
It was night. The entire town of Kickleweed was in ruins. Some buildings were on fire, some missing walls, some razzed to the ground. Bodies were everywhere. The smoke blew so high up into the skies that Maka, Soul, Black*Star and Tsubaki couldn't miss it.

"There!" Maka shouted. All four of them kicked the back of their horses and they rode over to the ruined town. Vultures were over the bodies of the towns people. Maka and Soul rode slowly down the path with Black*Star and Tsubaki close behind.

"This is horrible…", Tsubaki whispered to herself.

"Come on, he's got to be here somewhere", Soul told them. They rode down the paths and turned down the corners, not spotting a single survivor. Finally they came across a bridge that lead to three buildings, the bank, the cathouse and the mayor's house.

"He's got to be in here!" Black*Star shouted and he rode up ahead, followed by the others.

"Black*Star, Tsubaki, search the cathouse, Soul the Bank, I'll search the Mayors house!" Maka order and they all split up. Maka hopped off her horse and entered the mayor's house. There was blood everywhere and the smell was unbearable. It looked more like a Slaughterhouse than a mayor's house. She held her hand to her nose as she looked into the living room and kitchen. No sign of him. Maka then walked towards the stairs. She slowly began to walk up then stepped on something, upon looking down she saw a severed hand which almost made her gag. She made her way up and found a blood trail leading to one of the bedrooms. She opened the door and saw the mayor hung upside down from the ceiling with his chest opened up and a few organs below him. Then she saw onto the bed three figures. One was a tall woman with long brown hair, another woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes and someone on the bed holding his chest, where he is bleeding from a gunshot wound. He was all in black and with three white stripes across the left side of his hair.

"I found him! He's alive!" Maka shouted. Maka walked over towards those at the bed.

"No…No please!" the tall woman said.

"No! Leave him alone!" the shorter woman cried. Maka pulled both of them out the way and then turned the cowboy in black over to his stomach. Soul, Tsubaki and Black*Star then entered the room.

"Death the Kid! By the authority of the sheriff's office of Death City I place you under arrest. I'd like to see you escape the noose this time", Maka said with such authority, taking cuffs from her belt and began cuffing the cowboy.