Grown Up, She Just Turned 16

Authors Note: I own none of the characters, that is all thank to the lovely J.K. Rowling

Chapter 1

She sat on the floor of the bathroom, her back against the door while staring at the vial in her hands, a green liquid within—the result of a potion gone…well, what is usually good. But for her, horrible. Beyond, horrible.

I brewed it wrong, Ginny thought to herself in a panic. But she knew she was wrong, she was strong in potions to begin with and she took more caution and precision on that specific potion in her hands than on any potion in her entire life, including all of her potion finals.

She stood up, dumping the potion into the sink and ran the water to wash away all traces of her now-living nightmare. Then she walked away, not wanting to glance in the mirror at her sixteen year old self that screwed over her own life, even more than the war already had.

She walked through the corridors, trying to blend in with the other students, but her infamous Weasley red hair was always a dead giveaway. "Weasley!" A cold voice from behind her made her turn around and backtrack to a classroom.

"Hello, Professor Carrow," Ginny couldn't take another yelling, let alone detention with her current state of mind.

"Your essay, Miss Weasley, was pitiful. I want you to re-do it and hand it to me by tomorrow morning before breakfast. I'll let you know by dinner if you should come again for yet another detention," the Dark Arts teacher shoved her carefully thought out essay into Ginny's hands.

"I'm sorry Professor Carrow, I'll improve it," she said, growing tired of retaliating against the Death Eaters and the entire war. Carrow only sneered at her then walked into her classroom, probably to curse a poor 2nd year.

Ginny started to walk through the halls again, heading to her History of Magic class, the only safe class for anyone in the Order, or with Order-like feelings anymore. Right as she was about to turn into the classroom, she saw the familiar white-blond hair that has been tormenting her since before her first year, but has amped up the torture since her 6th year started three months prior.

She went to him quickly, ignoring his usual cronies standing around him, "Malfoy, I need to talk to you. Is after dinner alright? Before curfew of course," she looked up at him, adding in desperate eyes with her begging. She couldn't lower herself any further to him—she was used to his daily comments about her family, the daily leer.

Draco Malfoy moved his steel gray eyes down into her brown ones, "Fine, Weaselette. By the statue of Henrick the Crazy." Then he moved away, quickly followed by Crabbe and Goyle who sneered at her as they walked past.

Her stomach turned and she walked quickly into Professor Binn's classroom, knowing that the rest of the day would be torture to get through.

Ginny left the Great Hall early, not being able to eat from nerves. She walked up to the less populated 3rd floor by the statue of Henrick the Crazy, and sat down by the base waiting for Malfoy to show, praying that he would show.

Malfoy came up with the stairs much after dinner had ended walking in a causal swagger, thankfully alone. She heard the footprints and glanced up as he walked over. "I told you that you'd be begging to have it again, Weaselette."

She ignored his smirk; it would be coming off in a moment anyways. "I might have been begging Malfoy, but it wasn't for a shag." She bore her eyes into his, "Happy Father's Day, I'm pregnant."