Hermes- I did not!

Apollo- Yes you did! my bow was on my throne and i left for a while. You stole it!

Hermes- I- yeah i did.

Aphrodite- You're so cute Hermes!

Hermes- thanks for pointing out the obvious Aphrodite.

Hera- I have to disagree with you Aphrodite. Hermes is a lying, filthy,-

Hermes- Why do you hate me so much?

Zeus- Because I had you with Maia.


Zeus- That isn't what I said, I-

Hera- Why do you have kids with just anyone? I mean she was a mountain nymph for pete's sake!

Hermes- (smiling) You're mad at Zeus 'cause of Maia, but who's pete?

Hera- ( Forms a sparking ball of bright red light in her hand and aims at Hermes.)

Hermes- Bye! ( Dissappears leaving a flaming trail of footsteps from where he ran off.)

Zeus- Hera! He set the palace on fire again because of that! Hephaestus!

Hephaestus- ( Sighs, then snaps his fingers and fire flies into his palm. He closes his hand and the fire snuffs out.)

Hera- Maybe if you hadn't gone up that mountain and found his stupid mother-

Apollo- I saw his mom once... Kinda hot. And trust me I know what i'm talking about.

Hera- Apollo!

Apollo- (whistles innocently)

Artemis- Really brother-

Apollo- What did I- ( Gets knocked to the ground by Hermes)

Hermes- What did I miss? ( Laughs) Apollo's on the floor!

Apollo- (Takes his bow from Hermes and shoots an arrow at him. Hermes runs out of the way at the speed of light and the arrow hits Hera's throne.)