Inspiration just came to me. *click* just like that. Out of nowhere. So now this story's a two-shot! Woo! And I decided to give the trainer a jap name, because well the Pokémon names will retain the jap ones as well.

"Mijumaru, Tsutarja, come out!" The trainer, Kyousuke, threw the Pokeball and the Greatball out into the air.

"Miju, Miju!" The otter Pokémon grinned happily, waving its stubby arms at his new trainer. Tsutarja only crossed her arms, seemingly ready for commands. They looked around; they seemed to be in a little town, with only a few people hurrying about their daily business. They heard squeals behind them and they found it to be a fenced off area with little Pokémon running about. After assessing their current surroundings, they looked back at their master.

"Okay, guys!" Kyousuke began cheerily, "you two will be put into the Day Care Centre for the time being. Don't worry; I'll come pick you up soon." He picked both up and tucked each one under his arms as he entered the cozy home with a simple board saying 'Pokémon Day Care Centre'.

"Welcome!" the old lady at the counter smiled. It smelt musty and homey, and a man casually drank a cup of coffee on one of the small tables on the left of the door.

"Me daughter wants to pat them Pokemon" he explained to Kyousuke. He nodded uncertainly as he hurried forward to the woman.

"Would you like us to take care of your Pokémon for you?" she beamed up at him, showing off her lovely false teeth.

"Ah, yeah, thanks. I'd like to drop off Mijumaru and Tsutarja." He replied, gently setting the two on the table.

"Certainly! Leave them with us; we'll take care of them!" She picked the two up and cuddled them close to her chest, heading out the back door to the large garden where the other Pokémon were.

"B-bye! Be good Pokemon!" He called after them.

Kyousuke headed outside, passing an old man, presumably the old lady's husband, and another young female trainer conversing just outside the fence.

"Ah, young trainer! We were looking after your Pokémon, and boy were we surprised! Your Pokemon was carrying an egg, and we have no idea how it got there! You would like it wouldn't you?" He smiled, producing an egg from seemingly nowhere.

The girl squealed in delight as she excitedly nodded, receiving the egg from the man.

"Thank you, sir. Pokémon eggs sure are a mystery!" She laughed happily as she skipped down the road towards the next town.

"Ah innocent, gullible young people these days…" the man chuckled, watching her in the distance before he shuffled his way back inside the centre.

Kyousuke looked on, a little confused at the man's statement before shrugging it off and heading off to do his own things.

The two Pokemon stood awkwardly as they looked at the deceivingly large garden. A small river ran through the edge of the garden with the occasional flip and aerial show of the water types. Large forest trees acted as a canopy of shade for the Pokémon and a resting spot for the flying types. Natural rocks and fallen logs made for perfect playing equipment and there was even a rocky outcrop for the more 'colder' and unsociable Pokemon. In the middle was a large grassy oval with many baby Pokemon frolicking between the flowers. Most of the older Pokemon lay in the shade, sharing small talk between them. Just behind the trees, a larger plain of field was visible, probably for those who wanted to train.

Mijumaru turned to Tsutarja, "I'm gonna go to the clearing behind to train more seeing as Master isn't here." he waddled towards the end of the river, splashing in and torpedoing towards the entrance of the trees, leaving Tsutarja to find something else to entertain her.
She strolled to a large moss covered rock, sighing in content as the coolness came in contact with her skin. The breeze, along with the glorious sun was enough to make her lose herself in her surroundings. She closed her eyes as her mind started to wander off and slowly block out the childish noises in the background.

Only minutes later, the warming sun was blocked by a large shadow. She opened one eye, rather annoyed at what had disrupted her.

"Good day, Miss Tsutarja." Her other eye opened to focus on a plump snickering Chaoboo and what seemed to be two Pokabu minions.

"The name's Pork." He continued, "dunno why my Master named me that. Asked him once before, but all he did was smile slightly at me and say that pork and pigs were very closely related. No idea what that means though." Pork huffed.

"So, what do you want with me?" She sat up straighter to get a proper look at them. The chubby thing had raised both arms to show off his ultimate power and was grinning rather creepily, revealing slightly chipped tusks.

"A straight-to-the-point girl. I like that." He bent down to inspect her closer. She growled slightly as her patience grew shorter.
"Pork-sama wants you to be his lawfully wedded Pokemon partner." One of the Pokabu spoke up. The other snorted our embers in agreement as she could only look in slight disgust at his actual intent.

"How 'bout no?" Vines came up and floated in the air to prepare her for any surprise attacks. This Pork pig didn't look like it'd take no for an answer.

"YOU DARE DEFY PORK-SAMA?" The other Pokabu eye's immediately widened an impossible size as if he had just witnessed her slice a rock in half with just her vine.

A plump arm was raised to stop the smaller pig from attacking.

"Is that your final answer?" He smiled sinisterly down at her only raising her annoyance level higher.


"Very well, I will give you two options; accept my proposal or fight me"

"I'd … rather fight you" She sighed.

"Alright, fighting it is! Being a fire type, I will certainly crush you!" He taunted, as she tensed up at his words, crouching a little lower for any quick dodges she may make.

"As the gentleman – or gentlePokemon I should say," He grinned sarcastically at her, "I SHALL GO FIRST!" Immediately the pig Pokemon launched himself into the air, and covered himself in a red ball of fire. He did a somersault in the air, his eyes ablaze as he stared her down from above with a hideously murderous smile on his face. She yelped in surprise at the surprising speed he was plummeting, scrambling out of the way only for her tail to be caught in the ball of flames. She gasped out as the pain swept through her small body but quickly recovered to stare him down. He, in turn, glared at her as they stood off against each other without moving. She was the one to break it, however, not as Pork had expected.

"Tsu.. tarrrrja!" She cried, winking at him and blinked flowing love hearts in his direction. He looked at the seemingly harmless things in bewilderment as they surrounded his body, entering him.

"It's Attract, it's Attract!" The Pokabu called out uselessly. Too late for their master, who had clasped his claws together and pounded towards the disgusted grass type. Her vines immediately snaked out, whipping him again and again, although inching his health lower, it didn't seem to faze him one bit. Although not attacking her for the time being, he threw his arms up into the air, as two white orbs formed at the ends of his arms, shooting upwards to combine as one and caused the sunlight to turn brighter.

She cocked her head slightly in surprise but took a few steps back, taking advantage of the moment to collect sunlight above her head to rapidly fire at the Chaoboo. It spiraled towards him, hitting bulls-eye as he went up in a cloud of grey smoke and dust, a result of the impact. Result? Good and bad. Good because she managed to cause some damage but bad because he had snapped out of his love daze and was eyeing her suspiciously.

"Chaaao - ," He stomped on the ground, creating a dust cloud that surrounded him. "Booooo!" Fire cloaked him as he charged at her in blinded fury. Her vines shot up and curled around a stable tree branch, narrowly missing his attack. This didn't exactly help as he fired a well-aimed flamethrower at her feet, knocking her out of the tree and causing some major damage to her health. She cried out in surprise and pain as she free fell down to the ground. She got up shakily as she cringed at the sight of Pork leaping up into the air to cover himself in a ball of fire again. If that hit her, she'd probably be on the verge of fainting and one more attack would finish her off. Determination coursed through her body, combining with adrenaline as she dodged out of the way, dust rising up from the impact of his fall to cover them both.

Vines, vines. Get your vines out. Attack! She thought desperately as they snaked out and became frantic whips in the air, clearing out the obstructive clouds and occasionally hitting something solid. However, she wasn't the only one aiming wild attacks as choked Flamethrowers came her way. One managed to hit her on the full, sending her skidding back and her vines recoiling. The dust was very much well cleared by now revealing Tsutarja, panting heavily and Chaoboo who seemed to get the better ends of things, with only a few minor scratches on his blubber. She got up, only to shriek as new pain surged through her body. She lifted her arm to see it had reddened slightly. Burnt. She snarled under her breath.
He laughed haughtily at her, taunting her.

She clicked her tongue in irritation, but refused to give up as she once again collected sunlight to fire the huge beam at him. It was a sure shot aim, and a well-deserved one at that. He staggered back slightly, raising his arms again to jump up and stomp on the ground, his body cloaking once more in the flame as he raced towards her. Her vines automatically appeared again, reaching up once more to find protection.

"CHAOBOOO!" he cried through his attack. Without warning her vines ceased to move as she snapped her head up to see the Pokabu minions balancing on top of a tree branch, both had her vines in their mouth. That moment of distraction was enough for the sneaky pigs. It was a direct hit, causing her not to skid, but to fly back and roughly hit her back against a tree trunk.

"tarrr!" She cried out.

"Chaoboo…" He took slow deliberate steps towards her as she realized her vines were once again claimed in the mouth as they ran in circles around the tree trunk, securing her with her own vines. Huh.. I did this to Mijumaru, didn't I? She gritted her teeth as she feebly struggled against her own hold. Chaoboo had now made his way over, towering over her and chucked wickedly.

"This is it, my filthy friend" He smirked. "Sorry if your pretty face got dirty." He extended a claw to lift her chin to inspect her, meeting a piercing glare. She still struggled, the shade of the tree made it impossible for her to fire an immediate attack of a Solar Beam. He stepped back, loving the control he had over her. Taking his time, he readied his last attack, stomping on the ground, slowly at first but quickly gaining speed to cause an even larger dust cloud surrounding him. The wait was agonizing for Tsutarja as she hissed at him, the lasting effects of burn really dragging her down. Fire then coated his body as he ran full speed towards her. She closed her eyes, turning her head to the side as she waited for the inevitable impact.

But there was none. An explosion all right, a loud grunt and a smack of a body hitting the ground awkwardly, but no pain, and no burning sensation that should have erupted in her body. Only… water. Water droplets splashed across her face. Hold on, Chaoboo was a fire type, so were the Pokabu minions still securely holding onto her vines. She slowly opened her eye to see, well Chaoboo. Except he looked furious. Enraged at something she had missed. Her quick eyes scanned around to see Mijumaru holding his shell defensively in front of him. Wait, Mijumaru?

"What are you doing here?" She hissed at him. He turned back slightly to wink her, "saving you of course."

The Chaoboo snorted out red hot embers as he attacked the intruder with a Flamethrower. Mijumaru countered with a Water Gun, managing to divert Pork's attention to somewhere without Tsutarja being in line of the pig's attacks.

Tsutarja turned to the Pokabu who were watching intently and quickly fired love hearts at them. Damn, why didn't I think of that before? Seeing she had their full attention, she ordered them to release her, which they did almost too willingly.

The two guys were going at each other, collision after collision. She watched on helplessly, sinking into the grooves of the tree to massage her wounds. Pork's power had increased, probably due to his ability, and was now an even match for Mijumaru. She saw him grunt, skidding a few steps back to be suddenly enveloped in bright light. Her eyes widened in curiosity as too did Pork's. Mijumaru stature increased slowly, his stubby arms elongating, his legs following suit. The light vanished in a shimmer of sparkles.

"Futachimaru." He grinned. Tsutarja gasped. Pork scowled. The Pokabu idolized… Tsutarja.

Newly evolved Futachimaru wasted no time in continuing where they had left off. In a clean motion he had detached both his shells and was racing towards the Chaoboo. Two sharp slices to the chest and Chaoboo was down. In an instant, the Pokabu also snapped out of their gazes to rush to Pork's side.

Victory for Tsutarja and Futachimaru. She weakly stumbled over to him, only to be caught in his surprisingly strong grip.

"Relax." He breathed, leaning slightly to peck her on the cheek. Where did all this unnecessary confidence come from? She thought wearily as her head drooped against his chest, falling into shallow sleep, the last burn draining her energy completely.

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