Me: Welcome to How I Met You!

Chiro: (Sighs.) You're getting ridiculous.

Me: Hey! I'm nearly done with Hitchhiking and the only reason I don't update on The Alchemist is Back because I'm stuck on the new characters! Don't nag me on TMBATTG because I'm still stuck and the Monkey Team Castaways are confusing!

Chiro: What about Raised by Monkeys?

Me: I'm working on that.

Chiro: Okay. Just don't leave the readers on a cliffhanger.

Me: I won't.

Chiro: So what's it about this time?

Me: How you met the Monkey Team.

Chiro: Not enough description huh?

Me: You know it.

Chiro: This is going to be fun.

Me: Your being sarcastic right?

Chiro: You know me too well.

Me: (Sighs.) Sometimes I wish I didn't.

Chiro: (Laughs.) Maybe you do, maybe you don't.

Me: Let's get this show on the road Chiro!

Chiro: Okay! Don't chew my head off! Aunna doesn't own SRMTHFG! If she did I don't even want to think about what would happen!

Me: Read and Review!

Chapter One: The Sewers

I peaked around the corner hoping that B.T. and Glenny had decided that I wasn't worth it today. No such luck. They stood at the end of the street waiting for me. I sighed. I wasn't going to be able to go to the park today.

I bent down and removed the lid to the sewer. The moment it was off the horrible stench wafted up. But I was no longer affected. The sewers had been my home for years. There was no way the smell could make me gag.

I climbed down the ladder after I put the cover over the hole. From here my 'room' was a mile or two.

I stepped onto the narrow stoned floor on the side of the feces filled stream. This dump was home. Not the best but it's better then my old home. I touched the scar on my shoulder and shivered.

I walked along the floor keeping an eye out for rats or Mister Louis. I shivered at the memory.


A nine-year-old Chiro was walking in the sewers two years after he ran away from home. It still hurt his eyes and nose down here but he would grow accustom to it. He saw a man at the end of the corridor. "Hey!" Chiro shouted.

The man turned around. "What theā€¦" the man said.

"My name's Chiro!" Chiro said. "What's yours?"

"Name's Mister Louis," the man said. "Have you heard of what I did boy?"

"No sir," Chiro said.

"I murdered three little boys," Mister Louis said. "And I'm about to make that four little boys!"

Chiro wasn't dumb. He knew he was the only boy and screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran. He could hear Mister Louis's footsteps and something metal scrapping the walls. He knew Mister Louis had a knife.

He made a turn at the next corridor and crawled into a tight space. Chiro could get out easily but Mister Louis wouldn't be able to pull him out. He curled himself into a tiny ball and waited.

He heard Mister Louis's footsteps as he came closer. Chiro wanted to scream at the top of his lungs again but knew he couldn't. He would have a better chance of surviving if he didn't.

He saw Mister Louis's feet and held his breath. He hoped he would walk away. And Mister Louis did just that. Chiro was safe.

For now.

End of Flashback.

I reached my 'room' and moved the piece of wall that acted as a door. I sighed once again. I was home.

My 'room' wasn't much. It was just a piece of the sewer they forgot to fill up with cement when the modified it. There was a little hole where sunlight came through that let the water in when it rained so I had a metal tub underneath it.

The metal tub acted as a bath tub and a wash basin too. In the corner was my 'bed'; a pillow and a pile of blankets and clothes. I had a pile of books next to the 'bed' I had received from Mister Gakslapper.

I picked up a book called 'Shuggazoom's Protectors' and began to read. There was a man called Captain Shuggazoom which I had heard a lot about and his friend the Alchemist. Not much was known about the Alchemist except he helped Captain Shuggazoom and mysteriously disappeared one day.

Captain Shuggazoom took up a big piece of the book. The rest of the book was on a group called the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go. I read about them and rolled my eyes. Who ever wrote this was obviously day-dreaming. There was no way six robotic monkeys had help protect Shuggazoom against Skeleton King. It was just impossible.

I decided to check out the outskirts tomorrow since it was a Saturday. No school and B.T. and Glenny would be fishing. Nothing weird or dangerous lives in the outskirts right?
