Enkidu07's Drabble Challenge - Happy Birthday, Beaming Sunshine! She wanted a little bit of sleepy or sick and cuddly Sam and confused but relenting Dean. I hope this foots the bill at least a little and satisfies.
Prompt Word: PULL
Word Count: 100 words on the dot.
Other players in the challenge are now too many to list here! There're lots of people throwing Supernatural snowballs. You can find the list of names at Enkidu07's profile page and/or OnyxMoonbeam's profile page. Also, to find all of the lovely drabbles, there's a sweet little C2 community out there to subscribe to and enjoy. You can find the link on their profile pages mentioned above.
Disclaimer: Neither the boys nor anything related to Supernatural belongs to me. I'm just having some fun with the boys, playing around with Eric Kripke's sandbox.
By: Vanessa Sgroi
Sam listed toward Dean as he shuffled forward. The motel room door seemed miles away.
"Tired," he mumbled.
"Dude, I noticed," grunted Dean, struggling to support Sam's gargantuan proportions.
Once inside their room, he guided Sam to his bed and pushed him down on the edge. He took in Sam's rumpled clothes and dirt-smudged face. "Wanna shower?"
"Too tir'd. Don't know why…" Sam leaned forward toward Dean, practically head-butting his brother in the stomach. His eyes drooped closed.
Dean pulled the covers back, changed Sam's trajectory with push, easing him downward. "Go to sleep, Sam. We'll talk in the morning."