
An enormous sigh escapes my lips as I close down my laptop. I lean back in my chair, a smirk etched on my face. When I turn around on my chair to get up, I hear the sound of his excited running around. I bend to scratch him behind his ears.

"Yes, Jack, we're going."

He places his front-paws against my legs in gratitude and makes a run for the door. This dog interrupted me in the middle of my article, but I can't say no to him when he looks at me like that with those big eyes. Those same eyes he used on me when I first met him, begging me to take him home and give him a decent life.

I grab my jacket and keys, lock up and head to the elevator. I normally take the stairs because elevators give me the feeling I can't breathe, but I don't want to risk Jack running over someone coming up. He's not heavy - 15 pounds - but to carry him down 12 flights of stairs is just too much.

We cross the street and enter Central Park. I know I have to tie him to his lead, but I just don't have the heart. He listens to my every command and there's no need to worry for me, but other people cast me these looks sometimes making me clear what they think about my dog running loose when they are walking with their children.

It's calm - a Tuesday morning, most kids are at school. I lean back my head to take in the fresh air the park provides, or at least the illusion of it. There's a slight, comfortable breeze. A beautiful Autumn day. Jack is a couple of feet in front of me, standing still and looking back at me as if he is waiting for me to follow him. I take one last look around and then yell. "Go!"

Jack knows what this means, it's one of his favourite commands. He runs as if his life depends on it, barely noticing his surroundings. He still avoids the mud pools and dirty places - he's just so smart. I start jogging as well to at least keep up with him. I used to go running with him in the morning, but I stopped last Winter because it was really freezing in New York and I didn't pick it up again, like I do other years.

I think that has everything to do with her leaving me. I used to such a lively person, always the positive one in the company. I used to go out a lot and just have fun. I had never felt the urge to see someone seriously until I met her. I would've done everything just to be with her and she did give in. I was so happy when it was just the two of us and Jack.

It is necessary for anyone interested in me to like dogs, or to at least like Jack. I found him when I was being utterly depressed in the park after my mother had passed away. He looked at me with those brown eyes of him and it was as if he wanted to say that he understood me and if I'd just take him with me, he would make it all better. I did take him with me. He would come and lick my face when I cried, lie down by my side when he sensed I felt lonely and sad.

He was so jealous when Jodi came into my life. He would always lie down between us in bed so that we had to lock the door if we wanted a romantic evening. He would cast me these offended looks afterwards, as if he knew what had transpired between my girlfriend and I, but we loved each other regardless and in the end, he did accept Jodi.

Every day when I check my mail, I still hope Jodi will have sent me something. Something to explain her sudden decision, to tell me what I did wrong, why she wanted to be out of my life so desperately, so urgently, without even saying goodbye or tell me what was wrong. She didn't even try to fix it. Apparently, I wasn't worth the effort. Luckily, Jack was there to comfort me. I swear to this day he gave me an 'I told you so'-look one day.

I am so lost in thought that I never noticed Jack going his own way. I look around, but can't see the light brown that indicates his tail anywhere. Fuck, where's Jack?




Still nothing.

"Jackie boy?"




I start running harder. I try to think clear - Jack will always follow the trail. Just follow the trail. Why doesn't he come? Why doesn't he listen? Is he that far away? Breathing is starting to get harder because of the wave of panic that hits me. I see flashes before me of life without my Jack, I can barely hold back the tears. I can't lose Jack, it's just not an option.

I turn a corner and almost let myself fall down on the ground of happiness. There's my Jackie, sitting at the side of a pale-faced woman with puffy eyes who has obviously been crying. He's licking her hand and pushing his face against the woman's palm. I try to calm myself down as I walk towards them. The blonde woman looks up and I almost gasp loudly as I notice her beauty. Her hazel eyes are so sad I just want to hug her and tell her it's going to be okay. I smile nervously.

"I hope Jack isn't bothering you too much?"

The woman smiled meakly. "Oh, no, he's great. Jack. Fits him."

I extend my hand. "Bette Porter, nice to meet you."

"Tina Kennard, nice to meet you too."