(Disclaimer! I don't own any of these characters! They belong to the original creator!)
Chapter One: The Beginning of High School
"Ah! It's finally our freshman year, Sango." I smiled, sitting next to my best friend. We had met in middle school, immediately becoming close friends. Someday, we would even go to college together. Squeal! I couldn't wait for that!
"Yes, Kagome, I know." Sango smiled as well, flipping through a magazine that featured our other friend, Ayame; a model who attached herself to us, but we didn't mind. Ayame brought a lot of fun into our life.
"She looks good in that pose." I pointed out. Ayame had her back to the camera, hands on her hips with a sly look on her face—breathtaking and beautiful.
"I know, right?" Ayame plopped down in front of us, sifting through a brand new bag, Prada most likely. "This school is so boring, there are no boys here…"
She complained about this the moment she heard. Yes, we go to an all girl's school, right next to an all boy's school; but they are full of ruffians and losers. The girls at Rose's Academy for Young Women were sophisticated…bright…and totally boy crazy…who was I kidding? The only guy I ever dated was Hojo, a straight-laced, Christian guy who never even kissed me! I wanted more than that, I wanted a boy who was strong and could protect me from the occasional pervert in the park…an idea hit me then.
"Hey, if you want boys, we can go to Kenwood Academy for Young Men."
"Kagome, are you crazy? The boys there are completely nuts!" Sango cried.
"Yeah, I'm with Sango on this one. I wouldn't take a second glance at one of those boys." Ayame sighed, finding a nail file; as if her nails weren't perfect already.
"No, you guys, I'm serious. This could be our chance to find love before graduation! We need a great love adventure for high school, we only have this one chance!" I could feel my eyes sparkle as I imagined a scene of me running along the beaches with a guy next to me, the sun glowing into a sun set.
"Gross, guys are just perverts, always feeling up on me…" Sango said, and she was right; she had the body of a swim suit model, which wasn't her aim at a career.
"What happened with Hojo? Thought you two were gonna get hitched." Ayame asked.
I pulled a hand to my chin, "I broke up with him."
"Too straight-laced for you?" They chimed in unison, and I gave a nod.
"Oh, Kagome, I'll go along with it," Sango flinched at my enthusiasm "but the first time a boy lays a hand on me, I'm out."
"Hm, I guess I'll go along with you both as well. I don't want to be left out." She gave me a wink with a thumbs up.
"Aw, you two are the best!" I hugged them, as the bell rang, beginning our first year of high school; I could all but wait for what the rest of the four years would bring us.