Snape's Family

Chapter One: The Traitor



"Amongst you stands a man of ill justice. A slippery fiend, once friend, whose loyalties I had never thought needed questioning. But now, I admit that I, Lord Voldemort, have made a mistake."

The circle of people tensed and behind the distorted masks, little flickers of blue, green, brown, red and black pupils were evident, cast to the ground, the sky and at their neighbours.

"Reveal yourself, traitor." The Dark Lord commanded, swishing his wand sharply around the circle. A gust of wind rippled through the cloaks and one mask fell to the floor. "I present to you, our traitor."

"My Lord," whispered the traitor, falling to their knees and shuffling foreword. The traitor kissed the hem of his masters robe. "I lie to you not, my Lord. My word has been as true as that first time I brought news to you."


The traitor writhed on the floor. The pain steadily advanced from a sharp prick to an unbearable whirl of fire lashing against limbs and glacier like glass scraping burnt flesh.

"Stand, traitor!" the Dark Lord barked, stand and face death. Look me in the eye as your screams curdle the very juices of these buried corpses. I want to feel your fear."

"My Lord," the traitor pleaded, scampering to their knees and kissing the Dark Lord's robes once more, "My Lord I ask through justice, as a loyal follower and messenger of truth, where such accusations have been born?"

"Do not try and hinder me. Do not attempt to soften me. You of all should know that Lord Voldemort shows no compassion to those whose trust has been tarnished." The traitors dark eyes flashed quickly around the grave yard, searching desperately for any way or hope of escape. Anything to cling to.

Lord Voldemort lifted his wand and pressed it, execution style, against eh traitors forehead. He smirked. "Goodbye, Severus Snape."

It had been a month since the grave yard escapades. Severus Snape had just barely survived the assault. His memory had failed him, despite many attempts to re-enact what had happened that night, his mind had shut tight vaults around the information. His last remaining memories of that night were of wild and hazard flashes coming from all directions. A whip of white robes, a tussle and heavy breathing. He remembered the creased, sweaty brow of Professor Dumbledore, and the mans strained features as he hauled Severus from the grave yard, disapperating close to the small country road. Severus was very grateful for the old mans help and he thanked him deeply afterwards, in an emotional display of affection very unknown to the potions masters character.

Since that night, turmoil had erupted throughout the wizarding world. With recent accusations made by Harry Potter to the public the following term, of Voldemort's return, upset had rustled chaos within the Ministry. Those who once had turned to the words of Albus Dumbledore for trust and information, were now publicly scorning him; spinning tales of his apparent dementia or that the Potter boy was tormented by past ghosts. Severus secretly, though he often admitted to himself after a session with the boy, rather spitefully, enjoyed the accusation and negative press aimed at Harry. He hindered an unbreakable grudge toward the boy, he had accepted that now, and as he sat alongside the dying fire in the Hogwarts staff room, he allowed himself a quick grin at today's headlines.

Potter - Potty?

An intricate article by Rita Skeeter

Since the graveyard escapades, much had changed. The Wizarding world was no longer safe. News of sudden and mysterious murder hit the headlines most days. A strange light often seen glowing wherever trouble was ensued. To those familiar with it, the evidence was obvious. The Dark Lord had returned and now, more than ever, did his grudge against humanity spark fear into the very hearts of those who had outlived his feared first rampage.

"Dad? Do you think we could take a trip to Hogsmeade later today?" a small dark haired girl asked, poking her head up from the back of the chair she was hidden behind. "It's just I'd like to have a look around Tomes and Scrolls. They've got the latest publication of 'Potions Potent'."

Professor Snape looked up from his paper. "Not today, Roisn. I've got some important school work to deal with."

"Do you mean Harry Potter, because mum says you've been doing nothing but nagging about him coming to Hogwarts far earlier than he should be allowed?"

He scowled. "You're mother has the tendency to exaggerate just a little bit though, doesn't she?"

Roisin cocked both her eyebrows high on her forehead and gave Professor Snape a knowing look. "Maybe." she said, shrugging lightly. "But she's certainly not a liar." With that she slid back behind the chair and continued with her reading.

From his seat, Severus rolled his eyes. His daughter, Roisin Snape, was an intelligent and witty girl of 14, with long dark wavy hair, the rosiest cheeks Severus had ever seen and an absolute mission to harass her poor father at every opportunity presented. Most said that she was a complete replica of himself. Secretly, he was delighted.

It was because of his family that Severus was present at Hogwarts during the summer. The family home was in Greenwhich, but because of Severus's revealed identity as a double agent, they were no longer safe. So now, the Snape family resided within the walls of Hogwarts, much to the delight of the ghosts, whose most missed delight of Hogwarts were the students. That particular day, Roisin has chosen to stay home with her father. He had given her an advanced potions text and told her to "make with it what you can, Roisin, but don't get your hopes up. It's a very difficult text." She smirked to herself, as she curled up on her chair. The text was probably the easiest she had read all summer. Her father didn't know this, but she had often snuck into his personal stores back home and read snippets of his most advanced copies. From her little corner in the staff room, she was rather comfortable. She had chosen to remain with her father that day as she felt that she had needed a break from her family. She often wondered what it would be like to be an only child.

A knock on the wooden door drew Severus from his paper. He was a bit resentful, he had been reading an amusing article of a Witch who had managed to get herself trapped in a toilet while practicing to be a muggle plumber. The door swung open and Professor Dumbledore crossed the thresh hold, the usual gleam and glint in his eye.

"Morning Severus." he greeted, going to one of the cupboards and rummaging through it. "And Roisin, hard at the study, yes?"

"As always. " she smiled, beaming up at him. Roisin had been the lucky one. She had gotten Professor Dumbledore as her godfather.

"Morning, Albus. Read the papers?" Severus asked, tucking his reading glasses into the front pocket of his robe.

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head. "I don't bother on fine mornings such as this, my boy. Isn't it all the same lark as the day before?"

"Potty Potter it is today, sir." Severus smirked, pushing himself from the table and going to poor himself a cup of coffee.

"I trust you anticipate his arrival?"

"As much as any werewolf does to silver."

Dumbledore smiled softly. He pulled a chair up to Severus's table and set his bowl down. "I do really love these muggle cornflakes. A great pity wizarding manufacturers are far to proud to stock such delicacies."

"More like household disasters. I find them dried out and stuck to everything: cushions, carpets, milk stains on the coffee tables."

"Albus?" Roisin piped up from her chair.

"Yes darling?" he replied, turning his attention to her. He smiled lovingly.

"Do you think you and I could head down to Hogsmeade today? I want to go to Tom-"

"You were already told no, Roisin, now drop the subject!" Severus said in an annoyed tone. He expected the same respect from his children as he did from his students. Roisin was about to protest but stopped when Severus shot her one of his looks. Instead, she scowled and picking up her book, stropped out of the room. "Don't say anything, Albus." he continued, holding a hand up, "She needs to learn that no matter what the situation, times are harder now and safety is priority." he rustled his newspaper back open, crossed his leg and held it to his face. "Besides, you're going to mail order it for her anyway now that you know she seeks it. So don't fuss."

Back in Surrey, Little Whinging, Privet Drive, Number 4, a boy whose birthday was today, sat with his forehead pressed to the metal bars which blocked his window. His green eyes were rooted firmly on 4 silhouettes above the rooftops. He tightened his grip on the metal bars as they neared. Closer, closer, closer. Any minute now all 4 would lash against the bars. He began to panic and waved his hands dramatically, trying to shoo the owls in the opposite direction. But as they neared, instead of aiming for his window, they swooped quickly and graciously through the window downstairs.

Harry Potter froze. Now he was done for, now they'd get him. He waited for the shrieking and roaring downstairs. But none came. The sound of footprints on the stairs was all he heard. He braced himself for the screaming and the thump. His aunt and uncle hated everything and anything to do with magic and 4 hooting owls certainly did not evade that hatred. His door swung open and Vernon Dursley walked in. His temple throbbed rapidly and his red face dribbled beads of sweat. His large moustache twitched wildly and Harry knew he was trying fiercely to remain calm.

"For you?" he hissed, through gritted teeth.

Harry bit his lip, trying hard not to let a smirk cross his features. Each of the owls had attached themselves to Mr. Dursley. Two sat on each shoulder, one on his head and the smallest, an eccentric looking owl struggled to keep himself steady on Mr Dursley's wrist. Harry wished he had a camera with him, just to record the image forever on paper, and possibly show it to almost everyone at Hogwarts. He smirked lightly.

"POTTER!" his uncle roared. The owls rustled in fright, hitting their wings against Mr Dursley's face. "THAT'S IT!" he roared, flapping his arms up and down and shaking them wildly, trying to shake the owls from his clothing. They hooted loudly. The little owl on Mr Dursley's wrist dug his talons tightly into his wrist, pinching his fat arms uncomfortably.

Harry jumped up from his seat, waving his arms about. "Shoo!" he huffed, "Come on, get off. Fly!" The owls rustled there wings in sequence and flapped from Mr Dursley's body onto the bed. Harry stared up at his uncles sweaty beetroot face. He watched the beads of sweat trickle from his forehead, between his eyes and down his nose, hanging like icicles from the tip.

"You!" Mr Dursley hissed, prodding Harry sharply into the chest. Harry recoiled. "You have just crossed the final line. You have been far luckier than you deserve: a room, food, clothing, and this is how you repay us! Well, you are do - !"

"VERNON!" Ms Dursley screamed from downstairs. Mr Dursley turned and ran from the room, shaking the wardrobe as he ran. Harry followed him to the landing and listened. There were voices downstairs. Not just the sound of Ms Dursley screaming and throwing cups, nor was it the sound of Mr Dursley shouting "INTRUDERS!", nor was it the sound of Dudley Dursley sniffling, probably hidden behind the doors or chair. No, these sounds were familiar, the voices of people whom Harry had met before.

"Mr and Ms Dursley, please, relax." he heard a gentle voice say, "I assure you no one sighted us entering. You are causing attraction to yourselves."

"Get out of my house, you freaks!" Mr Dursley roared. There was a quick sound of struggling and then a bang and then, silence.

Harry froze. He dropped to all fours at the top of the stairs and listened intently. He began to panic slightly and now it was he who could feel the trickles of sweat dribble between his eyes and hang like icicles from his nose. Wild thoughts ran through his mind. How was he to know that those were good wizards downstairs? What if they were evil in disguise? What if they had come to take Harry away: away from his friends, Hogwarts, Sirius?

It was then Harry heard light footsteps coming up the hallway. He gripped the top stair tightly, his hands shaking slightly. From the light shining in the living room, he saw the reflection of one, two, three wizards reflecting against the wall. He froze as the first wizard turned onto the staircase.

"Harry?" the wizard said gently, squinting up at the dark shadow huddled at the top of the stair.

"W-who are you?" Harry asked, trying to restrain his nerves. The voice was familiar, but he couldn't place the voice.

"What's he doing?" another voice asked. The second voice was unfamiliar. Harry could make out the wizards shadow and saw him shove the first wizard out of the way. "Lumos."

The light shone, highlighted what Harry noticed was two wizards and one witch. "Professor Lupin?" he smiled. The wave of relief swept over him, making him feel as if an intoxicating drug had been pumped into his system. He manoeuvred from his dog like position and sat on the top stair.

"This is Nymphodora Tonks," Professor Lupin said, pointing to the witch, "Who much prefers to be called Tonks."

"Wotcher, Harry," the pink haired witch greeted, giving him a two fingered salute. Harry smirked. He liked this witch already.

"And this is Kingsley Shacklebolt." Lupin continued. He pointed to a tall, broad, black wizard, with a single silver earring in his left ear and broad smile which revealed a golden canine.

"Hello, Mr Potter. The pleasure is entirely mine."

Harry frowned, then looked to each of them. "What are you all doing here?"

Thank you for reading the very first chapter of 'Snape's Family'. I hope you enjoyed reading it and the idea of meeting the rest of Professor Snape's family. I hope to see you all in future chapters.

- secretproject