Owner's Guide and Manual: Okita Souji: Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan

Congrats, you are now the proud owner of a cocky OKITA SOUJI unit! To fully manage this beautiful and extremely popular model, we HIGHLY suggest you read this manual. :)

Your lovely Okita-nyu comes with the following:

1) Red kimono/whatever the hell you call it. (Wait...it's a hakama? Am I right?)

2) Three pairs of tabi (pretty sure those are the thick nice socks)

3) 2 pairs of sandals

4) Two gorgeous Masamune swords; one katana and one kodachi.

5) Beautiful Asian/Western suit with gold and red embroidery.

Although the Okita Souji unit is considered rather docile, if not arrogant and teasing, please do not injure his immense ego or insult Kondou-san in his pretty-boy face unless you have a death wish. Our company does not take responsibility for any physical damage or marital issues concerning our handsome product.

To remove your Okita Souji unit:

1) Just place a bag of traditional Japanese sweets or hot sake outside the box. He'll come right out and thank you (if you're pretty and a girl/hermaphrodite/crossdresser/Lucy) he might blow you a kiss. That little womanizer! (Unless if you have the yaoi version.)

Okita Souji comes in several modes:

Normal: Just placid, lounging around, although he will perform chores for you if asked nicely. Just don't let him near your vegetables; he'll soak them in soy sauce.

Angry Rasetsu: Good for demolishing your little sib's room, but hard to control unless if you offer him blood (Oh you terrible Twilight fans, first a Sparkly Fairy and now a Bakumatsu-period samurai? Shame on you people!)

Boyfriend: Oh yeah, screw those immature freshmen boys; having the sexy Shinsengumi captain by your side is gonna kill your friends with jealousy poisoning. Why else do you think they turn green? Unless if they saw Sannan-san dancing on the table with a frying pan (End of the world as we know it.)

Sad: Aww...oh dear. He's coughing up blood again and moaning about how he couldn't save Kondou-san. Yikes. Better do something quick, like bringing around a YUKIMURA CHIZURU unit...or if you can't stand weak little mary-sues then YOU should pretend to be his sunshine.

Yaoi: Naughty fangirls...raise your hands, how many of you like OkitaXHijikata, OkitaXSaito, OkitaXSanosuke...O/O (Shit, nosebleed!)

Food: Hey, he may be Japanese, but since Okita's such an easygoing sweetie he'll try anything you cook, as long as it's actually edible.

Cleaning: The Okita unit is perfectly capable of cleaning himself. He may offer for you to join if you're good-looking and a girl. Unless if you have the yaoi version.

Questions and Answers:

Q:Err...there's a pile of dead people in my living room, so like, what the hell, and Okita's missing, with like, his sword...ya..

A: So like, he totally just died cause you, like, left him alone and he probably went into, like, sad mode. Ya.

Q: He proposed to me. And my mom. And my nanny.

A: Bring him back RIGHT AWAY.
