This has been sitting on my computer for a really long time and I found it a few days ago. After re-reading it, I did a complete rewrite. It takes place between season one and two.
Hope you enjoy.
Puck huffed. He hated when his mom dragged him to these things. He just sat at the table and stared off into space until a hot girl walked by or he got someone to get him a beer. Unfortunately there were no hot girls or beer at this big Jewish wedding. . Somehow whoever was getting married knew Puck's mom and Rachel's dads so they both got drug along. Now they were sitting with their chairs facing in opposite directions, pushing the food around on their plates and sighing.
He turned sideways in his chair and looked at her, "Didn't I see you at the gym yesterday?"
She nodded and turned sideways in her chair. She looked out at the dance floor and answered, "Yeah. My elliptical broke so I go to the gym everyday at four to avoid peek hours." She finally turned to him, "How's your pool cleaning business going?"
He shrugged, finally looking directly at her, "It's going good. I've moved to in-ground pools so I'm making more money, but it's more work." He looked over her dress and commented, "That's the first almost sexy thing I've ever seen you in."
Rachel frowned, "It is not."
He nodded, "You keep looking like that you may finally get some.
She turned her head away from him, suddenly on the pissed side of her diva mood swings, "I don't need sexy clothes to seduce anyone."
He snorted, "You? Seduce anyone? Who even says seduce?"
Now she was really offended, "I can seduce anyone. I just don't ever want to."
"Really now?"
"Yes!" she stated indignantly, incurring more attention than she wanted at the moment. She lowered her voice, "I can seduce anyone."
"Nuh uh."
"I could," she glared at him.
Puck picked at the tablecloth, "Care to make it interesting?"
"How interesting?" Rachel asked, slightly intrigued.
"Fifty bucks," he shrugged. He was a little light on cash at the moment so fifty would probably bankrupt him if he lost, but he was positive he wouldn't. He had the perfect, most difficult person in mind.
"Deal," Rachel reached over and shook his hand, "What are the conditions of this bet?"
"Hook up with Quinn before school starts," he leaned forward like he was giving her a top-secret mission. He rested his forearms on his knees.
Rachel looked hard at Puck before adding, "Define hook up."
"Make out…and cop a feel. A good one. Not one of those whoops I touched your boobs kinda things," he explained.
"Okay," Rachel nodded. She was soaking up his every word and he was started to wonder when she was going to whip out a notepad and start taking notes.
"For real?" he asked. It seemed too good to be true.
Rachel watched her dads start to walk toward the door. That was her cue. She stood up, "Why not?"
"By the first day of school," he called after her.
She nodded, continuing her walk to her fathers. She wasn't sure what possessed her to make a deal with Puck. She didn't think she could actually do it, but she was going to try her damnedest. Her life had taken a very boring turn since her return from vacation. At least now she had something to work towards.
Puck walked into the gym late the next afternoon. He had just finished cleaning the last pool of the day and seeing Mrs. Feuerstein and her brand new set of knockers in her bikini by the pool had riled him up. He needed to work of some frustration.
He saw a familiar face in the gym and smiled. He walked over to the weight bench next to where Quinn was doing crunches on a blue yoga mat in front of some mirrors. He picked up a couple fifty-pound weights, you know, just to warm up with before taking a seat on the bench next to her.
"Lookin' good," he commented when he saw her see him.
Quinn finished a few more crunches before answering, "I've been working out all summer."
"So is Queen Quinn back?"
She had rolled onto her stomach and was now pushing herself off of the ground with her legs laying flat on the ground, stretching her core. "Hell yes. I will be head Cheerio within two weeks of when school starts. I will have who I want and I will rule the school again."
Oh this was way too easy. Puck slipped in, "You can't have anyone."
"Bet I can." Quinn sat down on and started stretching her legs.
Puck started doing a few reps, watching his biceps flex in the mirror, "Fifty says you can't." He wouldn't mind losing a hundred dollars in order to gain one of the hottest mental images he could think of.
Blonde hair rippled as Quinn hopped to her feet, "Done. Who?"
"Brittany." Puck exhaled as he started alternating arms. He didn't want to be too obvious.
Quinn picked up a jump rope that was next to her on the ground and paused. "Too easy. Plus she's my friend. It'd be weird."
"And Santana would murder you."
"That too." She started swinging the jump rope around, only jumping enough to let it pass under her.
After having to rip her eyes away from Quinn's sports bra clad torso as she jumped, he looked at himself in the mirror, "Rachel."
Quinn stopped jumping, the rope hitting the front of her ankles. She tilted her head slightly and had an intense look of deep thought on her face, "A challenge. I like it. Deal."
"I saw her working out here a few days ago. Her elliptical broke or something so she comes everyday at four. Good luck." Puck reracked the weights and wiped off the bench with his towel.
As he was walking off he heard, "I don't need luck. I'm Quinn Fabray."
Quinn had had enough jump roping so she looked at the huge clock on the wall. It was only eleven so she had some time. She decided that she'd come back and work out later. At four o'clock to be exact. She expected to be fifty dollars richer by six o'clock. She was Quinn Fabray after all.
Finn was sitting on the couch next to Rachel in his living room, playing a video game. Rachel looked bored, but he was so close to leveling up that he had to keep on it until he did.
"I made a bet with Noah."
He frowned and looked away from the game to look at her.
She crossed her legs and looked a little nervous, "It's not that bad."
"What is the bet?" Finn asked, as his on screen character died. He respawned and started playing again hoping that whatever Rachel bet wouldn't put a damper on their relationship. It was hard enough dating Rachel as it was without the threat of Puck hanging over them…again.
"That I could…seduce Quinn."
Finn bursts out laughing. He laughed so hard that he gave up on the match and exited the online room.
"What's so funny?" Rachel asked, sounding a little hurt and a lot pissed.
Finn realized down that sounded and added, "It's not that I don't think you could like seduce a guy or maybe even Brittany, but Quinn? She's like super straight."
Rachel nodded, but explained, "I read that at our age everyone is prone to experimentation, especially girls. It's perfectly natural for her to want to…explore another girl."
"But she kinda hates you." Finn put the controller down and put his arm on the back of the couch.
"Maybe it's time that we become friends." Rachel was desperately trying to make it sound less crazy than it was.
"How are you going to do that?"
"I don't know yet."
He shrugged and picked up the controller again, "Well good luck."
"So it's okay with you?"
He started another match and answered, staring at the TV. "Sure. It's not like you're going to be able to pull it off."
Rachel was, once again, pissed off. A defiant streak in her came out, "Wanna bet?"
"Yes. Fifty dollars."
Finn smiled as he shook his head, "Alright." There was no way that Rachel was going to be able to do it. Although if she did…uh oh. He stood up and ran to the bathroom mumbling, "Mailman, mailman…" the whole way there.
Rachel knew what was going on and stood up. She looked at her phone. It was time for her to get to the gym anyway. She texted Finn to let him know she was leaving and walked out the front door.
Rachel disliked working out at a public gym. It's not that she minded other people looking at her. It was that she couldn't watch her favorite musicals or sing out loud. She had to make a playlist specifically filled with songs she could keep herself from singing. Luckily, this was a temporary thing. Her new elliptical was on its way.
When she got to the gym, she got her bag out of the trunk of her car and walked in. She scanned herself in and went to the locker room. After placing her things in one of the lockers, she got out her iPod and made her way out into the gym. She was deep in thought on the elliptical trying to figure out how to even make contact with Quinn. Should she ask her to go see a movie or throw some kind of party and invite everyone or something? This might be harder than she initially thought.
Quinn walked into the gym from the locker room feeling a little self-conscious. She'd gotten rid of most of her baby weight, but the last five pounds were still making her feel like a blimp. She'd been coming to this gym every weekday morning for a little over a month and she was still nervous before each workout.
But when she spotted Rachel on the elliptical machine she grinned. This was going to be the easiest fifty bucks she'd ever made.
She made her way to the row of bicycles in front of the ellipticals. She pretended like she didn't see Rachel and sunk into the vinyl seat. She pressed a few buttons and started to pedal, looking up at one of the many TVs on the wall.
When Rachel saw Quinn, but she didn't quite believe it. There were multiple gyms in Lima, yet here Quinn was, like a present from the gambling gods. She grinned. This might be easier than she thought.
Rachel continued to work out for a few more minutes and then got off the machine. She airily moved to the bicycles, turning her ipod a little louder than normal. Settling on a bike two away from Quinn, Rachel glanced up at the TV.
Quinn looked over at Rachel who was either blind or pretending not to see her. In either case Quinn turned and said, "Hey Rachel."
The singer apparently didn't see her because she kept bobbing her head to her music and peddling away. So Quinn sighed and moved to the machine next to Rachel, tapping the brunette on the shoulder.
Rachel looked at her and let out her superstar smile, taking out one ear bud, "Oh hey Quinn. I didn't know you came here."
"I usually come earlier, but I overslept," Quinn stated, "What are you doing here?"
"My elliptical machine at home broke," Rachel explained, "So how's your summer been going?"
"Mostly working out," Quinn replied, "I need to if I'm going to make it back on the Cheerios."
"You're trying out again?"
Quinn nodded, "I'm trying to get my life back to normal."
"Oh," Rachel looked a little dejected.
Quinn quickly added, "I'm still going to do glee and stuff."
The brunette nodded, still a little glumly, "I understand."
"Why do you look like I ran over your dog?" Quinn huffed, starting to get a little frustrated with Rachel.
"It's just that…before you got kicked off the Cheerios, you instigated a lot of slushies to turn my way," Rachel answered honestly and evenly.
Quinn softened a little, "Well, I'm not going to promise to keep them away from you, but I won't tell anyone to slushy you if you stop trying to steal my boyfriends, deal?" She let out a playful smile. There was no way she was going to win this bet if she didn't at least try to extend a friendly hand to Rachel.
The diva looked cautiously at Quinn before nodding, "Deal."
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Rachel asked, "When are Cheerio try-outs?"
The blonde looked suspiciously at Rachel, "Thinking of trying out."
"No," Rachel quickly added, "I was just wondering when you go to see if you're back on."
"Well," Quinn took a deep breath, "I've been crashing their summer Saturday practices for three weeks and last week Coach didn't yell at me until I gave up and started running around the track, so it shouldn't be long until I'm back on the team. I give it like two more weeks."
"Wow," Rachel looked down at her iPod, "You must really love being on the Cheerios."
"I need all the normal I can get," Quinn answered, a little off handedly.
Rachel looked over at Quinn as caught the tail end of some fleeting longing. "Well you know, if you ever need to like talk or anything, I'm a good listener sometimes. You won't have to worry about me telling anyone because they won't believe that you talked to me in the first place."
Quinn let out an amused grin. "Thanks." She looked Rachel over for a minute, her eyes running down Rachel's long, tan legs that were pumping away at the bicycle. Then her eyes made her way back to Rachel's face. Quinn stood up and patted Rachel's shoulder, "C'mon let's go get a smoothie."
Rachel looked confused, but followed Quinn. As she followed Quinn into the locker room, she let out a sly grin. How surprised would Puck and Finn be if she sealed this deal tonight?