A/N- *happy dance* Yes! It's OVERRRR! Exams are done! So now, for my pretty humans, I have a new story! It was inspired by this picture~!

./art/Drrr- Schizophrenia-176409276

Disclaimer- I am not Narita-sensei, I do NOT own Durarara!

Okay *breathes deeply* Here it goes!

*Begin Story*

A young man, by the name of Nakura, was now on top of a tall building, waiting for someone to show up. He gazed at the moon with his piercing blood red eyes, (those cold dead piercing blood red eyes) and just waited.

She would be coming soon. Oh so very soon. Nakura let out a small smirk dance on his lips.

And soon, the man heard footsteps, walking across the concrete.

He turned around and thought, 'Let the games begin.'

"Are you Nakura?" The woman was a mere college student, with long, dyed blonde hair, and dark green eyes. She wanted to commit suicide.

The reason is not important to Nakura, nor should it be.

The brunette let out a small grin and answered in an extra sugary tone, "Why yes! Then you must be Rika-san~!"

"It's good to meet you… but."


"I'm not sure if I can do it…"

Nakura went to her and grabbed her hand, as if she were a lover, and turned his eyes downcast.

The girl talked again, "I'm just not sure if I can do this! I mean…"

"But I don't want to go alone." Nakura whispered softly, (his voice was like a lullaby, so soft) eyes still downwards.

He was getting good at this. The brunette could have become an actor, much better than that other actor that Heiwajima Shizuo (a man Nakura highly respected, as if HE was the blonde's younger brother) loved oh so much.

The girl felt guilty now, she was still depressed, she DREAMT of her demise. But…

She was scared. Terrified even!

"You won't be alone, Rika-san. I'm right here." Nakura let go of the hand and started walking towards the edge.

"H-hey!" Rika ran towards the edge as well and tripped, about to fall off.

Nakura grabbed her hand again, holding her up.

"As if I would let you go alone~," he replied, still standing on the edge. He pulled her up and on the building.

"Uh, thank you, Nakura-san." She thought over what just happened. That feeling.

(The feeling of falling, knowing you won't get back up. It was scary, and yet, nice. It will all be over.)

"Wonderful feeling, isn't it~?" The man voiced out, back still towards her.


"The feeling of falling! Of course!"

"Oh… I guess…"

"Are you sure you want to live, even after all you've been through?" Nakura asked suddenly.

The girl was left utterly stunned, and still confused.




The girl's past starts playing through her mind. (The pain, oh the pain! She's screaming no, but does he listen? Absolutely not! Why should he? He finally has her. Why Her? Oh Why Her?)


Rika stood up, with full confidence. She wouldn't be alone anyhow. (The poor Fool.)

"I'll do it."

Nakura smirked, hiding the mirth in his eyes, with a shine.

"Great! I'm so glad!" Nakura jumped off and went to her, embracing her.

(Yep. Much better than that other actor.)

"Nakura-san, why do you want to die, anyhow?"

Nakura used his most used lie. It always brings people to their knees, showering him in unwanted pity.

"Sigh, well…" he started, voice faking sadness, "I am abused at home, by both parents. They both… Uhhh… Well I'd rather not say."

The girl could put together the pieces. They had the same, yet completely different stories.

"Shall we go?"

Nakura led the girl to the edge. He was behind her.

Rika was now on top of the building.

Nakura was right behind her, hands set.

"Everything will be fine…" He whispered.


Before she could finish, Rika…

Was pushed off.

The girl looked up, in shock. (Betrayal, horror, anger)

Her last image before her life ended, was that of Nakura's piercing blood red eyes. (Those cold, dead, piercing red eyes)

Nakura walked away, feeling satisfied. For now.

Orihara Izaya woke up the next morning, in his bedroom. It seems his headache had finally gone away.

But although, he didn't remember even going to bed last night, he just felt a pounding migraine, and went to the bathroom for medicine.

He got up and dressed (he had his pajamas on) and went on his computer for any news.

Headline was as stated.


The picture was of that of a girl, with blonde hair and dark green eyes.

Izaya couldn't help but feel he had met this girl before.

Humph, didn't matter now. She's dead.

*End chapter*

A/N- Gaaaaahhhh! Such a short prologue! Please review! Tell me what you think!