Chapter 1: The dream
July 31 2 A.M. Godric's Hollow Hospital
"You're almost there! C'mon, push!"
"Wahhhhhh!" A new born baby's scream was added to his already born brother's scream.
"What would you like to call them?" asked the healer after the mother had enough time to take a breather.
"The one in the right that has my grandfather's blue eyes, Henry Charlus Potter. And the one with James's black, unruly hair, Harry James Potter." said the tired mother.
"Okay, now that's settled, we'll take them to the babies wing." said one of the healers, indicating at the apprentice healers. Lily turned to face James with a shine in her eyes not seen since their wedding day.
"We did good didn't we?" she asked.
"And we'll make great parents." finished James. They continued to sit in silence, Lily falling asleep in exhaustion as they contemplated their lives. They had the perfect life. A perfect house, a huge quantity of money, and now they had the perfect family. They should know by now that nothing in the world is perfect. They jumped up as a healer barged into their room, panting and wide eyed, waking up Lily.
"I'm -pant- sorry but -pant pant- Head Healer Monroe needs -pant- to see you -pant- now!" taking huge gulps of air when finished. The new parents felt apprehensive at how the healer was acting. Surely the news couldn't be so bad, unless...
"MY BABIES!" cried Lily, sitting up suddenly. James pushed Lily gently back onto the bed. Following the young healer, James left the room to follow up to the lead healer's office.
"What's going on?" James demanded once they had gotten to the office. The healer looked apprasingly at the new father before starting.
"If you would follow me, I assure you this would be explained by the end of today." walking into a backroom, where three babies were held. Immediately, the healer walked up to the lone baby seperatex from the other two that James recognized to be his sons.
"Now if you look here at this gem, it shows the magical strength they have at birth. This child here, has a normal core, hence the green color of the gem. Now, for Henry, lookie here. When this comes close, it turns to a brown color. And before you interrupt me, that is a good thing. It means that little Henry here, is stronger than an average wizard. But what I brought you here for, was for Harry. When I put the gem on Harry, watch." James was gazing intently at the gem watching it turn to a pale yellow. He looked up questionly at the healer, who braced himself at what he was about to reveal.
"Now before you ask, let me explain the color spectrum for these types of things. To start off, the strongest wizard alive to date is Merlin, and he sported a Dark Royal Blue color. Dumbledore himself sports a light purple color. As of this century, he is the strongest wizard alive. Now the following colors would then be black, then brown, then green. After that, it becomes red-orange, meaning that the child would be a less than average wizard but not so much as to block his potential."
James's face began to sweat as he thought about his son's color. From the looks of things, it was darkest to light. If his son was pale yellow...
"I'm sorry to say, but your a squib."
It was Halloween. The Potter's could hear the laughter and the plitter-platter of the youngun's running from houses to houses, seeking the sweet delictables that were given out. Throughout the night, the Potter family stayed home, watching, hearing, waiting. Dumbledore had come over to stay with them on this holiday. They knew something was going to happen that day. James had recently flooed Sirius to check on Peter. The first warning came about at 7:59, when all sounds outside stopped. Getting up hurridly, he rushed over to the door to take a look outside. A bright blast of untamed magic hit the door and blew James backwards, into the hallway. Getting up onto his feet, he yelled, "It Him! Get Henry and Harry, and run! I'll try to hold him off!"
With a slightly amused glint in his eye, Voldemort raised his wand and forced his magic to stun James. The spell completely shattered James's shield, blowing him backwards. Stepping over the stunned body, he tried to walk up the stairs but found a barrier blocking him. With his attention on the translucent barrier, he forgot about his surroundings until a red light shattered upon the barrier beside him. Whipping around, he came face to face with Dumbledore himself. With a sneer, they began to trade spells back and forth, neither giving up an inch. With a glance at the fallen Potter, he threw a Crucio at him, only to see Dumbledore take the oncoming curse in the place of James. How Pathetic. With an Incarcerous curse upon Dumbledore's twitching body, he turned around towards the barrier to find it had already fallen. He strode up the stairs without a cursory glance at the fallen warriors on the ground of the living room.
Walking to the last door in the hallway, he heard frantic shuffling in the room. Smirking inwardly at the stupidity of mudbloods, he blasted his way through the door. With a scream, Lily launched herself ontop of the crib, shielding her babies from the monster that was the self-proclaimed dark lord.
"Stand aside little girl!" cried the Dark Lord.
With a slight tremble to her voice, she shook her head, once again, refusing to bend to the will of the dark lord. He watched in amusement as she made to gather up her wand. Flicking his wand, he propelled the redhead into the crib, cuts landing on the twins as the broken wood from the crib rained down on them. With a silent levicorpus, Lily Potter was hanging by her ankles. Although he himself had never indulged in any sexual pleasures, watching the petite, but curvy, redhead struggle was rather...exciting.
"Hmm...maybe after I take care of the prophecy, I'll let my Death Eaters have their way with you. After I get first dibs of course..." he laughed out loud as Lily paled. Pointing his wand at Lily, he said, "Well, since I am a merciful lord, you shall be spared the pain of watching me kill your sons. Stupefy!"
He turned back to the twins to see one of them bleeding quite profusely as he flailed around, blood flying everywhere. The blue-eyed twin continued to cry as blood splattered over him, while the green-eyed one continued to flail around. watching the man glide closer to their crib. Voldemort looked at the two twins in amusement.
"You should be thanking me," he said to Harry, chuckling as he did so, "I will end this pain for you, free of charge."
He pointed his wand at the one year old as the green-eyed baby finally got a grip on the broken crib and pulled himself up.
"Avade Kedavra!"
Harry couldn't help but feel fear as the curse streaked towards him. With a cry, a fire erupted from beneath his hand and followed the trail of blood, forming a rune. Voldemort could only watch in horror as the curse flew towards the baby in slow motion, the Retribution Rune glowing underneath the baby. The curse hit Harry and the rune glowed even brighter as it transferred it's power into the infant. Harry's body began to glow as he took the excess energy without knowing it, and sent it towards the man. The backlash of the rune sent Harry flying towards the wall as the crib collapsed upon itself. Henry fell forward in the fall and fell facedown on the edge of the burning rune. With a sizzle, a lightning mark was burned onto his head, a reminder of the fateful day.
As Harry's imprint left his body, a black cloaked woman entered the room, unseen by anyone but the infant.
"Oh! A baby! I haven't had to collect a baby's soul since almost a decade ago." she said, staring into the bright green eyes of the deceased. After a while, she shrugged. "Meh...another notch in my belt!"
The figure and the baby teleported away, with none the wiser.
A few second later, the figure appeared in a grassy plain which occupied a desk and a hundred or so chairs that were filled with people that were just recently brought in. Walking up to the front of the line, she ignored the cries of outrage from those that were still waiting.
"I'd like to register a new babe, Jerry." the figure said.
Jerry sighed and rubbed his brows before replying.
"Who'd you bring this time, Jasmine?"
She held out her hands, showing Jerry the bundle within. Jerry sat down once again and began to search for a match.
"Okay...let's eyes, black hair, 15 months old...AHA! Harry James Potter. Born July 30th at 11:59, a minute before the new month. Let's see his life credentials."
Jasmine waited patiently as Jerry continued to search through his file cabinets for the files. She was distracted by a dragonfly that happened to fly past her and was startled by Jerry's exclamation.
"I don't get it!"
"What don't you get?"
Jasmine gave Jerry a look of annoyance as he refused to expand upon that answer. At her look, he hastily made his explanation.
"Every baby has at least one misconduct. Even selfishness! But this baby's clean as a polished chrome wheel!"
Jasmine stared at Jerry for a second before getting flustered. How was this possible?
"How about this Jerry? We stamp him for heaven and be done with it?" she asked hopefully. The last baby that had those kind of records took a two day council to determine his placement. With all 144 gods standing around 2 different tables where two other gods were refereeing four gods, 2 a table playing a 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' Tournament. The winner of the entire tournament then took another hour to decide where to place the little devil. 2 hours and a day to determine...Heaven. Looking up, instead of seeing a contemplative set of eyes, all she got were wide, and fearful.
"I hope you weren't just about to grant a baby free entry to heaven, were you?"
Jasmine gulped audibly as she turned around to see her boss.
"N-n-n-n-no..sir.'s just this baby is-"
"Under the jurisdiction of the Gods from Olympus. To add to the fact, they told me to erase his death date from his file until further instructions."
Jerry's and Jasmine's jaws dropped at this. No one in the last eighteen centuries had been under the God's jurisdiction.
"I'll take it over from here..."
It was all Jerry and Jasmine could do to not faint on the spot. As the Grim Reaper picked up the baby, Harry's face scrunched up, red and blotchy. A second later, his face relaxed as a smell permeated through the air.
The three of them stood there in shocked silence as the smell continued to spread, causing the closest people to faint from the smell.
"Did he just...?" The Grim asked in a shocked voice.
"I think he just did." The other two answered, staring at the baby in wonder as the other occupants inside the room were dry heaving on the ground.
"What do I do now?" the Grim asked, with a slight fearful tone to his voice. The other two stared at the Grim in shock. Grims were known for being stoic and deathly, not frantic and scared.
" change it?" said Jasmine. The Grim looked up at Jasmine, then to the baby. Waving his hand, he dispelled the baby's diaper and Banished it away. Looking around, his eyes laid upon Jasmine's black cloak. With a swipe, he tore off her cloak and wrapped it around the baby, leaving Jasmine's bony chest bare.
"Hey!" she shouted in annoyance more than embarrassment.
"Shut up." said the relieved Grim.
"You know, you could've asked..." she grumbled, then she asked in curiosity."So...what do they want him for?"
"Something about an empty 'God of Magic' seat that's unfilled since Merlin decided to travel a bit and got sucked into that Black Hole last week. Until he could be let out, the space is empty and without someone to govern the usage, some terrible things might happen and apparently some of the other gods think that the reason this baby could draw out the Retribution Rune was because he's some magical prodigy. They want to see if he could be the next 'God of Magic' or at least until Merlin is let out of that blasted vacuum." Death drawled while walking towards the pulsing gate at the other side of the field. Jasmine was trying to keep up with the long strides of Death, while trying to keep herself from tripping because of some skeleton animals and their little burrows.
"Can I watch?" Jasmine asked. She never got to see a god be picked. All she knew was that it was a hard and arduous process.
"Sure, I guess." Death said, as he walked into the portal.
Coming out of the other end, Jasmine looked up at the towering castle and gasped in excitement. Looking for Death, she saw him already nearly halfway to the castle in a hurried pace.
"WAIT UP!" she called after him.
Running up to his side, she slowed down but had to keep jogging to keep up with his brisk pace; even with a baby in his arms, it seemed as though he could walk as if he didn't. Reached the door, he knocked on the massive frame and waited for the door to open. The door opened and all Jasmine could see was inky darkness.
"Umm...are you sure we're at the right place?" she asked in a timid tone.
"Yes. Now get in."
She stepped forward into the dark room and watched as the door closed behind Death, throwing them into pitch blackness.
"W-Where are w-" she started but was cut off as sounds came and the lights came on. Before her was all the gods, bar one, chatting with each other while two sat at a sigular table in the middle.
"No...No...NO!" Jasmine screamed in horror. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!"
Death looked over at the screaming Jasmine in faint amusment. "What did you think this would be like? The US Senate?"
Death then turned back towards the tournament.
"Rock, paper, scissors! HAHA! I won!"
"Damn it, Loki! I know you cheated!"
"Relax Jasmine. This time, it's going to be doubly as slow since there's only one game played at any one time...might as well enjoy it." Death smirked at Jasmine as she cried out in terror.
"Please...I'll do anything. I'll be your slave for the next 15 years, I'll run around with a cloak that says 'Death's Bitch', ANYTHING! Just please get me out of here!" she whimpered.
"Sorry, but this is an unescapable room while this council is in order. Enjoy this...for I doubt you'll survive this." he smirked.
It was near six days later when then council finally convened. A tramatized Jasmine stumbled out of the hallway, past the huge doors, and into the open air.
"YES! FRESH AIR. NO MORE PASTY WHITE GUYS PLAYING ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS! No offense of course..." she ammended as she caught the glares of around 100 gods.
The final decision was that he would take Merlin's spot, but sent to an orphanage to live his life until he was 10. Then someone, undecided as of yet, was to be sent to him to inform him of his job and to help him.
It was finally six years later after that fateful day, that Lily and James just about ready to go to sleep. It was around midnight when a tall figure in periwinkle blue robes flooed to the Potter family's living room. Dusting himself off, he turned to the expectant parents.
Ahh, my dears. How nice it is of you to greet me." said Dumbledore.
"No worries professor. It's been a long time since you've came over." asked James.
"Yes, I seem to have to have gotten a craving for your wife's cinnamon buns." said the elderly wizard.
A light laughter came from the kitchen doorway as the smell of chocolate chip cookies came from beyond the closed door. As Dumbledore turned to James with an confused expression, the door opened forwards, allowing a red headed woman to enter the living room.
"If anyone were to hear that, they'd think you were a pedophile." she said as she sat besides her husband. Dumbledore turned red as he realized what he had just let slip. Clearing his throat, he looked back towards the Potters and addressed them.
"Do you think Henry is ready?"
At once, the Potters' face fell, each with their own thoughts running through their minds.
"I believe he is not ready, professor." Lily said. "He has shown some signs of magic, but I don't think he's that ready."
Dumbledore frowned, and stood back up.
The air cracked around him as he looked over at the shivering form of his former headmaster.
"When will you learn?" he asked the figure on the ground."When will you learn to just leave me be?"
The headmaster continued to shiver on the ground, the ferocious winds pounding against his head. Wet silver hair matted against his face as a trickle of blood ran down the side of his face. He finally stood up, buffeted by the wind and tried to get his voice over the roaring winds.
"Harry! You have to listen to me, it was for your own good!" cried the former leader of light.
"Bullshit." 'Harry' whispered, his voice carrying across the field. "You knew I was beaten everyday, until I was nearly unconcious. I know for a certain because you but charms on me to alert you of my injuries. You did it for your own twisted reasons."
"Harry!" he yelled, a horrified expression on his face. "Please! You've got to listen to me!"
Harry stared at the old man pleading. He turned away from him, and started to walk away. Just before he reached the door, he turned back to face his firmer headmaster one last time.
"No." His horrified expression gave him a sense of satisfaction. He closed the door and looked through a magically enforced glass. His wards that stopped Moody and McGonagall were off, allowing them to join Dumbledore. He couldn't hear what the trio was saying inside through the glass, but he saw the frantic expressions on their face. A corridor opened to their right and they raced towards it, only to be stopped by the hordes of Inferis pouring out of it. Another opened and three fully grown dragons came flying out, outraged at it's imprisonment. With a single spoken word, a single ward bubble erected itself around Dumbledore and hovers itself up past the dragons and inferis.
"No!" he screams, pounding against the unbreakable bubble.
"Let me help my friends! I need to help them! Alastor! Minerva!" he cried as the dragons tore Minerva into pieces and the inferis were slowly pulling Alastor into the dungeons. After the arena cleared, he felt the bubble slowly lower him down.
"Why?" said his strained voice. Harry stood there for a minute before he spoke.
"Where's the stone?" he asked. Dumbledore's face blanched when he asked the question.
"I-I don't know what you're talkng about." he says, hoping he would believe lie. Harry continued to stand over his for a second. With a nod, he walked away, leaving Dumbledore on the floor. The old man gave a relieved sigh as his captor walked away. But the calm wouldn't last for long. With a wave of his hand, he had Dumbledore bound to a newly conjured to a chair.
"Didn't I tell you not to anger me?" Harry asked with a menacing glare. He dragged Albus's chair over to rest near a wall, facing it.
"I'm going to enjoy this very, very much." Harry said with a smirk. Waving his hand, the wall infront of him started to slowly rise, showing a squinting...
"Aberforth!" yelled Dumbledore, straining against he bonds. Aberforth just gave a weak moan. Harry walked back to the restrained Dumbledore, circling him before coming directly before him.
"Now, I'll ask you one more time. Where is it?" Harry asked. Dumbledore sat slumped in the chair.
"It's-" he started but faltered. For the greater good, he thought to himself.
"I don't know what you're talking about." he stated as calmly as he could get. Harry stared down at him with a disappointed look in his eyes. Mentally steeling himself, Harry walked over to the stone slab that Aberforth was chained to. Turning back, he stared right into dumbledore's eyes.
"I hate liars." he mutters darkly before waving his hands. A small flame quickly grew under Aberforth.
Harry watched on with morbid fascination as Dumbledore started to buck against his restraints, trying to free himself to help his brother. The fire quickly grew and moved higher up his body, nearly covering hid chest.
"Now, where is the stone?" Harry asked, his eyes flashing dangerously.
"I REALLY DON'T KNOW! LET HIM GO!" cried the headmaster.
"Avada Kedavra." Harry said, pointing his wand at the burning figure.
Harry watched as the man sobbed, feeling no pity for the man. Because of this piece of filth, he has had no family to go to in his time of need. He was gonna make sure that Albus was left nothing.
"Where's the stone?" he asked, yet again. Dumbledore continued to sob as though he couldn't hear Harry. Giving a sigh, he took out a cage.
"Hello Fawkes." Harry said, gaining Dumbledore's attention.
"What're you doing?" asked the reprehensive Dumbledore. Harry pointed his index finger at the phoenix, forming marble white metal around the ancient bird, forcing it to stay in place which keeping it's beak open.
Sighing, Harry took out a pure black stone from within his pocket. "Do you know what this is?" he asked the confused Dumbledore.
"No." Dumbledore replied.
Giving a inward smirk, Harry replied, " friend, is the Necromancer's Stone. It's abilities are like the opposite of the Philosopher's Stone. It can take the magic away from any fellow or thing and kill it instantly, no matter it's protection, and can turn precious metal into nothing but twigs."
"Light and Dark." whispered a horrified Dumbledore.
With a sadistic grin, Harry conjured a cup and filled it with water. Placing the stone in it, he began to chant. Slowly, the water started to swirl with inky blackness, which seemed to exclude a feeling of despair and death.
"Now, tell me where the stone's brother is, or I'll study the effects of something as dark as the Elixir of Death on your phoenix."
As a silent Dumbledore continued to gape at the actrocities in front of him, Harry took the silence as a refusal.
"On your own head, be it."
With nothing more than a wave of his hand, the conjured cup rose and started to drift towards the helpless phoenix. With nothing more than a muttered, "I'm sorry Fawkes.", he poured the black liquid down the phoenix's throat. At first nothing seemed to happen, but the bird started to convulse. Soon, it's body began to turn grey, like stone and slowly turned to dust.
Dumbledore stared, horrified at what had happened to this familiar.
"Tell me, where is the Philosopher's stone?"
"What's it to you?" Harry smirked again before turning to the door.
"Master, you can come in now."
The door opened to let in...
A seven year old Harry jerked awake as his chest started to burn wildly. Turning around in his bed, he blearily looked at the bland walls of the orphanage around him as he winced from the pain
"Too early. Sleep." he mumbled as his head hit his pillow, his hand rubbing at his chest.
He would not notice the sign that was burned upon his skin until the next day.
End of Chapter 1
As you can see, I made it that Harry actually kills (behest only temporarily) Voldemort, not through love, but luck and power. He dies and is sent to the Gods of Olympus to be tested if he could "ascend" and is given the status of God of Magic but to ensure he lives his life, he is sent to an orphanage. =] Also, I changed the nurse's explanation to Harry's power. He will show his prowess sometime later on but not for a long jk. Probably next chapter.
The dream is not a flashback from an earlier life. It's more of a prophetic vision. Just wanted to clear that up.
So at the end of this chapter: Harry is 7 years old. 3 more to become God of Magic. He will probably run into the Greengrasses when he escapes from the orphanage.
From earlier reviews, I heard that some people wanted longer chapters. I'll start writing maybe 3-4k chapters from now on if I can. Expect slower updates.