"Yes da . . . no I won't forget . . . I have to go I'm here . . . tell Giles, Buffy, Dawn, Willow and all the rest I said hi . . . love you too da, g'bye." She hung up her cell phone and shoved it in her back pocket before walking inside the large, ominous structure where she would be living for the next few months. It was a fairly great Victorian that reminded the Brit of the house she grew up in with her mother while visiting her father and brother when it was possible, after all, back then you couldn't just hop on a jet and go! She pushed her memories aside and walked throughout the house, admiring how beautifully Cordy had decorated it before moving to back Los Angeles again. She made a mental note to call her and say thank you but knew she didn't have time for it now, the natural blonde whose hair looked a light honey brown to most almost literally flew up the stairs and to her new bedroom. It was located in the front gable, decorated in reds, creams, and blacks as was her favorite style. She quickly changed out of her jeans and black tee into white dress, coming about six inches above her knee, she took just enough time to add a pair of ballet flats and run a brush through her flaxen brown hair. It was naturally straight, a trait she had hated until about five years ago when straight became the newest trend, she rarely bothered to put make-up on and today was no different, she had never seen the point in it.

Within a quarter hour she had arrived at the Mystic Grill that Cordy had told her about, Thank you Cordy she mentally thanked the brunette again for her great taste in everything twenty-first century. It was crawling with teens and some of the guys caught the eternally young teen's eye as she entered and walked to the bar, sitting down and looking around at all the teens. She was counting down the seconds before a boy came over and tried to ask her out, she hated that guys saw her and most of what was going through their mind was 'Pretty, innocent, I want her. She'll never know what hit her!' it disgusted her. Soon enough a guy came over, he had dark brown hair and dark eyes but he was young. She resisted licking her lips, she could smell him already. He sat at the stool next to her and gave her an arrogant smirk, "You must be new around here, I'm Jeremy." She faked a blush and smiled at him.

"I'm Charlotte." He seemed to feel as if he had overcome the first boundary and they talked, soon enough she actually thought of him as a friend and while she was thirsty, her father didn't approve of eating humans anyway. He had offered to walk her back to her place which they had discovered to be across the road from his own, they were standing on the porch when he made a move and leaned in. Soon enough they were making out and Charlotte was pressed against the side of the porch, she kissed her way to his neck and without realizing it she scraped her fangs against his pulse point before she yanked away and her fangs retracted,

"Jeremy, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that," He looked at her as if he wasn't shocked but a little caught off guard.

"So you're a vampire too? Ugh, why is it that I can't ever meet a human girl? First Lexi, then Anna and now you, even Elena's boyfriend and his psychopath brother are vampires!" Surprisingly she smiled at him.

"Look, I really am sorry. I don't usually drink human blood, my dad and some of our friends frown upon it. To them it immoral, to me if they don't give consent it's rude but if the person your drinking from gives you permission I've never seen what was wrong with it, I mean, the marks heal most of the way within a few seconds and are gone within a day-." He put a hand over her mouth.

"Charlotte, you're rambling." He removed his hand and she looked at the ground embarrassed.

"Hey, it's ok. It isn't like you drank from me or anything, it actually felt kind of . . . nice. This doesn't change anything." After he assured her he gave her a hug.. "Good night Charley." She smiled at the nickname.

"Good night Jeremy."