Chapter Six

The next day, CC entered the mansion. Looking confident and a little scary, she wore her black pencil skirt, a matching tailored black jacket, and dangerously sharp pumps.

"Hi, Miss Babcock," Fran greeted. She took in the heels the businesswoman wore and grinned. "How was your date last night?"

"I broke up with him," CC replied.

"Really? He seemed like such a—"

"Nanny Fine, unlike you, I have very important work to do," CC said, sparing a small smile for the nanny who'd tried to help. "Now buzz off and don't even think about interrupting me."

Fran grinned and went upstairs to call Val; what a story this had turned out to be.

Hours later, CC walked into the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of water, not realizing that Maxwell was following her closely.

"CC!" Maxwell exclaimed. Niles looked up from the dishwasher, surprised he had company in the kitchen.

"Maxwell," CC replied calmly.

"CC…were you at the theater today?" Maxwell asked.

"Why, yes, Maxwell, that's why I wasn't in the office for two hours this morning," CC told him.

"Did you…by chance…talk to our choreographer?" Max asked, rubbing his temples.

CC smiled widely. "Yes indeed." Niles stood up fully to survey the scene in front of him.

"And did you…let me make sure I have this correct…did you hit him across the head with a broom?" Maxwell asked. Niles laughed out loud and attempted to mask it by faking a cough attack.

"Yes, I did."

"Why?" Maxwell cried.

"I didn't have a baseball bat with me," CC explained.

"CC…I…why…" Maxwell spluttered. He took a deep breath and waited a few seconds. "He called me a few moments ago and said that he no longer wants to work with us."

"I won't mourn that loss," CC told him seriously.

"CC, he was our bloody choreographer!"

"Yes, and he was trying to undermine everything I told him to do!" CC shot back. "He wanted to change every dance routine, despite the play receiving wild reviews for the past two weeks, and I can't have that sort of shift in focus during rehearsals. Now, if you'd rather have the cast bumbling around like chickens with their heads cut off during the dance scenes, that's your choice, but I'd like to remind you that the mayor is coming this week to see the play and he has the majority vote in how many grants we'll get this coming year."

Maxwell seemed taken aback by CC's telling-off, though she couldn't blame him; it had been nearly a month since he'd been subjected to one. Niles almost felt like applauding.

"I…well, when you put it that way, I do see your point…" Maxwell said. He cleared his throat. "Be that as it may, do try to refrain from hitting any other workers with wooden objects for the duration of the show."

"I'll try. I'll call the assistant choreographer and tell him he's been promoted," CC replied.

"Yes…yes, thank you," Maxwell said, still off-kilter. He turned and left the kitchen, hoping Fran was somewhere around the house to distract him.

"Welcome back," Niles told her, bringing her back to earth.

CC turned to him with a dazzling grin. "Thank you."

"How does it feel?" Niles asked.

CC thought for a moment before replying, "Respectable."

Niles chuckled and nodded. "I see you haven't forgotten all of your lessons from Miss Fine." He motioned to her shorter-than-usual skirt and silky camisole.

"No, not all of them," CC said. "I still like the way…some people…look at me." She took in his eyes still subtly cascading over her legs and smiled to herself. She walked around the island and stood next to him near the sink.

"Can I get you anything, Miss Babcock?" Niles asked, unnerved.

CC smiled softly and leaned in, pressing a sweet, quick kiss to his lips. "Thank you, Niles." She turned and walked away, grabbing the water bottle off the counter before she left the kitchen.

Niles stood frozen in place, his heart pounding and his lips buzzing for more. "You're welcome."

[A/N: The moral of this story has been brought to you by your friendly author.]