Oneshot for the Newlyweds
By Loveless1617
[Author's Note]: Thank you so much for those who have stuck by for the past two years of this series, in addition to those who came about later on for what seemed to be the hardest series to keep up with ^^;;;
[My deepest apologies for finishing only half of the series, since it doesn't look like I'll have the time to make up whatever chapters I promised without much to show for it.]
Either way, I've had a great time messaging new people through this series and share my sincerest gratitude for those who patiently awaited this chapter. Have fun reading and please stick around to leave a final review in the end!
Final Chapter: December
"Happy Anniversary, Wolfram..." Yuuri kissed his husband when he started up from his usual late-into-the-day sleep.
"Mm..." Wolfram groggily opened his eyes and stretched, writhing in the silk sheets underneath them. Once fully awake, he happily returned the kiss with a smile. "Good morning, my dear husband." Yuuri propped himself up on an elbow and watched Wolfram hike his nightgown further up as he stretched again, digging his head into the pillow and arching his back up from the bed. "Mm... Happy Anniversary to you too." He gave him a quick peck on the lips and tried slipping away, but Yuuri quickly caught him and reeled him back down onto the bed.
"Oh no, you don't." Yuuri warned, as he playfully drew him in closer. "I get to keep you for today, remember? No paperwork, no training, and definitely no one else to interfere. Just you," Yuuri licked his lips. "me," He threw the blankets off the bed and fiercely tore away at his nightgown. "and everything else I have planned for today."
Wolfram burst out laughing when he tried to kiss his body, but quickly tried to push him away.
"Y-Yuuri! You know it's too early for that!" He laughed, as he struggled to pull away. But Yuuri pinned his arms behind his back and rubbed his chest.
"But your body had been just so beautifully laid out for me. How could I not do anything to it?" Yuuri pounced on him and then gently nuzzled his head into Wolfram's lustrous, gold-colored hair.
"Honestly, Yuuri. At least watch out for the baby..." Wolfram held his hand to the enormous bump, which was now completely showing.
"Hi little guy!" Yuuri smiled, as he kissed the bare bump. "Good morning~"
"And how on earth do you know whether or not it's a boy?" Wolfram asked with a raised brow.
"Just a guess, I suppose." Yuuri smiled, as he hugged his stomach— a common occurrence now that Wolfram was completely showing nowadays. "What do you think we should name him?"
"I wouldn't get too ahead of ourselves. I'm pretty sure there's an entire entourage led by my mother, waiting back at the Castle with 'helpful suggestions'. But if we were to decide..." Wolfram cuddled with his husband. "I'd like for the baby to have an Earthian name— as a token of appreciation for producing the best man I will ever know." He gave him a lingering, teasing kiss on the lips as Yuuri happily obliged.
"Haha, I think you mean 'Japanese'. Well then, I'm sure we can have my mother help with that. She's probably already listing a few names here and there in her head without me knowing."
"Of course," Wolfram laughed.
Then a loud bark came from outside their door, along with scratching sounds against the wood oak of their wall.
"Oh, and who could that be?" Yuuri chided, as he ran up to the door and opened it up. And as soon as the door burst open, their golden retriever, Alexander, ran across the room, jumped on top of their bed, and tackled Wolfram down.
"Aww, hi little guy!" Wolfram kissed him on the nose as he joyfully barked and licked him back. "And how are you doing today?" Yuuri walked on over and ruffled his silky fur.
"He's as energetic as ever, isn't he?"
"I know. Where he gets that burst of excitement every day, I don't know." Wolfram cradled their puppy in his arms as Yuuri rubbed Alexander's belly.
"Now, now. Get off of Wolfram, Alexander. We need to get ready for our date, okay?" Yuuri scooted Alexander off of his lap and sent him running.
"Aw, but I wanted to hold him some more..." Wolfram pouted, as he tried to make their bed.
"You want to play with him more?" Yuuri asked, incredulously. "He follows us around 24/7- you play with him every day and even let him sleep in our bed." Yuuri walked over and hugged him from behind. "You're going to make me lonely..." He slid a hand down his backside to his ass, causing Wolfram to jump in surprise.
"Yuuri!" He scowled, as he threw a pillow at him. "Not now!"
"Okay, okay." Yuuri backed off defensively. "Just sit down on the bed, Wolfram. I'll get your clothes for you."
"Fine." Wolfram plopped down and swung his legs back and forth, waiting patiently for Yuuri to get dressed and come back with his own clothes. Yuuri walked out of their closet in a pair of dark jeans, a white t-shirt, and a loose, navy-blue blazer.
Wolfram smiled at how handsome he looked, and then laid back.
"Dress me~" He teased, as he kicked off the house slippers Yuuri got him for Christmas.
"Well then," Yuuri pretended to pounce as he forcefully pulled down his pajama pants and held him down on the bed. "It'd be an honor to dress you, Your Highness, the Royal Consort." He laughed, as he kissed his lips. "But I'll have to warn you that I'm undressing you with a hidden agenda." Yuuri unbuttoned his flannel, button-down shirt with his teeth, while breathing heavily on purpose to make his husband blush.
"Really now?" Wolfram contently sighed as Yuuri roughly tore open his shirt and slipped his hands out of them. He held his chin up and then passionately kissed him, tongue sliding in and out as Wolfram willingly let him in.
"As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure you'd love to partake in this little rendezvous first," Yuuri smiled a devilish grin and then lifted him up from their bed.
"W-Woah, where are you taking me?" Wolfram wrapped his arms around Yuuri's neck as he held on.
"Why don't you indulge in a little romantic bath before I put your clothes back on?" He asked, as he eased him down into their bath.
"Well, since I'm already here," Wolfram nodded, with his head tilted back on the rim of the tub and his legs up on the opposite side. "Get in, Yuuri~"
"Well," he pointed to the clothes he already put on. "I'm already dressed, so... "
"Oh?" Wolfram raised his brow. "That never stopped you before."
"Haha, true..." Yuuri scratched his head. "But I have to finish packing our stuff first before we head out. Do you mind?"
"Alright, if you have to..." With a pout, Wolfram disappointedly sighed.
"Aw, don't look so sad," Yuuri kissed Wolfram on the cheek. "I'll be right back. And besides, you want to save the best for last, right?" Yuuri asked, as he laced a finger across his chin.
"Okay, okay. Just hurry up and pack," Wolfram splashed him away.
"Alright then, I'll be right back~" Yuuri walked out casually, but ran to their closet as soon as the bathroom door closed behind him. "Where is it... where is it?" Yuuri chanted, as he rummaged through their clothes for the anniversary present he bought a few days ago. "Ah!" He snatched the box as soon as he located it, then checked one last time before they left to make sure the gift was in perfect condition. "I hope Wolfram loves this…" He muttered to himself, as he opened the box, which bore a clear-cut, cognac diamond ring, colored beautifully in a golden brown hue that closely resembled the glossy, gold color of his lover's hair. With a final glance, he closed the velvet box and returned to the bathroom.
"It's about time," Wolfram sighed, as he raised his silky legs straight in the air. "Where were you, Yuuri? I thought we needed to go soon. And you left me here all by myself…" Wolfram swam to the end of the bathtub and leaned against the edge for Yuuri to pick him up.
"Alright come on, Wolf~" Yuuri raised his arms and dried him off before lifting him out of the tub.
"Mm…" Wolfram sighed in content, as he laid nude and lounged in his arms.
"Come on, let's get you dressed and then head on out. We have a big day ahead of us, right?" Yuuri laid him back down on the bed and then grabbed the set of clothes he put aside on their nightstand. Wolfram teasingly raised his legs for Yuuri to put on his lacy, black thong and then twisted his legs around to show just enough for Yuuri's eyes to gloss over in want, but he quickly composed himself again, much to Wolfram's dismay. "Come now, if you're going to try to seduce me, you can do better than that~" Yuuri teased, as he roughly raised his legs.
"W-What are you doing?" Wolfram yelled in shock. "I was just joking, you idiot. Now let my legs go!" Wolfram refused to stop kicking, but Yuuri held his ground.
"What are you talking about? I'm just helping you get dressed~" Yuuri grinned mischievously, but let go anyways.
"Fine, I'll dress myself." Wolfram huffed, as he grabbed the pair of dark colored pants and the loose white top from the nightstand. After putting them on, Yuuri tossed him a thick winter coat from the closet after putting one on himself first.
"Now, let's sneak out to Earth before the others catch us!" Yuuri rushed Wolfram out of the room as he tried putting on the oversized coat.
"What do you mean 'sneak out'? Didn't you tell Aniue that we'd be heading out for your world on our Anniversary?" Wolfram asked.
"Well yeah, but he doesn't exactly know that we're heading out now." Yuuri guiltily admitted, though he was quick to getting out of their place.
"B-But Aniue will be mad!" Wolfram insisted. "Shouldn't we—"
"Now, now, Wolfram. We'll tell him when we get back. As for now," Yuuri lifted Wolfram into his arms. "We're going in!" Yuuri shouted, as he jumped into the swirling whirlpool in their bathroom.
"Y-Yuuri!" Wolfram scowled, as he held on tight.
Hours passed as they shopped for baby clothes—the size of the baby socks and shoes were so tiny and adorable that Wolfram practically squealed in delight. They laughed at the adorable set of baby pajamas and clothes they looked through and spent plenty on what they knew would be the perfect fit for their new baby. After taking a lunch break together at a café and then watching a new movie Yuuri was dying to see, they happily spent away the time left on their anniversary. And now…
"Yuuri…" Wolfram whispered uncomfortably, as he held onto his husband's arm. "Why are those guys staring at us?"
"Honestly?" Yuuri asked.
It's probably because you've captured their attention with your beauty…
"I'm not sure…" Yuuri muttered, as he made sure to wrap his arms around his husband's waist as they continued to walk. Though it was fortunate that Wolfram's feminine face was enough to make him look like his 'girlfriend'—especially since he was so obviously pregnant too—it was hard to deal with the fact that men from the street ogled him like a piece of meat from every which way. After all, he'd know—he did give his lover the same look over time after time again.
"Just…make sure to stick close to me, okay?" Yuuri pulled him in closer. "Just in case."
"Okay~" Wolfram smiled, as he leaned against his husband's shoulder. "So where are we going?"
"Out to dinner," he said as they walked through the park. "I thought I should take you some place nice. It is our first anniversary after all."
"Oh yay~" Wolfram grinned, as he took his snuggled in his arms.
"We're here," Yuuri said as they approached a hotel.
"Here?" Wolfram asked, in suspicion. "I still can recognize what a hotel is, Yuuri." Wolfram muttered, after going to so many whenever they were on Earth.
Yuuri just chuckled.
"No, I swear, there's a restaurant inside. Let's go," Yuuri said, as he pushed him inside. They walked into the hotel lounge, rode the elevator up to the roof, and strode into the five-star French restaurant inside.
"Hello," A beautiful woman in a stunning black dress welcomed them in. "just the two of you?" She smiled, as she took out two menus from underneath a stand and handed it to them.
Yuuri nodded.
"Yes, we have a reservation for two. A window seat, I believe?" He flashed her a smile and then swung his hand around Wolfram's hip. "It's our anniversary today, so~"
"Y-Yuuri," He scowled, as he punched him on the shoulder. He leaned in and whispered, "You don't need to tell the whole world!"
"I see," She giggled, as she gestured towards the main hall of the dining area. "Please, come this way." She quickly toured them through an exquisite array of beautifully lit candles making up the entire wall, the expensive bottles of wine lined up for a bit of show and taste, in addition to their exclusive chocolate-fondue fountain, looming at a high height of fifteen feet. " I must say though, you and your wife look wonderful tonight—" She commented, as they arrived at their seats.
"W-Wife?" Wolfram blushed, as he turned awkwardly towards Yuuri.
"Oh, are you not married? I just assumed…"
"O-Oh, of course we are." Yuuri quickly stuttered, as he gave Wolfram an apologetic look. "And thank you." The woman smiled and nodded as she went on her way.
"Your wife?" He asked, as Yuuri pulled out his seat and sat him down.
"I know, I know. You hate me having refer to you as my wife now. I got that after your hormone-driven outburst a few days back. But you've got to understand that since you're very obviously pregnant," Yuuri took his seat. "it'd be hard to explain to 'Earthians', as you call them, that you're a man."
Wolfram heavily sighed.
"Yeah, yeah. You're doing this for me." Wolfram muttered, as he opened the menu.
"Oh come on, don't pout." Yuuri took his hand. "It's our anniversary, remember? And you know I meant well."
"I know you do," Wolfram acknowledged, as he tried to cheer up. "Just know that you are, indeed, married to a man."
"Of course." He smiled, as he kissed his hand.
"Good," Wolfram grinned.
"Still, it's great that your husband knows you so well, huh?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm just saying, I figured that topic would be brought up sooner or later, so I already thought of an apology gift." Yuuri smiled, though Wolfram was only very skeptical of a gift that could actually lift his spirits up after another one of his gender issues.
As if on cue, the heavy velvet curtains rose up into the air and revealed a stunningly beautiful sight of the city—bright lights flashing in the dark of the night, looming high towers that seemed to soar far beyond even the one they were in, and just the view—it was so magnificent, alluring, breathtaking….
"It's an amazing view, isn't it? I had to show it to you." Yuuri smiled, as he apologized once more. "I really don't want you to misunderstand why I keep hiding you're a male here. It isn't that it bothers me anymore—really, it doesn't. But I know that things like you getting pregnant even though you're a man will bring in the fact that you're a demon, and well—" He scratched his head. "It'll just unravel from there."
"Don't worry, Yuuri." Wolfram nodded. "I wasn't mad. I know you love me. Besides, as long as I can openly show off that you belong to me, a man, in my world, I think I'll learn to deal with it here." But Wolfram was so caught up in the view, he no longer gave their last little debacle a second thought.
"Good." Yuuri smiled, as a waiter walked over.
"Hello, I'm David and I'll be serving you for tonight." A man handed them an extra wine list, but Yuuri refused.
"Oh no," Yuuri waved his hands. "My… lover here, isn't supposed to drink, so…"
"Oh?" The waiter gave Wolfram one look over and Yuuri couldn't help but glare. He knew instantly that he was either falling in love with him hard at first sight or at least about to.
"And I won't be drinking either," Yuuri said, trying to bring his attention back to him. "On the other hand, we'd like to order now."
"Oh, please do." The waiter said, though he still couldn't help but stare. Wolfram, of course, barely gave him a glance. But still…
"What would the two of you like to have?" He asked, as he turned his attention back to him.
"Um…" Wolfram only looked up at Yuuri in confusion, after struggling so hard to read the strange writing. "Yuuri? I can't read this…"
"Oh, are you American, perhaps?" The waiter turned and smiled. "I'm sure I can provide something in English."
"Oh no, it's not worth the trouble. I can order for the two of us." Yuuri nodded.
"So, do you have anything you want to eat, Wolfram?" Yuuri asked.
"Whatever's good is fine, Yuuri. I just want to eat. I'm starving~" Wolfram whined, as he tossed the menu down and gulped down the glass of water at his side.
"Okay then," He agreed. "We'll have a full course of one Chateaubriand with French onion soup and Chicken Chasseur with a side of mini quiches."
"Great choices. I'm sure the two of you will love the food. I'll be checking back periodically, so please let me know if there is anything else I can do in the mean time. Otherwise, the sides will be served shortly." The man bowed slightly to Yuuri and then winked to Wolfram—a bit too casual for a greeting, Yuuri decided, and it was the last draw. It just became frustratingly hard to keep it under only his observation—so much that he had to ask…
"Isn't our waiter giving you a bit too much attention?"
"What, the waiter?" Wolfram glanced over at him and then gave the waiter a look over for the first time (he was after all, too absorbed in the scenery all this time) and happened to see a tall man with bleached, platinum-blonde hair that was far too out-there for his tastes, though he had dark eyes like Yuuri's. He had earrings and a nice cologne on, suggesting he was at least stylish, and a great smile to add to it, though it was too close to being a smirk for the man to be totally unaware of the fact that he was attractive. Surely, he'd be a pompous, self-centered, and selfish individual—the kind who thinks he could always get what he wants. Without much thought, Wolfram answered, "Shouldn't he be? He's our server."
"Well yeah, but—"
"Are you jealous?" Wolfram realized, with a bit of a smirk, himself. "I thought for sure that you'd be completely full of yourself. You know, since you're so sure that you'd make me do whatever you say no matter what: On our dates, on events, in bed."
"That's in Shin Makoku, where for some reason, I'm supposedly a step up from the most-wanted-to-date man in the land. Here, on the other hand, I'm just a very typical man who happened to land a stunningly beautiful demon such as yourself," He kissed Wolfram's hand. "all because of a mere chance."
"Aw, don't say that, Yuuri. You're very attractive," Wolfram blushed, as he took another sip of water. "And there's nothing typical about you. I don't know if I can really say that I would've noticed you if you weren't going to be the greatest king in Shin Makoku, or a king at all, for that matter." Yuuri scowled at the statement. "But I think that for anything to happen at all, is quite an impossible chance in itself. So I'm grateful you happened to fall into a toilet bowl and warp into our world as the future king." Wolfram chuckled to himself at the thought, though he sincerely was grateful. "And I'm even more thankful for being with you as you are."
"Wolfram…." Yuuri leaned in, so close that Wolfram could nearly feel his breathe against his, his nose against his, and his lips-
"And here's your salad," Their waiter came back alongside a few others to help prepare the food they brought to them. "It is a fresh chopped salad, served with walnuts, Roquefort cheese, and then topped with pears for this very delicious Pear Salad course. Additional vinaigrette is available on the table. Enjoy," He bowed away gracefully as he excused himself.
"…He barged in on purpose," Yuuri grumbled to himself, as he played around with the food.
"Oh please, Yuuri. I'm sure the man has better things to do." Wolfram assured, though that wasn't very helpful at all. Still, Wolfram was too hungry to notice Yuuri getting upset. He merely dug into the plateful of a very fragrant salad as quickly as he could. "Besides, I'm sure he was just doing his job."
"I guess…" Yuuri was still far too suspicious of the man, but if he was going to do anything at all today, it was going to be celebrating his anniversary to Wolfram. With that in mind….
"I'm sure we can do something to put the man in his place, though." Yuuri keenly suggested.
"Put him… in his place?" Wolfram cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," Yuuri tried to lean in closer again—this time, so that they were even closer and within kissing distance. "something like this—"
"And you're soup is here!" The waiter boisterously entered with his French onion soup and Wolfram's mini quiches. "They were quickly made and done with some strings pulled on my part," the man boasted. "but who's to say that it did any harm, right? Enjoy!" He joked.
"Oh wow, thanks! We were starving by the time we had to eat dinner," Wolfram happily took a bite from the mini quiches he brought in front of him. "
"Well then, you better eat up. I'm sure I can put in a good word to the chefs to add some more to your food."
"Hey, as much as we appreciate it, shouldn't you be—"
"Oh, and don't worry. There won't be any extra costs." He said to Yuuri, though the price was his least concern.
It left him even more frustrated when it became so blatantly obvious that he was trying to get something from his Wolfram. Honestly, it really was a game to him.
Well in that case!
"Waah, isn't that great? At least that guy is pretty useful, right?" Wolfram took a forkful of the course in front of him and moaned in satisfaction. "This is so good. Try some, Yuuri!" Wolfram scooped a bit onto his fork and raised it in midair.
Yuuri smiled and opened his mouth.
"Feed me~" Yuuri chided, as he leaned in.
"W-What? Yuuri, we're in public!" Wolfram scolded.
"Oh come on, we've done even more worse things in public." Yuuri teased, as he took a bite out of Wolfram's food. "Like kissing," He dipped his spoon into his soup and placed it in Wolfram's mouth. "touching," Yuuri brushed his hand against his. "Doing things like—"
"A-Ah! The waiter's here!" Wolfram jumped when the waiter returned, though he didn't come with any food.
"Hi, I just wanted to make sure the two of you were enjoying your meal." The waiter cleared their cleaned plates and awaited their answers.
"The food is just amazing. At this rate, I have very high expectations for the entrée we're going to be feasting on soon," Wolfram smiled, knowing full well that it made Yuuri mad to end seeing him smile for the man. Still, it was good to know he was still so passionate over him. "It'd be great if we could order more of the appetizers we had."
"Well then, I'll make sure to tell the chefs. If I may recommend something to you though," The waiter walked on over to Wolfram—with Yuuri glaring quite openly this time—and rested his hand on his backside as he used the other to show him another delicious course to try.
All too soon, Yuuri stood up in anger and though he was about to give him a piece of his mind, he made quite a ruckus when he accidentally struck the glass of water to the floor and spilled the remain.
"Oh, I'll get someone to clean that up." The waiter turned his attention back to Yuuri. "And you can decide meanwhile whether or not you'd like that dessert. I'm sure you'd love a piece of the fruit tart." He took a step back, bowed, and then returned to the kitchen.
"Geez, Yuuri. You're embarrassing us." Wolfram muttered, as he sighed heavily. He dabbed the corners of his mouth with his napkin, set it down, and then looked back up at his scowling husband. "I thought you said we were going to have a fun date. Instead, you overreact every time the man comes near us and you make a scene."
"I know, I'm sorry. That guy just ticks me off every time I see him." Yuuri said.
"You've only just met him," Wolfram pointed out.
"I know…" Yuuri sighed. "Sorry for overreacting. I just hate it when there are others trying to steal you away from me." He scratched his head. "Ah, but what am I talking about? I guess there are always going to be others going after you." He said. "You're just so unmistakably radiant, it seems like I'll always be competing with other men, huh?" Yuuri tried to laugh it off, but this time Wolfram scowled.
"Yuuri…" Wolfram whispered.
"…" Wolfram leaned in and kissed him—a deep, passionate kiss where their lips puckered, mouths slightly opened, and tongue dove in to grasp the other; the kind where they practically gasped for breath within a few seconds or so, and then went straight back to doing it again. And after such alluring kisses, it was obvious that they couldn't keep their hands off each other at this point (nor stay under the shocked observation of nearly every customer in the restaurant.
The waiter, completely shocked, had stepped out and only just then returned with their food packaged and wrapped to Yuuri. He leaned in and whispered, "I'm assuming you won't be eating this now," to which Yuuri profusely nodded. "Well then, enjoy the rest of your evening," the waiter greeted them as they hurried to put on their jackets and rushed out the door. "Oh!" The waiter caught Yuuri's arm. "And I'm sorry for trying to hit on your lover. If you ever happen to want to come back here, I promise it'll never happen again. I am, after all, a professional."
Yuuri nodded.
"The food was great. I'll make sure to bring him back here." Yuuri smiled, as they went off.
The waiter felt like he missed a great opportunity, but nonetheless, the ship has already sailed.
Even so….
Despite what looked like to be a romantic rendezvous in the hotel after dinner, Yuuri took Wolfram out to a nearby park on the way back to his home. They toured through a beautiful part of the park covered in cherry blossom trees and lanterns made exclusively for couples as they stared in awe at the serenity around them. They walked down a sandy pathway to a bridge made over a quiet brook, hand in hand, laughing as they reminisced about their past dates. And then, they finally arrived at a secluded area. Yuuri walked Wolfram over to a bench and sat him down slowly.
When Yuuri sat down, he could only stare at Wolfram's face: his angelic bed of blonde hair, his beautifully tinted porcelain skin, his glossy eyes glimmering an emerald green, his shapely nose, his high cheek bones dusted in a rose tint, his smooth lips…
Honestly, how did I ever get so lucky?
The chance to be in love.
To be loved.
And to be here together, happily married for an entire year….
I won't ever let this go.
Yuuri is staring at me again….
Wolfram blushed at the fact that his husband was looking at him so intently. But he quickly regained composure and mustered up the courage to look into his eyes—
Those deep, dark eyes that shined majestically in the moonlight…
Yuuri smiled when their eyes met, causing Wolfram to turn away again.
Why's he always grinning at me like that?
He scowled in embarrassment.
"Yuuri, you—"
"Ah!" Yuuri pointed up at the sky. "It's snowing!"
Wolfram turned and looked up as well—indeed, snow flitted down from the sky in a beautiful array of white in the midst of the dark. He couldn't help but smile as he raised his arm and turned his palm up to catch a few on his hand.
"It is…" He whispered, as a few melted on his nose. He shivered a bit as a cold breeze blew by, so Yuuri quickly wrapped his neck in his knit scarf and handed him his gloves.
"Honestly, Wolfram. I told you yesterday to prepare a few more things to carry to warm you up today. It's not good for the baby, you know." Yuuri scolded, as he made sure to feel the baby bump for signs of their child.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't wait to leave the house." Wolfram admitted, as he laid back on the bench seat. "I was just really excited, you know? Because we were celebrating our anniversary…."
"Yeah," Yuuri smiled, as he kissed Wolfram's cold cheek. "Look, I feel like we won't have much time left before the night is over. So I wanted to give you something…" Yuuri took his hand and kneeled on the ground before him.
"Y-Yuuri!" Wolfram blushed, as a passing couple giggled in amusement. "What did I say about having such un-kingly manners! You know you shouldn't bow before anyone."
"As King, I shouldn't bow before anyone except for those who I owe my life to." Yuuri clarified, as he glided his fingers across the palm of his lover's cold hand. "And I owe my life to you," He took out a ring box and then opened it, revealing the cognac ring he bought for his anniversary present.
"Yuuri," Wolfram whispered, as Yuuri added it on to the wedding band he already wore. "It's beautiful…" The band was a brilliant piece of gold in itself, but the diamond—it was so colored so beautifully that it seemed mesmerizing.
"It's nowhere near how happy I promise to make you be, Wolfram." Yuuri poetically spoke, as he looked up into his eyes in endearment. "I told you time after time again that I love you more than anything else in the world. But when this baby comes along, I'll promise to love him just as much and that I'll raise our child with the greatest care."
Wolfram nodded.
"I'm going to love you and our child too," He promised, as he pulled Yuuri up from his place. "It's everything I've ever wanted…. to start a family with you." Wolfram happily whispered, as Yuuri touched his baby bump. "Happy anniversary, Yuuri~" He kissed him on the lips.
"Happy anniversary" Yuuri laughed, as he kissed him back. Their heated kiss, now more warm than ever because of the cold around them, sank in deeper and deeper as Yuuri embraced him. Their heat, now more sensuous and breathtaking than ever, burned passionately in the night. Their heat was everything the both of them needed.
"I'm happy..." Wolfram whispered, so quietly that Yuuri barely heard him.
"Hmm?" Yuuri turned and looked at him.
"Yuuri, I'm so happy right now," Wolfram murmured. "I'm happy for all the holidays we spent together, the events we planned together, parties we threw together, and even just staying home—together. And now with this baby—our baby, it's going to be even better. I just know it."
"Me too." Yuuri nodded. He took his hand in his and looked up at they sky. "Me too."
[Three years later…]
"Papa!" A small child ran up to Yuuri and jumped into his arms. "Papa, Papa, Papa!"
"Yuu!" Yuuri picked his son up and raised him high up in the air. "Where's Papa Wolf?"
"A-Ah, um, he's—"
"Yuuya von Bieldfeld Harajuku Shibuya! Come back here right now!" Wolfram yelled at the top of his lungs as he stormed angrily after his three year old, defenseless son. When seeing he was with Yuuri, he relaxed. "Honestly, I thought I told you not to run around." Wolfram threw a towel at his son and told Yuuri to dry their son's face of the snow before standing by the garden for their family portrait.
"It's still going on?" Yuuri asked, though he was nowhere near as exasperated by the fact as Wolfram was.
"How long does this so-called "camera" take to give us a picture, Yuuri? Honestly, they've been fumbling with it forever!" Wolfram scowled, as Yuuri sighed. Little Yuu climbed down from his father's arms and ran for the garden in laughter.
"I told them time after time again that they only have to press the big button at the top. Here, let's go so we can end all this." Yuuri sighed, as he walked over to the fountain in the center of the castle gardens. Wolfram walked over to his son as Yuuri told the soldier how to work the camera.
By the time he was done explaining and the soldier finally got a handle on how to use it, Yuuri returned to his family's side and scooped up his little boy in his arms.
"Honestly, why did you insist on taking this picture? I'm sure there are professional artists who can make a grander portrait of us." Wolfram pouted, having to wait too long in the cold with his too-energetic-for-his-own-good son.
"Well," Yuuri said, as they huddled in together for their first picture.
"Smile!" The soldier called, as they did so and a flash suggested that the picture was taken.
"I wanted to take something to really capture the family, you know? And I remembered that my mom used to make all these photo albums of us when Shori and I were little. And even though I didn't get why she did it either, I kind of get it now." The three of them, escorted by a few soldiers, walked from one site to another to get their picture taken. "I want to remember…" Yuuri muttered, in a tone that did not suit him at all. It was senile in a way, though Yuuri barely aged a day from when they got married, which made his actions all the more peculiar.
"Okay…?" Wolfram smiled anyways every time when the time came to, and the three of them took dozens, if not a hundred photos or so in the day alone. And finally…
"Ah! Yuu is falling asleep." Yuuri noticed, as their son sat quietly on his lap.
"Don't wake him! He's been running around all day." Wolfram explained, as he snapped his fingers and the guards from his own regiment called for duty.
"Yes, sir!" They stood at attention.
"At ease." He said, as he took his son from Yuuri's arms. "Return our son to his crib in our house."
"Yes, sir!" They saluted, as they gently took the three-year old from their captain and briskly walked to their captain's home.
Now that they were done, Wolfram started to return to the castle when Yuuri stopped him all of a sudden.
"Ah! Wait, Wolfram! Let's take one more picture. For the two of us~" Yuuri grinned, as he took the camera and set the timer to three minutes.
"W-What? How are we going to get the picture working if no one's here to—" Yuuri grabbed his arm and led him to the steps of the castle.
2 minutes, 27 seconds….
"Don't worry about it, Wolfram! There's a timer on it that'll automatically take the picture for us when the time's up. But as for now—" Yuuri pushed him up four steps and told him to stay put as he ran back down, set the camera down at an angle that could be suitable for their picture, and then scurried back to where Wolfram stood waiting.
1 minute 43 seconds…
"Yuuri, why are you doing this now? Let's just go back in and take care of Yuu. Besides, aren't you tired?" Wolfram asked as he yawned. But Yuuri firmly took his hands, looked straight into his eyes and whispered.
"Wolfram, do you know where you're standing?"
58 seconds…
"This is where I first rode into the castle on my horse, Ao, and then fell because I didn't know what I was doing. And do you remember who was the first one to greet me here?" Yuuri asked.
"T=That—" Wolfram blushed in embarrassment—it was such a long time ago, when he was still just a selfish brat, himself, and oblivious to all the things Yuuri would come to show him. "I do, but—"
"I don't care about what you said to me, Wolfram. I just care that we met. Right here, on these steps."
34 seconds…
"Yuuri…" Wolfram stared into his eyes, wondering what in the hell Yuuri was trying to get across. But at that moment, there was something more: though their everyday romance slowly started to die out after their love and affection towards each other had to be divided for another—their son—right in that moment, everything was back to the way it used to be. Yuuri and Wolfram were enamored over each other so deeply that it felt as if every fight, every night out without the family, and every wait that had to be fought through alone vanished and only their feelings—more solid now than ever—remained.
5 seconds…
"Yuuri…" Wolfram touched his lover's face.
4 seconds…
He brushed his fingertips against Yuuri's lips.
3 seconds….
Yuuri reached out.
2 seconds…
"I love y—"
1 second…
A light flashed, signaling that the picture was taken. The trance they were in, the resurgence of their emotions after so many years, and the emotion-driven need to kiss in that one moment was never as so strong as it was right then. Surely, there would be more to what it all means, but as for now…
"I love you," Wolfram whispered in his ear, as he kissed him gently under the moonlit night and the snow-falling sky.
Yuuri cupped his face into his hands, touched his nose to his, and then leaned in. "I love you too."
The End
[Author's Note]: Waah, such a bittersweet moment~
I'm so relieved that the writing is over (yes, the writing is indeed over and no more chapters will be uploaded for this series—sadly, I didn't make it in time) and yet the idea that it's actually over…
Again, thank you so much for reading and please leave a final review for some final goodbyes/notes on what you thought of the chapter. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and will look forward to seeing any readers on my other series. Happy New years everyone!