Responding 'Not a Frog Prince' readers especially df14-blacksnow, I made this side-story; now from Ryoma's perspective. I'd love to make a sequel, but since I don't really support RyoSaku nor hate it, I need to do some researches and give you a different, unique plot than other RyoSaku fanfics I've ever read. No offense, but many of them portray Sakuno as clingy, weak, and easily-nervous and when I read it, I feel like punching her until she is thrown to Atlantic Ocean (seriously). Okay, Sakuno is clumsy and meek, but not in an annoying way. Please. She indeed is a strong girl.

Pardon my rant. Hope you enjoy it :)

Oh, once more: I warn you for a bit random of analogy about Cinderella here. I couldn't come up with anything better, sorry x(


It was always easy for Ryoma to beat his senpai, Momoshiro. Now they were in the court for the umpteenth time, standing face-to-face with racket on hand in steady position. Sweating buckets, Momo gasped for oxygen as he pointed to the cocky brat and whisper 'don' like he always did after fun yet hard match against the Seigaku Ace.

Ryoma's lips could only form his signature smirk, replying his senpai by pointing his red racket back.

And his eyes caught something. No, someone.

Someone in particular, someone who was in his mind like a template.

He sighed. Why in the name of Kami-sama did she have to pass by the court?

Looking clumsy as she was, Sakuno seemed to sneak a glance at him. Alerted, he quickly shifted his gaze and stated the so-called You Still Have Lots More to Work On. Coolness coated his appearance, never did she know that he was about to explode inside. Butterflies moved back and forth and dominated his stomach, increasing heart rate of his.

From the corner of his golden eyes, he saw a ball rolling towards him. Sakuno's. He knew what he was going to do.

Catching Cinderella's shoes and returning it to make her his princess.

For those who can help me to get some ideas for the sequel, I will accept it gladly!

Short? Yes.

Random? Absolutely.

Reviews? Are welcome :D