I am so sorry about the wait guys and how short it is but I wanted to update. I promise the next one will be extra long and it should be updated in the next couple of weeks. Please read and enjoy.
8 months pregnant and I feel horrible. My back aches, my feet are swollen and all I want to do is visit the toilet every 5 minutes but I wouldn't swap it for anything. The twins are growing so much that I feel like they are going to explode out of my stomach at any moment, I haven't see my feet in about 3 months. My eating habits have gone haywire, and Rob has been excellent. One night a few months ago I was craving marmite, don't ask me why I don't know, and Rob went out of his way to find a shop that had it in stock and brought it back. That night I indulged in the very curious mix of marmite and ice cream, with Rob watching me the whole time with a look of disgust. He made me brush my teeth a hundred times and have a couple of mints before he would let me kiss him afterwards.
Looking down I catch sight of the engagement ring hanging on a chain around my neck, along with everything else my fingers have decided to expand triple their original size and the ring no longer fits my finger. I smile looking at the shine from the reflected light; it is a truly beautiful ring. Me and Rob have decided to wait to marry, wait till the twins are older, walking and are able to understand the concept of what a wedding is. I want it to be perfect; the four of us is what matters. We still don't know what the genders are yet, we want to wait till they are born, and the thrill of not knowing is quite exhilarating. I would like one of each but it doesn't matter whether they are boys, girls or both, it won't change the amount of love that I feel for them.
The filming for Breaking Dawn has been halted until I am fit enough to continue which will be in a considerable amount of time. I have been reduced to being bed bound for my remaining weeks. After what happened in the early months of my pregnancy I have had a very close eye put onto me, with regular checkups and tests. I have been absolutely bored out of my mind, there is only so much TV and magazines that I can take so I have tried to focus my mind on other things. I have been designing a nursery, Rob has forbid me doing any labour so I have made it my duty to boss him around and dictate how I have envisioned the nursery looking like. The painting has all been done as well as the wallpapering and the furniture has been delivered ready to be built. I went for neutral colours, whites and creams but I may have indulged in a few pinks and blues here and there. It was very hard to resist whilst scouring the internet and coming across them.
At this present moment I am propped up in bed with a container of ice cream watching a British show that Rob loves, I really don't see the appeal of Doctor Who. A hapless man with masses of hair on his head running about all day with a screwdriver that seems to be sonic. Rob has bought the entire series on box set. The early series with the man and the big ears was okay then suddenly his face changed to at a more handsome man in my opinion. A very irresistible David Tennant I think his name is, Rob said he worked with him once on Harry Potter and he is a terrific actor. I'm not going to disagree with my fiancée. His face has changed again and I am still trying to understand why this Matt Smith is appealing in a strange kind of way.
I look up and see Rob enter the bedroom with a package; I frown at him as he sits beside me on the bed.
"What's that?" I enquire. He looks at me and smirks.
"I know you wanted to keep the colours neutral but I saw this and I just had to order it". He opened the package and I just had to laugh at what he had bought. It was a very beautiful pale blue baby grow with the words:
Trust Me
My Father Sparkles In The Sun
I soon calmed myself from my hysterics when a sudden kick on my protruding stomach alerted me to the fact that my bladder was full. Rising from the bed I made my way to the toilet with a smile on my face still.
"Rob, I am banning you from the internet. Where the hell did you get that from?" I called over my shoulder. Another round of giggles followed from his reply.
"I saw the baby grow and I thought I would add the words as a sort of laugh." Before I shut the bathroom door I call out one last time. Always got to have the last word.
"Don't change the day job Rob".
Thanks for taking your time reading this chapter and please review. I love reading about what you think.
Until next time, have fun.