Well here is my first attempt at a Final Fantasy X story. This idea just randomly popped into my head one day so I thought I would give it a shot and see where it went. So this story is more of an experiment for me, but I am pretty happy with what I have come up with so far. Hopefully those of you reading it will like it too so I can continue writing it ^_^

Disclaimer: Applies to this chapter and all the ones following it, I do not own anything in this story taken from Final Fantasy X

Chapter 1: A prelude to tragedy

"I've done it, I've become a summoner"

Just saying those words makes it seem even more surreal. The day so many people were excited over, but at the same time, the day they were also dreading. They all know the tragedy that awaits me at the end of this journey. The birth of a summoner is also the day that marks the death of the summoner, giving my life for the people of Spira. I have chosen this path, just like my father before me, and I can't turn back. Not now, not ever.

Yuna looked out at the ocean, sitting in her own little secluded part of the beach. The place where she had escaped to countless times during her past 10 years on Besaid Island. The place where she could be alone and just think or let out the emotions and feelings she always hid from everyone in the village. But this time, she felt nothing, and her mind was void of all thought. It was just hours after she officially became a summoner. She just stared out at the setting sun, knowing she would need to return to the village soon or they would come looking for her. But she knew what awaited her there. The smiling faces of the villagers, hiding their pain for her sake.

"Well, I guess I better head back. I can't change my decision now."

Yuna sighed as she stood up and brushed all the sand from her long purple skirt. She looked out at the ocean one more time before turning toward the trail and making her way back to the village.

"Oh Yuna, there you are, I was getting worried."

"Sorry Lulu, I guess I lost track of time."

Lulu was like an older sister to Yuna ever since she moved to Besaid Island from Bevelle 10 years ago. Now, Lulu was going along with Yuna on her journey to defeat Sin, the fiend that terrorized Spira for a thousand years. Yuna's job as a summoner was to defeat Sin, using the final aeon, which would take Yuna's life as well. Lulu's job as a guardian was to protect Yuna until the end. Despite knowing what fate awaited Yuna at the end of their journey, Lulu knew how much Yuna wanted this; the safety of the people of Spira meant everything to Yuna.

"Hey you two, come here. There is someone I want you to meet, ya."

Wakka called over Yuna and Lulu who walked over to him and the young blonde-haired boy he stood next to. Yuna had seen him earlier in the temple after she had become an official summoner, but she didn't know who he was.

"This is Tidus. He is the newest member of the Besaid Aurochs and he is going to help us win the blitzball tournament this year. I've seen what he can do and I am sure we can win with him on our side."

Wakka was the captain of the Besaid Aurochs, the blitzball team of Besaid Island. Blitzball was the most popular sport in Spira, and this was going to be the last year for Wakka. He was retiring from the sport to focus on his other job, as Yuna's guardian. Like Lulu, Wakka saw Yuna as a little sister and would go to the end of the world to protect her.

Yuna was focusing on Tidus though. She thought he was very handsome and he looked like he would make a good guardian. His most striking feature was his bright blue eyes, and the light from the fire make them shine in the darkness.

Before Yuna could say anything to him she was pulled away by some of the children in the village to play a game with them. She knew she would have another chance to talk to him later in the evening.

It wasn't until much later in the evening that Yuna was finally able to talk to Tidus.

"Thank you so much for your help earlier."

Tidus had gone into the temple looking for Yuna when the villagers started to get worried about her.

"But wasn't I not supposed to…"

"Oh, it's alright. Everything worked out alright so no harm was done. But I wanted to thank you anyway."

"Well your welcome."

Yuna couldn't help but smile when she stared into Tidus' deep blue eyes as he smiled back.

"But I was wondering, you didn't even know me yet you came running in after me. Why?"

"I guess I am just used to helping people when they are in trouble. I hate to see people get hurt without anyone around to help them, or people ignoring them when they see they in trouble."

"Sounds like you have had a tough time growing up."

Tidus looked at Yuna in shock. He had just met this girl and she already figured out what his childhood was like, something he didn't tell many people.

"I guess you are right."

"But it seems to have made you into a really nice and caring person."

Both Yuna and Tidus smiled as the villagers around them started to head insides their homes to get some sleep.

"So, I will see you tomorrow then?"


"We are taking the same boat, aren't we?"

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"Then I look forward to it. Good night."

"Good night."

Yuna and Tidus walked to their tents to get some sleep before their journey starting the next morning.

Yuna walked into the tent she shared with Lulu, feeling wide awake after talking to Tidus, she cheeks still slightly red having felt her face get hot while talking to him.

"Are you alright Yuna? You look a little flushed."

Lulu walked toward Yuna and put her hand to her forehead, feeling for a fever.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? It seems like something is on your mind. You want to talk about it?"

Yuna looked toward the floor, her brown hair falling to cover her face before she nodded her head. Lulu was one of the few people she felt comfortable talking to about anything. They walked into the bedroom they shared and sat at the end of one of the two beds in the room.

"So what's bothering you Yuna?"

"I am just starting to realize all that I am giving up for this pilgrimage. We both know what is going to happen once this journey reaches its end; I won't be coming back."

"You chose this path Yuna; it was what you truly wanted."

"I know, and I still want to do this, I guess it just took me awhile to realize all the things I have to sacrifice just so I can help the people."

"I understand Yuna, but you can't turn back now. What is there you haven't done yet that you really want? Maybe we can do it along the way."

Yuna's face went bright red and she hid her face behind her hair again. She quietly mumbled something, keeping her gaze toward the floor.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you Yuna."

Yuna said it a little louder but it was still too quiet.

"What are you so afraid of telling me? You know I would never judge you."

"I want to have sex with you!"

Yuna quickly clapped her hands over her mouth, her face bright red and in complete disbelief that she just said that out loud. She didn't feel Lulu move an inch, but she was too embarrassed to look her in the face. Yuna stood up and started to walk toward her bed, but Lulu grabbed her hand to stop her and stood up as well. Lulu put her other hand on Yuna's cheek and turned Yuna's face toward her. She saw those bi-colored eyes starting to well up with tears. But she just leaned in and softly put her lips together with Yuna's.

Yuna was in total shock. She couldn't believe Lulu, the woman she saw as a sister to her, was kissing her. But this is what she wanted and she wasn't going to give up her opportunity to take it. She eagerly kissed back, intensifying the kiss, feeling Lulu wrap her arms around her waist, pulling Yuna's body against her own. Lulu pushed Yuna down to the bed, never breaking the kiss. It wasn't long before Lulu started to un-tie all the laces and knots that held Yuna's clothes together. She pulled everything off until Yuna was laying there in nothing but her white cotton bra and panties. Suddenly feeling very exposed and self-conscious, Yuna tried to cover her body with her arms, but Lulu pinned them down on the bed, causing Yuna to look up at her in surprise.

"You are a beautiful young woman Yuna; there is nothing you need to hide."

Yuna just smiled as Lulu started to kiss down her neck, softly at first and then a bit more intense as she heard Yuna moan and start to writhe under her. Lulu kept kissing lower and lower along Yuna's body until she got to her breasts. Lulu gently squeezed one of them before slipping it out of the bra. Lulu kissed all around it before taking the hard pink nipples in her mouth. Yuna gasped for air from the feeling of Lulu's warm mouth sucking on her nipple. She couldn't stop moaning and squirming on the bed as Lulu did the same thing to Yuna's other breast.

As Lulu kept sucking on each of Yuna's nipples, her hand was sliding down Yuna's smooth stomach to the waistband of her simple white panties. She started to slip them off before Yuna suddenly stopped her.

"Please Lulu; I want to see you first."

Lulu was happy to oblige as she quickly slipped out of her dress and tossed it to the floor. Since she didn't ever wear a bra, she was kneeling on the bed wearing just her black lace panties. Yuna couldn't help staring at Lulu's beautiful body, especially her breasts, which were much larger than her own. Lulu took both of Yuna's hands and placed them on her large breasts. Yuna was hesitant to do anything at first but soon started playing with Lulu's nipples, rolling them between her fingers until they were rock hard. Yuna slowly moved down and took one of Lulu's nipples into her mouth. Lulu let out a quiet moan as Yuna laid her down on the bed, starting to suck a little harder on Lulu's hard pink nipples. Lulu closed her eyes and enjoyed the treatment Yuna was giving her. When Yuna gently bit her nipple, Lulu moaned her name and gripped the sheets. She had never felt this good before and she didn't want it to end.

As Yuna kept working on her breasts, Lulu slipped off her own black panties and started rubbing her clit. She was moaning louder and writhing underneath Yuna. She was so lost in pleasure that she didn't notice when Yuna had moved down from her chest to her womanhood, watching Lulu play with herself before replacing Lulu's fingers with her own. Lulu screamed in ecstasy as she felt herself getting closer to her release. She guided Yuna's fingers a little further down until they were right in front of Lulu's dripping wet entrance. Yuna slowly slid two fingers inside of Lulu as she arched her back off the bed and was biting down on her lip to keep from screaming again. Yuna was moving her fingers in a steady rhythm inside of Lulu and just when she knew Lulu was almost over the edge, she leaned down and started to lick the tip of Lulu's clit. Lulu couldn't hold back anymore; she screamed Yuna's name and came all over her fingers.

As Lulu was coming down from her high, Yuna was licking Lulu's essence off her fingers. When she was finished she let Lulu continue to recover from her orgasm as she took off her soaked through panties and started fingering herself. She was moaning softly as Lulu sat up and was watching her for a moment. Lulu moved so she was right in front of Yuna's pussy and started sucking hard on Yuna's clit. It felt so good that Yuna fell back on the bed and arched her hips up toward Lulu's mouth. Lulu kept sucking on her clit and slid a finger inside Yuna. Yuna's head was spinning; she had never felt such pleasure before in her life. Her loud moans kept Lulu going and soon she added another finger inside Yuna. She was sliding them quickly in and out of Yuna's dripping wet pussy and licking her clit as fast as she could. It wasn't long before Yuna was screaming Lulu's name as she came and collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. Lulu moved next to Yuna on the bed and covered the both of them with the blanket, pulling Yuna closer as she was still trying to catch her breath.

"Thank you Lulu. You have no idea how much I wanted this."

"I think I have some idea. Just get some rest; we have a long journey starting tomorrow."

Yuna nodded and quickly fell asleep in Lulu's arms. Lulu stared up at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts before drifting off to sleep as well.

Well I hope you all enjoyed it. If I get some positive reviews I will definitely continue with this story, and I will try to work a lemon into each chapter. This was my first attempt at a pure yuri lemon so I hope it turned out alright; I think I did pretty well. Well leave reviews and let me know what you think of my "experiment". Haha ^_^