A/N: Hola amigos and amigas! :D

I love Glee fairytales. I find it hilarious to see the characters as royalty. And I can tell you I absolutely love Klaine. So this is basically a Klaine centric fairytale. But for the sake of this being a Glee fairytale and not just a Klaine fairytale, I've added many other pairings. There's TONS of Finchel, as well as Tike, Bartie, Pucktana, Wemma, and Quam. You'll also notice in this particular Prologue there is a mention of Belby. That's right; Burt and Shelby. But it's really not an important pairing. XD

The title is from lack of a better name, but it's very true. This is a very eventful story that I literally came up with in less than three seconds, so it's pretty much the Ultimate Glee Fairytale Adventure. :)

DISCLAIMR: I do not own Glee or any of its characters. I just own the plot, and nothing more.

Enjoy and review! :D

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time, in a land far away from the modern world we all know, the world of high school drama and spontaneously singing show tunes , there was a remarkable kingdom known as McKinley. McKinley was the most pleasant kingdom in all the land, for it was the only kingdom with rulers generous enough to supply for all their citizens. There were no homeless peasants and there was no cruelty. The sky was never once dawned with clouds, for it was always so positively bright. It was truly a beautiful kingdom to live in.

The kingdom rejoiced the day the day King Burt and Queen Shelby's first son, Prince Kurt, was born, as they did again a year later for their daughter, Princess Rachel. Things couldn't be looking better for McKinley's future. But little did the residents of this joyful land know, off in the woods that lay outside their walls, there lived evil witches who would plot to destroy their cherished happiness.

One of the witches, who was known as Sue Sylvester, was the only one wicked and powerful enough to take action and attempt to take over the kingdom of McKinley. She put a curse of the Prince and Princess that would turn them evil as they grew older. The King and Queen begged her to life the curse, getting down on their knees and telling her they'd give anything. After a deadly deal, the curse was lifted, and Sue Sylvester ended up with a brand new kingdom, mountains of gold and jewelry, two children, a noble army, and two corpses to dispose of. The real King and Queen were wiped from the peoples' memories, and Queen Sylvester had the thrown.

Ever since then, McKinley lost it's cheery glow. Clouds formed in the sky, preventing the sun from shining and lifting spirits. The citizens were now heavily taxed for food, clothes, shelter, and education. The majority of townspeople became petty homeless peasants, forced to live in the street and hunt for scraps of food. Lots of freedom was ripped away as well. Any rude or embarrassing remark made about Queen Sylvester would earn you a death penalty. Speaking of the Prince or Princess would get you thrown in the dungeon. Singing in the streets would get you thrown into the for forbidden woods to be killed and eaten by the magical beasts that lurked there.

Prince Kurt and Princess Rachel, however, the new Queen had taken a different approach on. Queen Sylvester had an irrational fear of ending up alone. She was well aware that her children had dreams of traveling far away and exploring new land, and knew she had to do something so they would stay. She wanted to raise them so they would fear the land beyond the castle walls, not ever having a reason to want to leave. This would also prevent them from meeting others who they might fall in love with, for if they marry, the Queen would lose her power and have to hand it down to her heir. To get her power, you'd have to pry it from her cold, dead hands, which would never let go.

After Rachel's seventh birthday, the Queen hired a gang of trolls to sneak into her room and kidnap the girl right out of her bed. Rachel went missing for two days before Sue decided to have the guards retrieve her. The young girl came back traumatized. Queen Sylvester then had a very long, serious talk to both her children about the horrible, horrible people out there who meant them nothing but harm. She said when you're royalty, people always wanted to kidnap you for ransom cash. She the encouraged them never to go outside without a guard's guidance, and to be very aware that leaving the castle would end up putting their lives in jeopardy. The two young, naive children listened and let the words sink in.

But as they grew older, Sue felt them slipping away, staring out the window, dreaming about the outside world. When Kurt turned thirteen, she decided to repeat the lesson to remind them of Rachel's traumatic incident. She hired some hunters to sneak into the garden, kill the guard protecting Kurt, and take him. After a week, the Queen allowed the guards to find him. This time, they had beat him. The Queen welcomed the poor boy back with loving arms, reminding him about the dangers of the outdoors. He nodded.

But Queen Sylvester still felt them slipping. She even caught them singing sometimes, something she had feared immensely. She did it again, only they time they both vanished for a week and a half. But they were still slipping, the Queen could feel it. She did it again, and again, and again. This became a constant action. She did it to remind them of the horrors of the outdoors. And it worked.
After about five months, both Kurt and Rachel were practically avoiding windows. Sue smiled at this. From the moment she noticed, she had the constant kidnapping stop. But she did hire a gang to sneak into the castle and either ruffle them up or take them for a couple days every once in a while. She felt it was only necessary to discipline them.

But the Prince and Princess still dreamed of the outdoors, no matter how much pain it brought them. They knew in their hearts that there were people out there that needed their help. They knew of the poor homeless people that lived in their kingdom, and wished they could do something about it. But their mother wouldn't let them outside the castle walls. There was nothing they could do.

Kurt and Rachel were near adulthood when they started reaching out to the needy in McKinley behind their mother's back. Sometimes they would sneak out of the castle incognito while the other covered for them, bringing along gold and food from the royal kitchen to give to the homeless. The poor greatly appreciated their kindness. Many people were able to feed their families and some were able to give the gold away to buy shelter. When Queen Sylvester began to notice something was up, the two teenagers decided to use a different method. Rachel reached out to McKinley's most noble knight, Sir Finn, for help. She asked him to give the gold and food to the needy while he was on patrol. Finn was hesitant at first, afraid of what the Queen might do to him, but he complied, for he was secretly in love with the Princess and would do anything for her.

From the experience of helping others, Kurt and Rachel learned that outside the castle walls, there were also good people. They would never say so to their mother, but no matter how many times they were threatened by the horrors that tried to harm them, they knew the world wasn't all that cruel. They longed for the day one of them would marry and take the thrown, so they could travel the world as they pleased. Although they loved their mother (They knew she only wanted to protect them), they longed for the day she would no longer be in charge of their lives.

But they are yet to discover the dark truth that Queen Sue Sylvester has kept hidden for so many years.

A/N: There's the introduction. Pretty much sums up the situation. Hope you like what I did with the characters so far. If you do, tell me so. It's great motivation for faster updates. I'll post Chapter 1 today or tomorrow depending on just how many reviews I get! :D

NEXT TIME: Sir Finn catches Princess Rachel in the library singing to her bird, which only causes him to fall more in love with her. Queen Sylvester is visited by a royal family from another kingdom with a kind offer, but she is not happy about it. And Prince Kurt makes some kinky eye contact with another Prince.

Reviews = love! Criticism = love! Flames = love! (I have enough love for everyone out there! XD)

~Mima Roses