This story is based off of true events that happened just a few hours ago. My friend and I were reading comics on XKCD when we came across one labeled 'America'. To see it go to /204/. We looked it up and watched a hilarious video on YouTube about it and well, we laughed for about the next ten minutes. So, I hope that you enjoy this. To see the video go to .com/watch?v=i4p6_G4gQpk.

Neal stared at the computer screen, feeling his mind screaming while it slowly withered away. He had never thought that research could be so boring and yet here he was, with his eyes staring unfocused at the list of names and his brain yelling at him to stop. 'Peter wouldn't mind if I just take a small break; it's all to save my sanity after all,' Neal thought and went to Google. He typed comics into the search browser and clicked on the first option; . He hit 'random' and a comic titled 'America' loaded on the screen. He quickly read it and burst out laughing.

The comic that it had gone to was a picture of a short timeline with The Declaration of Independence at one end and Present Day at the other. Also on the time line there was a dash at 1979 saying 'Jimmy Carter Attacked by Giant Swimming Rabbit'. Underneath the comic 'America Must Never Forget' was printed.

"No way," He said and went to YouTube and typed in Jimmy Carter giant rabbit. He clicked on a video titled Jimmy Carter Vs. Killer Rabbit and once again burst out laughing, drawing curious glances from the agents in the room.

"What's so funny?" Peter asked coming up to Neal's desk. Neal tried but failed to form a coherent sentence.

Peter glanced at Neal's computer screen and saw the video that he had been watching as it started over. Peter glanced at Neal before letting out a laugh of his own. The two kept laughing until Jones walked over.

"What are you guys doing? We have to go to Carter's gallery. Apparently he had some sort of living art and the bunnies that he was using were taken."

Peter and Neal looked at each other before laughing again. The laughed for so long that both of their faces were red and they could hardly breathe.

Well, I hope that you liked it. It was just purely a bit of stupid fun but I had to write it. Some of the older readers may have already known this but, I'm still in high school so I found this an amazing new piece of information; and yes, it is completely true. All I can say is: Thank you history.