
"Pick up the pace!" Kai called out across the yard.

He was making them all run 10 laps to warm up before they even began training.

Rei, usually up the front during these sessions, was lagging behind, almost a quarter of a lap behind everyone else. Kai noticed this and was worried.

"Come on you lazy lot!" Kai shouted, "Only 3 more laps." He jogged up beside Rei who was now panting hard.

"Are you ok Rei?" Kai asked, trying to hide how deeply his concern ran for the boy.

"Humff, Yeah, Humff." Rei panted.


Rei nodded. Kai stopped jogging beside him and turned his focus towards the others.

"Tyson, for Gods sake! Do you really have to left feet? Stand up and keep going!"

Tyson said something that sounded like "Bloody Russian git." Before getting up and finishing his tenth lap.

Max and Tyson stood by Kai, catching their breath. Kai looked up at Rei, who was obviously struggling.

"You two, you know what to do. Do it." Kai called whilst walking towards Rei.

"Rei, stop." Kai says softly.

"No. I'm fine Kai." Rei gasped, trying to run around Kai.

"No, you're not. Stop."

Rei did. He bent over, gasping desperately for air. When he was finally able to breathe again, Rei looked up.

"Sorry Kai."

Kai looked at him, confusion obvious in his face, "For what?"

"Not being able to keep up, for being weak. I don't think I slept enough last night."

"Are you sure?" Kai asked sceptically.

"Yes," Rei replied, "I'll catch up with some sleep on the bus later on the way to the tournament." Rei walked away from Kai and towards where the others were training. Kai watched him, knowing that something wasn't right.

The upcoming tournament was only practice for the big one next month, but Kai wanted them to win. He wanted the other teams to know that they would have to work there butt's off to be anywhere near as good. He wanted them to know what an excellent leader he was.

After training was complete, Kai instructed the rest of the team to get their bags and meet him on the bus in ten.

Kai went up to his room, throwing all the necessities into his bag and sped down to the bus.

As he walked closer he saw Rei, he was leaning against the bus with his eyes shut. His complexion was paler than usual and he was shaking slightly. Kai looked at the boy worriedly and approached him.

"Rei, are you really ok? You can stay behind if you like, your presence is not mandatory."


After practice Rei went straight to the bus as his bag was already there. His head was pounding and he felt weak so he lent against the bus, shutting his eyes.

When Rei had woken up that morning he'd felt like hell. His head was hurting and his stomach ached profusely. He'd continued down to training hoping it would wear off, but he was wrong. Training was torture. Every step Rei took made him dizzy and nauseous. When Kai had asked him if he was ok, he had said yes purely because he didn't want his leader and crush to see him be weak. When Kai had made him stop, he knew it was for his own good, but he still felt foolish.

"Rei, are you really ok?" Kai's voice pulled him out of his thought's and also caused his head to throb, "You can stay behind if you like, your presence is not mandatory."

Yes, stay behind, sleep! He thought, but he couldn't say that. Kai would find him weak. "I'll be fine." Rei replied, opening his eyes. He wished he hadn't. The whole world tilted sideways, Rei with it.

"Whoa," Kai said, grabbing hold of Rei and easing him to the ground, "Head between your legs and take some deep breathes."

Rei did as Kai said and was soon able to lift his head and look up into Kai's crimson eyes.

"Rei, please, what's wrong?" Kai practically begged.

Don't say you're sick, he'll not let you compete; he'll know you're weak.

"I'm fine, really, just tired." Rei told Kai, using him as a means of standing up.

"I'm tired to Rei, but I didn't just almost faint."

"I'm to hot as well." Rei told him.

"Okā€¦Get in the bus where it's cooler, and get some sleep."

Rei nodded and got on the bus. He sat down and laid across two seats, shutting his eyes again. This is going to be a long, painful, day.