Will carried Andy out of the courtyard through the hole Azeem had created. Will gazed down worriedly at his sister as she hadn't made a sound, the only thing she did was shiver. Her eyes had a glazed over look, and she seemed to be staring at nothing. He set her down just outside the horrible castle walls, she whimpered and then began to cry.

"It hurts" she whimpered. Will looked down at her feet again, some of the blisters had burst open and were oozing out blood and clear liquid. He looked around, everybody was still fighting in the castle. He needed Azeem and Tuck, but he couldn't leave Andy by herself.

"Will," he heard someone calling his name he turned to see Wulf running at him. He wanted to hit the boy, he had ruined everything and the result was that Andy almost was burned at the stake. Wulf stopped short at the venom in Will's glare, but that was until he saw Andy on the ground.

"Andy" he yelled, Andy turned her pain filled eyes to look at Wulf as he knelt down beside her. He looked at her legs and then at Will. "Oh my God, her legs."

Will looked back at the castle and then grabbed Wulf by his shirt, ignoring the hiss of pain that escaped the boy's lips. "Wulf, I need you to stay here, kill anybody that approaches you and her."

Wulf barely nodded before Will was off and running back towards the castle. Wulf crawled closer to Andy lifting her up until he slid underneith her, he laid her on his lap, with her head resting underneith his chin. He held her tight as she cried and shook in pain. He couldn't help but think that this was all his fault, he outed Will in front of the Sheriff and ruined the plan. "I'm so sorry" whispered Wulf.


Robin prepared himself, he and Azeem hadn't been able to break down the door and this was his only other option. He sent a quick prayer to God that he didn't smash against the castle wall, and threw himself over the castle edge holding on the banner tight. For a second he was falling, and suddenly the banner grew taught in his grasp and he swung feet first threw the window.

He heard Marian whisper his name and he looked to see the Sheriff on top of her, pinning her to the floor.

The Sheriff looked up at him with cold eyes. "Do you mind Locksley, we've just been married." Robin pulled himself off from the floor drawling his sword as he came to his feet. The Sheriff pulled Marian off of the floor and threw her behind him. He reached down and grabbed his sword that had been disgarded by him when trying to consimate his marriage.

"Recognize this Locksley" he said in a silkey voice, "It belonged to your father, appropriate since I'm going to use it to send you to him."

Robin looked at the sword his father never had been without, "I will never fear my Father's sword"

The Sheriff snarled and attacked Robin barely had enough time to pull back, the sword nicking his chin. The Sheriff cackled at the sight of blood and shot forward again. Robin was ready this time and the two began to dual around the unholy room, Robin barely avoiding the blows the Sheriff aimed at him, blows that clived benches in half. It wasn't long before Robin found himself backed into a corner, his raised sword blocking the Sheriff's blade forming an X. The Sheriff leaned forward.

"Your sister was so sweet Locksley." Breathed the Sheriff into Robin's ear. "Smooth alabaster skin, how she cried as my hands roamed her naked body. How sweet her lips tasted" the Sheriff sighed, "Shame I was rudely interrupted. I didn't have time to finish my little game."

Robin threw his weight against the swords making the Sheriff flew across the room. "I will kill you for that" Robin whispered deadly. The cold tone of Robin's voice made Marian's skin shiver, Robin stuck as the Sheriff lay on the floor, his sword aiming for the bastards head, the Sheriff managed to roll away just in time. Robin blade fell on a thick swath of hair, Robin grinned evily.

"If I have to, I'll take you piece by piece, Nottingham"

The Sheriff snarled, "I'll be the one doing all the taking today Locksley." He grabbed Marian and pulled her into a savage kiss before throwing her away as Robin snarled in anger. The strenght of their blows increased. Sparks began to fly each time their blades met, Marian huddled on a window sill, following the fight with frightened eyes. Watching as the Sheriff landed a mightly blow on Robin's sword, shattering it. Robin tried to escape but tripped over a broken pew and fell sprawling on the ground. He threw the useless hilt at the Sheriff but he dodged it easily. The Sheriff advanced on him like a cat.

Robin turned to Marian who looked horrified at Robin, the Sheriff smirked at her. "Get ready" he said as he raised his sword to give the killing thrust. Robin grabbed the hidden dagger from his boot and stabbed the Sheriff before he could move. The Sheriff looked down surprised to see the dagger sprouting from his chest. The sword in his hand felt suddenly heavy as he recognized the dagger as the one he had given Marian. He grabbed at it and slowly pulled it out. He turned to Marian with the dagger in his hand. She drew back in horror as he approached.

Robin grabbed his Father's sword and watched warily as the Sheriff dropped the dagger and turned to the window. Watching as the Sheriff gazed out the window as his blood poured out of him until he collasped dead. Robin leaned against the wall and pressed the sword against his browl. His Father could rest in peace now, Robin had fullied his blood vow, he had been avenged. Marian gathered herself and began to walk towards Robin crying. Robin moved to meet her, he didn't see the Albino witch appear from behind a tapestry a spear raised to kill him.

It was then that Azeem finally burst done the door, taking in the sceen in an instance. He saw the witch heading towards his friend ready to kill him. He grabbed his curved sword and threw it, hitting the witch square in the chest with enough force to make her fly back and land next to the dead Sheriff. Robin looked at him shocked. Azeem met his eyes.

"I have fullfiled my vow, Christian."

Robin nodded with a tired grin. He took Marian in his arms, and for a long moment they stood together, losing themselves in each other. Marian raised a trembling hand to Robin's face, as though half-afraid he might disappear like a dream. "You came for me! You are alive!"

Robin looked into her eyes, "I would die for you" he whispered before he pulled her into a kiss. And kissed her like he was never going to stop. Azeem smiled at the couple and slowly limped away, his leg still bleeding from where the witch had stabbed him. He paused when he heard the sound of running feet, he stepped into the shadows drawling his dagger, just in case it was one of the Sheriff's soldiers. He relaxed as he saw that it was Will that was running towards him, he sheathed his dagger and stepped out of the shadows. Will looked relieved to see him.

"Thank-god I found you Azeem"

Azeem frowned, "What is it my friend?" He could see the panic in Will's eyes.

"It's Andy, she's in bad shape. He feet were burned badly."

Azeem didn't need to hear anymore. "Take me to her."

Will nodded and lead Azeem out of the Castle back to where he had left Wulf and Andy. Azeem knelt beside Andy.

"By Allah," he whispered looked at the badly burned feet and legs of the girl. He didn't even think that Andy knew he was there as she stared off into nothing with glassy eyes whimpering in pain. He looked at Will. "I'm going to need boiling water and lots of cloth to make bandages." He said as he gently picked Andy out of Wulf's lap, heading back to the accursed castle they had just left. Will lead him down to the castle kitchens where he laid Andy on a table as Will and Wulf ran getting what he asked of them. He was relieved when he saw that Andy's eyes had closen and she had finaly passed out. He knew that she had other injuries, from the torture she had endured but he was reluctant to cut the shift until one of her brother's gave him permission. He instead began to focus on her feet. From his pouch he drew a handful of herbs and threw it into the boiling water, along with the rags that Will and Wulf had brought him. Then he carefully began to massage Andy's legs and feet, willing the blood to flow to them again. Knowing that if it didn't she could develop Gang-green and have to have her feet removed.

He pulled the pot off the flames and used the ladel to pour some herb enriched water into a bowl along with the know sanitized rags. He let the water cool just a little bit before he began to clean the burns, letting the water soak into blisters. As he washed the feet, the blackness began to wipe off, showing Azeem that the burns were not as bad as he first thought.

He was applying a salve he had made on the burns when Will and Robin appeared in the kitchen. Robin slowly walked to Andy and stroked her hair, "I'm sorry Andy" he whispered, "I should have protected you better. None of this should have happened."

Will put his hand on Robin's shoulder, "It's not your fault Robin, do not blame yourself. The only person to blame is dead. Andy is strong, she'll pull through this."

Robin squeezed Will hand and looked up at Azeem, "How bad is it?"

Azeem whipped his hands and looked up at the two brothers. "It is bad my friends, but not as bad as I first thought. It will take months before her feet are healed enough to walk again. But what concerns me his her other injuries, Will you said she was tortured?"

Will nodded, "They burned her stomach with a blunted sword."

Azeem nodded, "With your and Robin's permission I ask to treat these injuries." Will gave his permission immediately, but Robin hesitated, remembering what the Sheriff had whispered in his ear, but he trusted Azeem and he slowly nodded.

Azeem took up his knife and slowly slit the shift Andy was wearing up the middle. He hissed in anger as he saw the burns and the wipe marks on her back. Robin clenched his hands in anger until his nuckles turned white, Will grab the nearest pot and threw it across the room in anger. Azeem applied the salve and wrapped the wounds and then wrapped her nakedness with a blanket.

"I have done all that I can Christian."

Robin nodded and clasped his hand within his own. "Thank-you Azeem."

"I am sorry that I cannot do anymore than what I have done."

"We all do." Robin then gathered Andy in his arms and carried out of the Castle, with Will and Azeem following. There the rest of the woodsmen had waited, they all stood when he came out of the Castle. Marain rushed to Robin but stopped when she saw what he carried in his arms.

"Oh Andria" she whispered touching the young girls check. She had been horrified as she watched the young girl tied to the stake, and yet she had been so calm during it all. She looked up at Robin, "Let's go."

Robin nodded, they had agreed that Marian's castle would be the best place to temporary house the villagers. He looked out at the men, "Gather all the horses you can, Lady Marian has opened her house to us." The men gave out a cheer and all the horses where gather.

Robin handed Andy to Little John, before mounting his horse. John handed her up after he was settled, before mounting his own horse. Robin turned to face his men, "Lets get the hell out of this accursed place."

Robin led the woodsmen out of the Sheriff's castle, with Marian beside her the lead the group to Marian castle. He looked down at Andy often, but she never woke up, not even when he laid her in a bed in one of Marian spare bedrooms.

For days she lay in the bed, never waking. Azeem and even Tuck checked her every day changing her bandages, and spooning broth down her throat. Robin and Will stayed by her side, keeping vigil over her still form.

Andy was lost in the land of dreams. She dreamt of many things, she dreamt of her Father. That she was still in Lockelsy castle, sitting in front of the fireplace as her Father told her stories. She dreamed of Duncan, and Robin teaching her to shoot a bow. She dreamed of Will and Wulf and of the village in the forest. Lastly she dreamed of a beautiful woman that wrapped her in her arms.

"Andria my brave, strong, beautiful daughter. You have suffered so much in your short life" she whispered as she rocked Andy. Andy looked up into her mother''s face for the first time.

"Mother?" she whispered. The woman nodded, cupping her face. Andy could only stare at her mother through tears that filled her eyes.

"Yes my Daughter," she whispered whipping Andy's tears away and kissing the top of her head. "It is time to wake from dreamland my dear. I have protected you from the pain as long as I can. It is time to wake up, your brothers have been worried long enough."

Andy looked up at her mother, not understanding. Why would she be in pain?

Her mother saw her confusion, and smiled sadly, "You will remember all when you awaken. For now be at peace and I will see again my daughter."

Andy hugged her mother as everything around her began to grow lighter. "Good-bye mother."

"Good-bye sweetheart."

Andy closed her eyes, and opened them in a blackened room, light only by a single candle. Two figures rested at the foot of her bed. She recognized Will and Robin immediately, and the memories that she had forgotten in dreamland came rushing back. She slowly pulled the blankets away and looked down at her feet. The were bandage wrapped, but the movement caused the scabs on her stomach and back to stretch and caused her to hiss in pain.

The sound jerked Will and Robin awake, blinking back the sleep. The stood up immediately when they saw Andy awake.

"Andy" whispered Will taking his sister's hand. "Your awake."

"How long was I asleep" she whispered in a hoarse voice before coughing. Will got up to get her a cup of water. Robin sat down next to her.

"You've been asleep for two weeks Andy." Will handed her a cup of water and she drank thirstily. Robin continued to talk. "Were at Marian's castle, Azeem and Tuck have been taking care of you. Your feet and legs are slowly recovering, and so are your other wounds."

Andy again looked at the bandages on her feet. She wandered how long it would take to walk again. All that first day people came in to see her, Fanny, John, Bull, and Marian. It wasn't long until Azeem came in and Andy saw her feet as he peeled back the bandages. Her feet were a mess of dead skin, blisters, and new skin. Andy felt sick as she looked at them, she had to turn her face away.

"Do not worry" assured Azeem, smiling at her. "You'll walk again my friend." And indeed she did walk again.

2 months later.

Andy stood proudly next to Will, her feet almost fully recovered, though she would carry the scars of that day for the rest of her life, she was in a lovely dress made of Sherwood Green, the first proper dress she had worn in almost three years. Will looked good in a shirt of black with red wolves embrodried on his chest. All the surviving woodsmen were attending, each in new clothing. They had all come together to witness Robin and Marian's wedding. The wedding was taking place in the Greenwood, the leaves were falling in a rainbow of color.

Tuck was presiding over the ceremony, looking very pround at that moment. He was smiling as he said the words, "Speak now or forever hold your peace." He didn't expect anyone to answer to he was startled as he was about to pronounce them husband and wife when a majestic voice called for him to hold.

"Hold, I speak," everyone turned and looked shocked at what was riding towards him. Flanked by personal guards in red, rode their King.

"Richard" cried Marian, conferming that it was their King. Andy joined the rest of them as the knelt down, except Azeem. Andy watched from her bowed position as Richard dismounted his horse.

"I will not allow this wedding to proceed," he stated stepping forward. Robin stood up in a hurry.

"My Lord" he began to be interuppted by the King again.

"Unless…I'm allowed to give the bride away" said Richard smiling at his cousin. "You look radiant, cousin" he said kissing her on the check. Robin smiled at the King.

"We are deeply honored, Your Majesty."

Richard shook his head and clapped Robin on the shoulder. "It is I who am honored, Lord Locksley. Thanks to you, I still have a throne." He then looked at Tuck, "Friar proceed."

Tuck and everybody else got off their knees, Robin and Marian smiled at each other and turned to Tuck, Richard putting his hands on each of their shoulder."

Tuck paused to think of were he stopped and grinned when he remembered, he placed his hand over the bible and looked at the couple. "Husband and Wife, You may kiss the bride"

Robin looked at Tuck, and Andy had to smile at what she heard him say. "I know that" Robin pulled Marian forward and kissed, Richard throwing his hands up to signifiy to everyone to cheer. Andy cheered with everybody else, as a hundred white doves were released at that moment.

There was a great celebration after that, mead and meat flowed like honey and then the dancing started. Andy was in the middle of the dancing, her skirt lifted enough to allow her feet to move freely. Wulf danced with her, moving in perfect harmony with her. They danced for the freedom they had won, for the pain they endure, and for they loved the held for each other.


Andy and Wulf married four years later when they were both 16. Andy was lovely in a green and white wedding dress. It was one of the happiest days of her life as she became Lady Little.

Wulf and Andy were happily married for 60 years, having 5 children together. It had been years since either one had had the strength to draw back their bows, Robin, Marian, Will and his wife had already passed on along with Little John, Fanny, and Azeem. They were the only two left that had fought against the Sheriff of Notingham. There story was now considered a legend, told to children around the campfire.

It was late June, Sherwood was at it's best, nothing but green as far as the eye could see. The day was warm, and a gentle breeze blew. It cooled the mourners as they walked into the forest, they followed a cart being pulled by a pair of black horses. On the cart was a single large coffin. Lord and Lady Little of Locksley had died during the night, wrapped in each other's embrace. Their children had been reluctant to separate their parents even in death, and they had had a coffin built big enough for them both to rest peacefully in.

Their children were honoring there last wish of their parents, to bury them in their beloved Greenwood. Many of the desedents of the original woodsmen were gathered to honor the last of the Robin Hood's Merry Men.

A simple Frair oversaw the burial, like Tuck he loved a good glass of beer. He had gotten to know Lord and Lady Little very well. He had been facinated by the tales the villagers had told of Robin Hood, and had went to meet the living legends. The couple had welcomed him in and told him their story, and had graciously let him record it. The story of Andria, Wulf, Will, Robin, Marian, Azeem, Fanny, and Little John would live on forever. Their fight for justice, their love, and their victory would be perserved for generations to come.

As the Friar said the final words of the ceremony, no one saw the light that appeared above the grave. The light grew brighter and brighter until it revealed Andy and Wulf standing there as young as the day they married.

"Andy, Wulf" called a voice, Andy and Wulf turned to see everyone from there past, Robin, Will, Azeem, Fanny and John in the distance, they all began to beckon to Wulf and Andy to come. Andy turned to Wulf taking his hand.

"Lets go home Wulf" whispered Andy, taking one last look at the people around them, at her children and grandchildren, and even her great-grandchildren. Wulf smiled back squeezing her hand. Andy began to laugh, and took off in a run towards her family, Wulf laughed and took off after her. Into the greenwood they ran laughing as they ran to their family, never to be seperated again.

Some say that when you enter Sherwood Forest to this day you can still hear Andy and Wulf's laughter ringing threw the trees. Safe and happy in their beloved Greenwood.


This is the end of this fic, I do plan on revising some of the earlier chapters. Thanks for sticking around and taking your time to read this fic, please review and have a happy holidays!