Author's Note: Here is a muti-chaptered MaLec. I'm getting my muse for writing back. Yay!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Now that wasn't such a shock, was it?

Chapter 1: Start

"Okay, let's play a game." Magnus was stretched on the couch, and he looked over at Alec, sitting on the floor just in front of him.

"Please don't say: 'Foot Massage is a great game to play.' Because I am not doing that." Ever again. Alec huffed, and his fingers slid out of Magnus's hold, though the warlock caught it before they really got disconnected.

They were always like this – if they weren't stuck by each other's side, or kissing, then they held hands, or held each other's gazes. Or both. Right now, it was both.

"No, no. Though that does sound inviting." He wiggled his toes at Alec's general direction, the electric blue in them dancing off in dots of color and Alec rolled his eyes.

"I had something else in mind." Magnus raised an eyebrow and Alec blushed at the implications, though that wasn't really the exact message Magnus was trying to pass through.

"Shoot." Alec said, cautious now of whatever Magnus had on his mind. Okay, no, he was always somewhat cautious of what the warlock was thinking – because Magnus was rather unpredictable, wasn't he? And Alec, half the time, didn't even know what was happening. Except that whatever was happening was pretty good. Maybe he just lost too much of his sanity.

You can't lose something you never had.

"Well, how about we play truth or dare?" Magnus purred now, leaning over the edge of the couch to really look Alec. Alec blushed a bit at the intense gaze, at how close they were, but didn't look away.

"That's a dangerous game." Alec murmured, and Magnus raised an eyebrow, a question in his eyes.

"It's dangerous because of you." The Shadowhunter added after an afterthought and Magnus chuckled at that, a short one, but it made Alec blush again.

"You think you can't play a game with me without you writhing underneath me by the end, all the while gasping that sweet, glorious name we both love – Oh Magn—"

"I get the point, Magnus!" Alec said through his teeth, and he was burning up, blushing so intensely Magnus couldn't help but croon at him, much like how a mother would with her adorable baby.

He touched the tip of his nose to Alec's, and breathed in the familiar smell of the Shadowhunter, and smiled, closing his eyes. He was half-way off the couch now, but he was holding that, just to cup Alec's face in both of his hands.

"Okay, I promise to behave." Magnus sighed, and nuzzled Alec's nose. He felt a small smile creep up on Alec's face and Magnus placed a soft kiss, a peck, on Alec's mouth before pulling away, repositioning himself like how he was a minute ago.

"So let's just play 'Truth.'"

"What happened to 'Or Dare'?" Alec crossed his legs. He wasn't as unnerved as earlier, though, and the kiss that Magnus had left still lingered on his lips, and he longed for more. He pursed them in thought and Magnus was this close to swooning over his most adorable lover.

"Well, let's put it this way. You stand over there, by the door, and I stand just outside the bedroom. For every right answer, you take a step forward. For every wrong one, you take a step back." Magnus had that playful gleam in his eyes now, and Alec tried to maintain a brave front. He was going to get through this game.

"What? Why do I have to be in the receiving end—" Magnus had caught his chin with his hand and his mouth in a kiss, sucking at Alec's lower lip before, all too soon, pulling away.

"Because I get to ask the questions." His breath tickled Alec's skin and Alec closed his eyes at the feeling, at the warmth.

But this wasn't gonna be a fair game.

"That's not fair."

"Of course it is. With every right answer, you're closer to the most amazing being on Earth. So how is that not fair, Alexander?" Magnus's lips started to quiver at that, the picture of pure innocence, his dark hair half way down, while the back stuck up. His face was bare of any makeup, besides the thin ring of eyeliner.

"Fine." Alec pushed himself off the floor and his fingers slipped out of Magnus's hold.

"Now, stand there, baby." Magnus had jumped out of his seat, too, and with a flick of his wrist, the furniture was pushed against the wall. A snap of his fingers and there was a red line, its starting point was at the door, and it stopped to where Magnus was, just a step outside of the bedroom.

"How do you know the answer is right, anyway? This is 'Truth', right?" Alec was by the door now, shuffling around in his socks while Magnus pondered on that.

"Well, I'll know because you turn a light shade of red when you lie."

"Not true!" Alec shot, and he felt his face heat up.

Magnus had an expectant look on his face, and Alec had defeat written all over his.

"It's even worse when you lie to me." Magnus said slowly, and the playfulness that carried the whole tone of that sentence was laced with something else.

"I'm all but honest with you."

"You weren't very honest in our first few months into the relationship." The warlock's pretty head was bent, his gaze on his bare feet.


As soon as the real meaning hit Alec, Magnus had recovered, a smile on his face.

"This is a game." Magnus nodded.

"Magnus Bane, this is a game." He repeated, and Magnus nodded again.

"I know what a 'game' is Alexander."

"No, I was just making it clear, because I don't want this to end up-"

"-With me on top of you?"


And then a very strained: Yes.

"So let's start!" Magnus sounded amused now, and he had every right to be amused. Because this was a game. Of course, games with Magnus Bane weren't very safe. And Alec knew that. And when Magnus said he'd behave, then people should probably not take that too seriously. Since when did The Magnus Bane behave?

Well, okay, so he did behave with Alec. But this was gonna be his game and Alec the player. And Magnus liked games. And he liked to play. Most importantly, he liked the player. But that last bit was obvious already.

"Will you throw me on the bed and ravish me once you get here?" Magnus leaned forward, a slender finger on his chin, his golden-green eyes glistening, a wicked grin on his face.


"Okay, okay, let's start with something easy then."