
I miss Elena. I miss her a lot more than naturally. It was almost morning, and I was still lying in the bed next to Katherine, wide awake. She had fallen asleep on my chest, gripping my shirt tightly in her fist. No matter how well she hid her fear, I could see that my girl was scared.

Elijah had untied Tyler and Lucy, she had tried to bring Elena back, but she was too late. No one has understood Tyler's part in this, but apparently the witch who bound the curse believed highly in the gods, and said the werewolf would be good to give to Them, so that is Tyler's purpose. If the curse of the Sun and Moon were being broken by a werewolf, the vampire would be the sacrifice.

Caroline was angry to see the burns on Tyler's wrists, and even angrier when she found out the whole story from Lucy – how Damon and I had ran to the "Petrova's" instead of untying the two of them. Bonnie asked where Damon was, and I told her the truth – I didn't know.

When we had gotten back to the house, less a witch and a werewolf, Damon was on his knees in front of the fireplace. His face was buried in his hands and his shoulders were shaking violently. I thought about going to him, but Katherine grabbed my shoulder and shook her head. I smiled sadly and followed her into my room. She was still wearing my shirt from earlier, and I pulled the sheets up over her.

She grumbled slightly. "Hey, Stefan?"

"Yeah, babe?" I asked, trying not to think of Elena anymore.

"Do you know if there is any blood baggies downstairs?" She asked shyly, like she didn't know how to act because of this anymore. "I'm just . . . thirsty. Never mind, I can wait until morning."

"No, I can get you one." I started to stand but she grabbed at my shirt. Her eyes still had her devilish little attitude reflecting in them, but behind her mask I saw the sadness and regret, the mourning and the worry there. She shook her head and tried to tug my down, but I shook my head back at her and stood. She smiled sadly and lay down on the bed, relaxing slightly. I leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly before getting up and heading downstairs. I looked at the still burning fireplace, void of Damon now, but there is something on the floor where he was.

I walked toward it and leaned down. The piece of paper he had ripped off was there, held down by . . . his ring.

I snatched it up and made to stand, and then I read the back.

Goodbye, Stefan.

I shook my head and took two steps back. I feel myself begin to get queasy, and I looked out the window. The sun was peaking over the hills now, if I could just find him it would be okay.

I turned the note over and my jaw dropped when I realized . . . even if I did save my brother, he would never truly be alive without her.

Damon, it's over. I'm going to die and I know this. I love you so much and I need you to know that.
I know this is selfish – but please, don't forget me.

I looked out over the hilltops as the sun rises about them, and I wince. Katherine had come down by now and was standing behind me, when she saw Damon's ring in my hand and the now glowing sunrise, she wrapped her arms around my waist. I bowed my head. "Goodbye, brother . . . I'm sorry."

Katherine snaked under my arm and wiped the tears falling from my eyes. She stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips into mine.

It was going to be hard for me, getting through this, but she would be with me. I would have my Katherine.


Thanks for reading!
(and admit it, you cried just as hard as I did)