I'm having Quick widthdrawls...

In my magical happy world, this is real. They're together behind everyone's backs and Puck's a sad puppy. Enjoy!

They spent four days in the hospital, and still they'd never be ready to say goodbye.

Of course the eleventh hour came. She said no one last time and he said nothing. They signed her life away. The little bundle of pink blinked back at them as she was placed into another's arms.

But they can't let go, so they hold onto each other.

July starts out slow and jagged. She doesn't want a commitment but doesn't know how to leave. He'd follow her to the ends of the Earth if she'd let him. They fall in between histories; a tangled, bittersweet past and an uncertain future. She only kisses him when she can't see him, because then it's like it isn't real. He sits on the floor of her workout room, watching her burn away her baby fat.

She wants to forget everything that ever happened and is determined to erase it. He's going to hold on with everything he's got.

They're pure conflict. At least it keeps life exciting.

They make love for the first time since Beth in August underneath a full moon. This time condom included.

They're not supposed to be doing this. School starts in a few weeks and she wants to reinvent her life. But they fall into the grass and she forgets all about her morals.

She makes a point to enjoy it this time, and moans his name for the stars to hear. It's a final hurrah. Once summer is over, this isn't her life.

She's tried to tell him that. He won't listen. He never listens.

For now, he cherishes having her with him, her fingernails digging into his back, her eyelashes brushing against his cheek.

She's a comet, usually gone by morning. He's learned to count his blessings. When he prays hard enough, she's still there when he wakes up. It's not a dream.

"We're not together, you know."

"I know."

"I want to be a different person than last year."

"I know, Quinn."

"That means I can't see you anymore. At all."

She leaves him there, arm and arm with her reputation.

He throws rocks at her window just as the sun is rising. School starts in three hours and he's been up all night looking for a way around this.

"I know you won't be with me publicly. But what if it was a secret?"

She raises her eyebrow in that way that totally turns him on, hanging out of the picture window in his boxers, "Why?"

"Because I can't live without you. And I don't think you can live without me, either."

She cracks a coy smile, brushing a stray blonde lock out of her face. Her hair will be back up in a ponytail soon. Her body will be back into a cheerleading uniform again. It's what she wants. He's not part of the plan. He has to be. He will be.

"Okay. See you at three."

To anyone else, they might as well hate each other. Maybe they don't even know each other anymore.

Behind the curtains, it's quite the opposite. They can be okay with not speaking because as soon as the day's over, they're together somewhere, tattooing memories into each other's backs.

He fakes indifference when she won't look at him in the hallway, pretends he doesn't care when she checks out that new blonde kid at glee practice, even forces laughs when Santana calls her a slut. In the back of his truck, she breathes that she doesn't mean it, remember it isn't real? That should be easy to understand when she's in his arms. It's different when they're apart.

It starts to make him angry. When he's angry, he can't think straight.

That's how he lands himself in juvie, only wishing for a phone call.

Once he's out, she shows up at his doorstep still in her Cheerios uniform even though she knows he hates it. They go for a walk and she takes down her hair.

"Just so you know, I'm dating someone now."

He can't help flinching, "Who?"


"You mean Bieber Fever?"

"Stop it, Puck."

"So what does that mean for us?"

"Nothing," she smiles, reaching up to plant a kiss on his lips, "Absolutely nothing."

It might work in theory, but it really pisses him off to see the two of them prancing down the hallway like Ken and Barbie and writing in each others notebooks. He doesn't exactly like being alone. It's not fair. He can't even enjoy himself with Santana because he's too busy thinking about Quinn. Not to mention he feels like he's cheating in some way. That's weird, because he's never had much of a conscience.

Of course, she'd be the one to confuse the hell out of him.

"You know, he's just dating you to be popular."

"I know."

"Well… just quit being so touchy feely. It makes me sick."

"It makes you jealous."

He grunts.

"Don't worry, you're still my favorite."

"I'd better be."

"Am I still your favorite?"

"Gee, I dunno. When I watch you sucking face with Samuel-"

"At least I'm not sleeping with him."

"I've always slept with Santana."

"That doesn't mean it doesn't bother me."

"Well Evans bothers me."

"Then I guess we can agree to be uncomfortable."

He finds out about the fucking ring when she brings it home. He really wants to punch someone. As if he has a right to marry her or something.

Really, he's just jealous he didn't think of it first. She can contemplate wearing Sam's when she would never even think about wearing his.

"Should I take it?"

"Hell no. He'll get the wrong idea."

"Everyone already has the wrong idea."

"So? How do you think Blondie will feel about that promise ring when the figures out you've been with me the whole time?"

"He'll probably be really hurt."

"So break up with him now. Perfect excuse."

"You know I can't."

Secretly, he's scared she's starting to love Sam more than him. It doesn't matter how much time they spend together or how many times they fuck – the rest of the world still thinks she's with someone else. He's yesterday's news.

Except he can't tell her that. She'd only lecture him on how this was his idea in the first place, she has an image to maintain, blah, blah, blah.

He'd really like to know why that damn reputation is so important. Was her life really so horrible without her pedestal? Is he really so much of a loser that she can't bear to stand next to him in public?

But why, if her image is so important, is she even here? Why does she even bother? It's got to be more than just a baby or infatuation or rebellion or whatever.

The possible reasons, not to mention something like love, are what keep him around, putting up with all the shit.

The damn rock shows up on her finger. He wishes it wasn't true.


"It's a good cover."

"We don't need a cover like that. If you'd just let-"

"No. You got me pregnant and ignored me for six months."

"You shut me out."

"Whatever. I still don't want to be with you."

"So you've been fucking me after your dates with Fish Lips because you don't want to be together?"


He laughs. But isn't it better than nothing?

"At least take it off when you're with me. Please."

She does. He can't help think of it resting on his nightstand the entire time they fuck.

He ends up buying her his own ring, but keeps it in his pocket. She'd just get mad at him. Doesn't need two promise rings. Besides, the way things are going, he isn't long term. She's just trying to figure out how to live her life without him.

She should've learned by now. Once someone changes your life, you can't ever go back.

The dynamic duo get to sing together at Sectionals. He doesn't tell anyone, but he agrees with Berry. Ken and Barbie don't need to be singing anything thank you very much.

He clenches his fists through the entire number gives the back of Evans's head death glares. That night, he draws out his kisses longer than usual.

"I love you."

She stops breathing underneath him.

"Why can't you ever say it back?"

She squirms away, pulling her top back on and tightening her ponytail.

"I don't know."

They cool it for a while. It breaks his heart. Love scares him too, but at least he has the balls to say it.

Does she tell Evans she loves him? If she does, that's not fair. She had a baby with him. She cares about him. She sleeps with him. She's dating him behind everyone's backs.

He should be the winner here. Why the hell does she have to be fooling around with some other guy to feel safe?

Why can't they just be together like before?

If people like this, I might continue once the new episodes start.