YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE MY BUSYNESS! -.- Enjoy the chapter ^_^
Cat stood outside of the pizza parlor. She checked her cell phone, it was already 5:58 Robbie was supposed to be there at 6. Exactly two minutes later she saw Robbie's car pull into a spot. She smiled. He walked up to her.
"Hi Cat" he smiled.
"Hi" She waved. He put his arm around her as she walked in, she blushed. The date went well, Cat felt like she and Robbie really clicked (a/n *click* what was that? :O). After pizza they went for a walk in the park, and the only light was the full moon and the fireflies. The frogs and the crickets made their calls, and they walked slowly, hand in hand, down the dirt path. Whenever they made eye contact the stars twinkled in their eyes. Cat no longer cared about the creepiness of the other day; it was a dream to her. As they were walking Robbie randomly tapped her on the shoulder.
"Tag" he whispered. He ran away as Cat chased after him. The two laughed as they played. As Cat ran after him she slipped and fell, pulling Robbie down with her. They fell on top of each other. "Whoa, are you OK?"
"Fine" Cat laughed. They laughed for a second, but as they silenced they looked at each other… I think you can guess where this is going.
*passionate kiss*
Yep, that happened. After the kiss they smiled at each other. Cat suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness. She yawned.
"Gee what time is it?" Cat pulled out her phone. She gasped. "HOLY CORN ON THE COB IT'S MIDNIGHT!"
"Corn on the cob?" Robbie questioned.
"It's midnight!" she exclaimed "I gotta get home" she quickly got up.
"I drive you" Robbie followed her. When Robbie dropped Cat off at her house her gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Cat" She smiled.
"Night" She squealed. As she went inside she shut the door behind her and slid to the floor "BEST. DATE. EVER!" She whispered to herself. She gave a squeal as she ran off to bed.
Tori, of course, was sleeping, but what do you do when you sleep? You dream!
She was fishing, with Cat. Cat was whistling sailor songs. Tori suddenly felt a tugging at her fishing line. She gasped.
"Hey Cat I caught one!" She exclaimed as she attempted to pull it in "gee this one's hard to get" she commented.
"You can do it Tori!" Cat shouted. Tori finally pulled in her line but realized the fish had taken the bait and left.
"Aw, shoot" She frowned looking at her empty line. Cat patted her back.
"Don't worry Tori! There are plenty of fish in the sea! Hehe!" Cat winked. The words echoed in her head. Suddenly her eyes burst open; she was back in her bed. She was obviously dreaming.
"That was an odd dream" she thought. Suddenly she remembered what Cat had said about plenty of fish in the sea. Her eyes bulged as she understood. "ANDRE!" her heart screamed…
Hope you liked it! ^_^