night they all went to bed earlier than usual, Alec only came in to say a brief goodnight before disappearing back into his room. When it was time for Isabelle to return to her room Jace lightly grabbed her arm just before she left.

"Try not to think about it too much Izzy," neither of them stated what "It" was, they didn't have to. So with a quick goodnight they headed off to bed.

The next morning when Isabelle woke she felt refreshed, the pain was still-it might not ever really leave but the numbness had gone. She went into the kitchen and got herself some dry crackers(one of the only foods left in the house) and headed to Alec's room only to find he wasn't there. Instead there was a note on his bed saying "Gone to Magnus's for the afternoon will bring home Chinese for dinner. Alec"

She went to find Jace but he was busy talking on the phone to Clary so she resigned herself to waiting in Hodges old study.

That's exactly where Jace found her almost an hour later, "Reminiscing are we?"

"Hmmm-oh yeh I guess. How's Clary?"

"Oh she's fine, busy but fine. I think she was more concerned about us really."

"It's no wonder, all you ever do these days is run from one dangerous situation to the next!"

"Your one to speak, I can still picture you running at Jonothan like there was no tomorrow." Jace joked

As soon as Isabelle spoke he regretted his words, "There wasn't for Max."

"Im sorry your right that was stupid of me to say, but it did make me think. It's time for your first lesson. What's done is done, Izzy, and I'm sorry if this seems harsh but Max would hate to see you like this. In fact I think Max would be disappointed with you if you never forgave yourself and never did anything other than blame yourself for his death. Don't you agree?"


"No, no but's. What happened that night was a mistake, a huge one but the truth is you've paid the price for your mistake now go and learn from it! Honour Max by never making a mistake like that again, train harder than ever, don't give it up! When someone commits a big crime they go to prison and when there sentence and punishment is over they are released they don't run straight back to prison. You've paid your price!"

"But I haven't even had a punishment."

"Losing Max was your punishment, it was harsh and a huge price to pay but it was your punishment never the less. Not just your punishment the whole of Alicante's punishment. Every nephilm payed a price for their mistakes, for being so proud as to believe that we couldn't be defeated."

"Go train hard, fight hard. Why do you think that I'm such a good fighter?" A little bit of his former cockiness returning to his voice.

"Uh maybe cause your part angel?" Isabelle replied sarcastically.

"Well there's that and my obvious charm and bravery as well. But-"

"Since when did charm help you defeat anything besides your own humility?"

"Well it won you over didn't it?" Jace countered leaving Isabelle slightly speechless. Continuing he said "Before you so rudely interrupted I believe I was talking about my wonderful fighting skills. Anyway, I got them because when I believed my father died I told myself I would never freeze up in a situation like that again. So everyday I practised and practised. I know that you and Alec used to wonder why I never stopped practising, now you know. Because I told myself I would never again allow myself to fail. Then that time with the Greater Demon at Madame Dorthea's I thought I had failed for the second time in my life because I was so concerned about Clary. It made me more scared than ever before…"

"You didn't fail us Jace, its alright for you to care for more than one thing you know?"

"Yeh I know that now it just took a few mistakes for me to realise it. You're allowed to make mistakes too, Izzy."

They both sat there for a awhile before Jace got up to leave. As he got to the door he didn't bother turning around but he spoke again, "Izzy, Train hard, be strong and learn from your mistakes it's what Max would have wanted. I'm here if you need me but something tells me you can do this on your own. You're strong enough to face this, we all believe in you!" With that he left the room to late to hear Isabelle's reply.


Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed my story, I would still love any feedback. I might even add a chapter more at some point just so you see how Isabelle goes but no promises. Thanks for reading