A constant buzzing filled the area. Rico jumped, startled of the sudden noise. He broke apart from the female penguin and ran towards the exit.
"Don't think you can get away so easily, pen-gu-ins. Er, I'm sorry, pen-gu-in... non plural." Dr. Blowhole stepped into full view. "Where are the others?"
Rico grinned. "I dunno."
Dr. Blowhole's delighted smile turned into a disappointed frown. "Are you sure?"
"Yup." Rico nodded and innocently cocked his head. "Why?"
"Because they'll be wondering where you are." returned the dolphin, smiling even wider.
Rico's confused face turned to a mix of surprise and pain as a frying pan whacked him on the back of his head.
"Excellent work, Lobster #324!" Dr. Blowhole praised. "But where did you get the frying pan?"
Lobster #324 hid the frying pan behind his back. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you, sir."
Private pushed his back against his chair. * squee * Under his weight, the chair moved backwards. Giggling to himself, he scooted forwards. * squee * Backwards . * squee * Forwards *squee * Private soon found the squeaking sound "smashing" and started to create a chair orchestra.
"PLEASE! JUST PLEASE BE QUIET!" Kowalski shouted.
"Sorry, Kowalski. I simply find it-"
"Smashing. Yeah, we've heard it before." Skipper said. He groaned and put his flippers over his head. "Where's Rico when you need a fun explosive?"
"Speaking of which, have either of you seen Rico after the Volley ball game?" Kowalski asked, looking confused.
Private shook his head. "I know I haven't. What about you Skipper?"
"Nope." Skipper replied. "And I have a feeling that nothing good is behind it." He started pacing around the room, a look of disgust written upon his face. "Dr. Blowhole's probably behind this..."
Again, short chapter... Please don't get mad at me! I have like, no time to update any of my stories! Not to mention I'm exhausted!