Hi there. So this just won't leave my head so I thought I should put it up here before it drives me crazy. It's a lot different to my other two fics but hopefully you guys will like it. This should be a three to five chapter story. Let me know if it's any good coz I don't if it is. Read and review. Enjoy

Quinn and Rachel had been together for six years now and they were going to get married in three months, Quinn wanted to wait for until their wedding night to have sex again but Rachel wasn't having any of it. Rachel had fulfilled her dream of being a Broadway actress and Quinn owned and ran her own successful restaurant. The two had met back up in New York when they were both in collage Quinn in NYU and Rachel in Julliard.

"Quinn why not, I mean you always up for it so why the sudden stop, come on please?" Rachel said with a pout.

"No Rachel, I mean it we are not having sex before our wedding night no matter what you do I am not caving in." The blonde replied with a sigh.

"I believe that that was a challenge?" said Rachel.

"No it wasn't and stop the more you think about the more you want it so please stop, it not going to happen. So please drop the subject." Quinn said.

"No I will not drop it Quinn, how about a little bet?" said Rachel knowing Quinn would never back down from a bet no matter what.

"What king of bet?" she inquired.

"Well, I have two weeks to convince you into having sex and if I succeed we are allowed to have sex when ever but we will stop one week before the wedding just to make you happy, and in these two weeks I don't convince you then I am not allowed to even mention or complain about it until the wedding." She said with a smirk.

"So basically you have two weeks to seduce me in to having sex with you or you don't get to complain until the wedding." the blonde with a slight smirk said, knowing that Rachel probably already had a plan to get the blonde to crack.

Deal but no emotional blackmail and you can't force me to do anything meaning you can't jump me or force yourself on me. Kissing is allowed but I can pull away whenever I want. These are my terms if you agree to them then we have a deal." She said with huge grin o her face knowing Rachel would agree no matter what her conditions were.

"Deal but if you even touch me in a way that says you want me I win and u can use your knees to give me pleasure either." Rachel said. Getting into bed laying beside the blonde.

"Night baby." Quinn said with a kiss on Rachel's lips.

"Night" was the shorter woman's reply as nuzzled into the blonde's neck. Both women went to sleep knowing that the next two weeks were going to be interesting if nothing else. Quinn woke the next morning to find Rachel in the shower.

"Hey baby you want to join me, I am feeling really dirty." a sultry voice from the bathroom.

"No thanks babe you get yourself all cleaned up and I will make breakfast." Quinn said with a smile on her face whilst she nodded her head. Quinn had made breakfast whilst Rachel quickly got out the shower. She entered the kitchen with a very short towel that barely even covered her body.

Rachel sat down at the breakfast nook and started eating the pancakes, she was moaning with each bite she took the sexual moaning was becoming too much for Quinn to handle so Quinn quickly gulped down her coffee and ran into the cold shower.

Rachel smirked at the blondes form as she ran across the apartment for cold a shower; she knew that it would only take her few more tries before Quinn cracked. Quinn quickly got changed and ran out of the apartment in the fear that Rachel would try something else.

That night Rachel had returned back from before Quinn and she checked the time and saw that the blonde would be home in the next ten minutes or so. She quickly went to her bedroom and took out her black lacy lingerie and put it on and ran and sat on the couch in a sexual position to show the blonde all her private parts to get her to break.

Quinn came home to find Rachel on the couch in a black lacy bra covered everything but the material was see though so it was like Rachel wasn't even wearing it the panties were no different as they were also a see though material. The way she was sitting was helping either, her legs spread across the couch and her chest was heaving up as if it was inviting Quinn to touch it.

"Have you eaten yet?" She questioned with her eyes glued on the floor as she really couldn't trust herself if she even glanced in Rachel's direction.

"Yeah I have eaten but I would love for you to eat me" she said back in a whisper.

"No thanks I am really not hungry, maybe another time, I ate at the restaurant." She replied as she walked into the bedroom to create as much space between the two of them. But Rachel followed her. Quinn went straight into the shower, Rachel was behind her again.

"So you want me to join you in there I think we could both get really dirty and then clean each other up." She said as she was about to take of the little clothing she was already wearing.

"Nope but thanks for the offer." Quinn quickly replied as she turned on the cold water. Rachel just walked back into the bedroom think about what her next move was going to be, because she thought that as soon as Quinn saw her in her underwear she would win.

Quinn came out of the shower and got into bed not really wanting to give Rachel another chance at tempting she closed her eyes tightly to avoid whatever the brunette was going to do next. Rachel crawled into bed in only her panties as she had already discarded the bra. She curled up the blonde to make sure Quinn knew that Rachel was completely topless.

Quinn could fell Rachel's bare breasts pushed up against her body; she wanted nothing more than to push Rachel away but thought it would be more fun to toy with brunette into thinking she had won. She turned so she was facing her lover. With her right hand she pulled Rachel in closer into her own body so that their mouths were only an inch apart. She held the other woman's gaze intensely. She slowly closed the gap between the two and placed a chaste kiss to the brunette's lips.

"That's better" said Quinn as pulled Rachel in closer and placed another kiss to the confused brunette laying next to her. Rachel was completely confused she thought that Quinn had given in when she felt her pull her closer.