Hello everyone, this is my latest story. This is my second one after A Chance to be with Rachel.
I was happy with all the Awesome reviews that I got for Chance to be with Rachel, thanks to all those Awesome people that review them. You guys are much loved 3
I dedicate this story to RKOMizfit, Luneara Eclipse & Blairx6661 whom I have accepted like my own sisters. They are Awesome, please go and read their stories.
I also would like to thank them for their ideas for this story. Thank you girls, love ya. 3
I do not own anybody except Nina.
All Superstars and Wrestlers belongs to WWE/ TNA respectively.
All rookies except Nina belongs to their rightful owners ;)
[Nina POV]
I laced up my boot, another day of training and i'm already worn out. I climb on top of the turnbuckle and tried to execute a perfect swanton, but time and time again I crash and burn.
Dammit! This is tougher than I thought. How hard can it to be, to do a swanton bomb just like my idol Jeff Hardy?
Why can't I flip properly! I'm hopeless!
Nina...! A voice shook me from my stupor, I looked up and saw my best friend Charity running towards me.
She stopped to catch her breath and embraced me in a bone crunching hug.
"Woah woah, I can't breathe. You have to let me go!" She quickly released her grip on me.
"Nina guess what, Vince just gave me a call. He said that we are both being called to be on Nxt 5 divas special!
I jumped for joy and shrieked, "Really! you are not kidding me right charity? Please tell me this is not a dream?" I exclaimed loudly, when charity pinched my arm as hard as she could.
"Owwwww! why you do that for?" I gave her a confused look.
"That hurts right? So it means that you are not dreaming silly!" she smacked my head playfully.
I put my arm around her shoulder "This is what we are waiting for girly. After 6 months of teaming up on FCW, its time for us to enter the big leagues."
"So when are we starting?" I asked with enthusiasm.
"Vince said season 5 will start next week and we will be working with a pro that he has chosen specifically for us!" she said excitedly.
"That's Awesome, do we know who our pros would be?" I asked her again.
"Yeah, he said that my pro is Randy Orton!" she blurt out excitedly.
"WHAT!" I gasped. "You got the viper as your pro! He is my favorite, woah jealous much!" I pouted.
Charity continued, "I'm more jealous of you who your pro is?" she looked at me tentatively
while I tried to guess who my pro would be, but I simply don't have a clue.
"I have no idea chica? Who is it?"
"Your pro is none other than the WWE Champ The Miz!" she exclaimed at the top of her lungs.
My face just changed to horror. I knew that Miz is her favorite superstar for like the longest time, but having Mike as my pro is revolting.
I know how he used to treat his former season 1 rookie Daniel Bryan, and i don't like it one bit!
"WHAT? I got that Douchebag for a pro!" I hollored loudly.
She smacked my head again. "Ouch..!" I yelped in pain.
"Don't call the Awesome one a douchebag alright!" she glared at me menacingly.
"Oh okay, i'm just kidding. Lets go to the changing room." I grab her arm and drag her to our locker room.
Once we are in there, I asked her, "Heyy charity, have u seen Lyca?"
"Nope, why are you looking for her?" Charity asked.
"Nah its just that I wanna do some sparring with her, since she's pretty impressive in the ring."
"Nina you can always spar with me instead of the Queen of FCW!" Charity said with disgust, and I don't want to pissed her any further.
"Alright, I will spar with you instead okay. Now let's eat." I smiled at her and off we go for lunch.
Charity is my best friend in the entire world, she can be tough to handle at times. But she is good person.
We have known each other since we were little and both of us were chasing the American dream.
We always looked out for each other and having her as my best friend was the best thing.
WWE Headquarters
Today is the day that I have been waiting for all my life. My big break to being a Diva in the WWE.
I won't trade this moment for anything else. Charity and I arrived at the building bright and early.
I dressed up just like one of my favorite female wrestler daffney from TNA sans the Gothic makeup. I wore a blue midriff corset with a black pleated skirt.
I don't want to be too over the top on my first impression. Charity wore a red sleeveless top with short shorts and her favorite black boots.
Once we step into the building, we were in awe at how awesome and amazing this place really looks like.
Charity told me that we have to wait outside Vince's office for our respective pros to arrive.
I waited with bated breath and sat down on one of the chairs while I watch charity paced back and forth.
Seeing how restless she is, I asked her to sit down.
"Hey chica, relax everything will be fine." I assured her.
"Nina how can I relax when I'm too over-excited. I get to have the best pro and I get to meet my idol Mike Mizanin." She said dreamily and I just rolled my eyes.
The truth is I'm really nervous on having Miz as my pro. I kept fidgetting on my seat, and my heart is beating faster as the minutes go by.
I tried to kept my composure when a while later the 4 other diva rookies walked towards us. Once I spotted Lyca I went up to her.
"Lyca its nice to know that you make the cut, you are really awesome." I smiled.
"Oh Nina you are too sweet, your high flying capabilites are awesome too."
"So don't ever sell yourself short alright." She pat me lightly on the shoulder and walked away.
I went back to Charity who apparently have been scrutinizing the other rookies for a while.
"Nina lets look at our main competitors, minus you, me and Lyca. We seem to have a goody two shoes who doesn't seems to belong here."
She pointed at an Australian girl named Blair Sullivan, who is known for her grappling and Jiu-jitsu abilities in the ring.
Charity continued, "Next we have a spoilt little rich girl by the name of Rihanna Lopez. Who does she think she is, a wannabe singer?"
She rolled her eyes and moved on to the last rookie.
"Last but not least, how amusing a rocker wannabe Haze simpson!" Finally she looked at me, and chuckled.
"Nina not to worry, Now I'm more confident that we both have a chance, after all this girls gets the X!" She scoffed.
"Hey don't be mean alright! All of this girls have been working hard to get to where they are at, so its not fair to say
that they don't have as much a chance as us!" I reprimanded her.
"Alright Alright I will play nice!" She added flatly. I went to the other rookies and strike a conversation with Rihanna, Haze and Blair.
They all seem cool and were elated to start NXT.
The wait is finally over when Vince came out of his office, I must say that I was defintely fascinated by the way this man brings himself.
He just have that air of superiority in him. He proceed to welcome each of us to his company.
"Welcome ladies, every single one of you makes the cut on NXT 5 for the simple fact that all of you are what I need to help make the Divas division grow.
I know that each one of you possess a different fighting style which is great for my company and I have handpicked a different pro for each of you.
They will train and show you the traits of my company. I'm sure you will be glad to work with them." He then continues.
I just watched him with admiration. For all my life, all I want is to make it to his company, and that's when reality sink in.
I realised that I'm going to be working with the Infamous Mizanin.! That leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
If only I have Randy Orton as my pro, that would be super-cool. Yeah, I know that life is not always a bed of roses.
I spaced out for a while when Charity nudged me, I looked at her and she lean towards me "Nina, soon our Pros will walk through that door"
She assured me and I just smiled weakly.
Once Vince finished briefing us on what we need to know, he then excused himself and walked out of the room.
Soon enough, Daniel Bryan was the first one to enter the room and Blair introduced herself to him.
Then next to walked in was the fearless leader of Nexus Wade Barrett, and he's paired up with Haze.
Then the face of the company John Cena enter the room and as I thought he is with Rihanna.
Up next is the man I have been waiting to meet, Matt Hardy and he happened to be with Lyca's Pro. I walked up to Matt and introduced myself,
"Hi Matt, I'm Nina Valentine, one of the new season 5 rookie, Its my pleasure to meet you cause I have been a fan of The Hardys for ages."
I continued, "I have been following Jeff's career for a long time, and I really wish I could meet Jeff too." I beamed at him.
"Hi Nina, nice to meet you, Its cool to have a fan like you and I know that Jeff will be thrilled to hear that you have been following his career."
He smiled warmly and pat my arm gently.
Charity suddenly called me, I went up to her when the viper, the man whom I looked up to for 8 years walked in.
I was star-struck, he's such a gorgeous man and I was apparently speechless. I have the biggest crush on him and I can't stop staring.
Charity was amazed by him too. He walked slowly towards us and I already could feel butterflies in my stomach.
Charity began to introduced herself, "Hi I'm Charity Blaze and I will be your new rookie."
Randy shook her hand, "I'm Randy Orton and I'm looking forward to working with you." He looked at me and shook my hand too.
I introduced myself too and continued waiting for Mike.
When lo and behold, the door open and Mike walked in with his boytoy Alex Riley.
Mike exclaimed loudly, "Well Well Well, so which one is my new rookie?" He's scanning the room when Charity suddenly grab my arm and drag me towards Mike.
"Hi Mike, I'm Charity Blaze and this is Nina Valentine. She is your new rookie." She continued,
"I'm honored to meet you Mike, I'm such a huge fan and would love to be as Awesome as you, but I do not have the fortune to have you as my pro" She finally finished.
Mike grin and said, "Wow Charity, I'm so flattered for what you have just said" He then looked at me when Alex exclaimed,
"Hey Mike I think that you have just got a Hornswoggle replacement for a rookie." They then chuckled loudly.
"How dare they laugh at my expense, I know I may not be very tall but I have the biggest heart."
I then raised my voice at them, "Hey no short jokes alright, So what if I'm short huh!"
At this moment Charity just glared at me and Mike looked taken aback.
He came closer to me, "So little girl, you seem to have a bit of an attitude going on there!"
He then gave me his usual cocky smirk and walked away with Alex tailing behind him.
I glared at him when Charity smacked my head. She loves to do that everytime I got out of line.
"Nina they were just joking, why must you take it seriously?" She stares at me as if I have just made a grave mistake.
"Look I'm just standing up for myself alright!" I explained to her. She shook her head in disapproval and walked back to Randy Orton.
I wondered to myself, so Mike is as much a douchebag as his Miz character. I should have known. This is gonna sucks having Mike as my mentor.
With this kind of Pro, will I ever make it to the finals...?
There you go, how is it?
I hope that you like it.
So girls, plz comment. I need your Awesome reviews coming. :)
Please Please Please read and review :)
If any of you would like to submit any ideas, please feel free to PM me. Thanks :)