Kurt was grinning widely as he entered his house with Blaine trailing behind him. The older boy was laughing as Kurt talked animatedly with his hands about the movie. They had gone to see Black Swan at the last minute because both of them were bored and Finn wouldn't stop whining about Rachel. Kurt was all for having brother moments, but he kind of liked Rachel now and talked to the girl normally. So it was a little more than awkward talking to Finn about it when he could see why Rachel had reacted like that. Plus it had made Blaine really uncomfortable since he didn't really know Rachel that well.

Kurt stopped in the hallway though as he took in his house. It was way too quiet. Blaine seemed to realize the same thing at the same time because he stopped as well while Kurt moved further into the house.

"Dad? Carole?" Kurt called, "Finn? You guys home?"

His family should have answered him. After Blaine and his first date Kurt hadn't gotten the first syllable out before his Dad was there in all of his intimidating glory. The countertenor moved to the hall closet and opened it. Blaine kept his eyes on the living room entrance down the hall while Kurt looked at the kitchen door. He grabbed the baseball bat they kept in the closet for moments like these and shut the door quietly.

"All the cars are here." Blaine whispered.

Kurt felt fear pool in his stomach as he held the bat up, ready to swing at the first person he saw.

"Anyone here? If you guys are messing with us it isn't very nice." Kurt said.

They pushed the kitchen door open and entered seeing no one in the room. Both boys were clearly freaked out as they moved towards the living room.

"This is one of those times I wish your dad actually owned a shotgun." Blaine said quietly, as Kurt almost smiled.

"Okay seriously guys, where are you?" Kurt asked loudly.

They made their way to the living room and Kurt's eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. His family was on the floor, tied up with rope. Carole and Finn were staring at him with wide eyes, fear and relief showing. He couldn't see his Dad's face from this angle as he moved into the room. To his credit he didn't drop the baseball bat as he and Blaine made it to his family.

Kurt ripped the duck tape off his Dad's mouth, "Dad what happened?"

Burt's eyes were unfocussed as he looked at Kurt.

"Someone knocked on the door, we thought it was you. Opened the door and that's all I can remember. I think they hit me." Burt told his son, who pulled his Dad's baseball cap off. Sure enough a large red bump was on his head.

Kurt jumped at the sound of a crash, Blaine shot up straight as they both stared at the door. The countertenor turned to Carole and Finn ripping the duck tape off their mouths as well.

When another crash, sounding so much closer than the last echoed through the house, Kurt turned with the bat ready.

"Kurt, Blaine, you two get out of here." Carole told him, "They aren't going to hurt us."

Kurt hissed, "Most burglars actually do hurt their hostages. I'm not an idiot!"

He was glad for the first time since they'd moved into the new house that the living room had wooden doors instead of the French doors they had at the old house.

"Frankie! There's another car in front." he heard a deep male voice say.

Kurt was shaking a little as he moved around the couch and beside the door. He looked at his family and Blaine who was trying desperately to get the ropes off of Finn.

"Do you think they called the cops?" that must have been Frankie.

"Go check on them!" the same deep voice said.

Kurt held the bat ready to strike and when the door opened, the countertenor swung the bat hard. He heard something crack as he brought the bat back.

"Shit! Eli!"

Kurt watched in shock as the other man came through the kitchen. Blaine moved away from Finn and the others quickly as the man glared at them. Another male coming from the kitchen as well.

Three on two, that wasn't so bad. Blaine didn't have a weapon though, but Kurt had hit one of them. The odds weren't as bad as they could be.

"Who the fuck are you?" the first guy snapped.

"I'm their family." Kurt said, feeling a lot braver than he was, "Look assholes, we already called the cops so I figure you have ten minutes to get out of here-"

"Oh please, if you had called the cops they would already be here." the second guy said.

"Fine then we'll call them again." Blaine said with a glare.

"Aw, aren't they just adorable." Frankie said, standing up.

He had blood gushing from his nose as he glared at Kurt who swung at him again. The countertenor let out a shocked sound when the guy grabbed the bat. Blaine made a sound of panic behind him as Kurt stared at the older man wide eyed.

"I don't think so buddy." the guy sneered trying to yank the bat from Kurt.

The shorter boy tugged it towards himself before letting go. Frankie fell into the door frame before Kurt backed up towards Blaine. The older boy pulled Kurt closer to him and it didn't help his own fear that Blaine was almost shaking. There was no way they could call the cops without them jumping on them before they got even the second digit in.

"Tick tock jerks, you're wasting valuable fleeing time." Kurt snapped, almost cursing when the two men by the kitchen walked towards them.

"You know smart ass, you're kind of cute." the guy in the front said, making Kurt's blood turn to ice.

Blaine's eyes narrowed as he stood in front of Kurt, "Look just take what you already got and leave, we don't want any trouble."

"See we could have done that if your boy hadn't hurt one of my friends."

"All I'm saying is that if the cops catch you it would only be breaking and entering, you don't want to put anything else on that list of charges, right?" Blaine was trying to reason with them.

"Son, I don't really give a shit what goes on that list of charges. I've been out of jail for two weeks, so this is just a little starter course for me."

And just like that Blaine tried to stop reasoning with them. If he didn't care there was no way for them to make them.

"Leave them alone!" Carole snapped.

"They're only kids." Burt said, hoping for mercy.

His family started yelling at the burglars and Kurt decided to use that to their advantage.

"Blaine, I have a plan, but you have to run okay?" Kurt told the boy quietly, as he picked up a lamp and yanked the cord out of the wall.

Kurt saw his family stare at him with fear in their eyes as they continued yelling. They were directing the burglars attention on them and Kurt was thankful for it at the same time that he wanted them to shut up.

"What's the plan?" Blaine asked back quietly, as they moved towards the living room door.

"I'm going to hit Frankie and you're going to run, okay?" Kurt asked quietly, "You have your phone, I need you to call the cops and get them here."

The two men near the kitchen were walking towards them still. Frankie was up near the door.

"I-I can't leave you here." Blaine whispered desperately.

"Yeah well you're going to have to Blaine if you want us to make it out alive." Kurt hissed reasonably.

The boy nodded his head as Kurt smiled shakily. When he got close enough to Frankie he shouted at Blaine to run as he slammed the lamp into Frankie. The thief stumbled back as Blaine ran past him. He heard the door open and almost let out a sigh of relief.

"Eli! Go after him!"

Kurt yelped when he was tackled by Frankie, who was glaring daggers at him. Eli ran past them as Kurt struggled against the burglar.

"Get off of me!" Kurt yelled loudly.

"Leave him alone!" Burt hollered.

"Get away from him you jackass!" Finn said loudly.

When Frankie backhanded Kurt, the countertenor yelped in pain.

"Fuck off!" Kurt snapped, stopping all movement when the head guy stood in above him, pointing a gun down at him.

"If you think your little friend is going to get far, you're very wrong." the guy said, "Frankie, get him up. We're going to have some fun."

When the countertenor felt himself being yanked up, he kneed Frankie in the groin. Yelping when the head guy hit him with the butt of the gun, sending him into the couch.

Kurt looked up through tear filled eyes to see the guy had replaced the duck tape on his families mouths. The look of fear had grown on their faces to terror. Kurt was almost shaking with fear and adrenaline.

"See, this is why I love robbing houses." the guy said, as the gun dug into Kurt's cheek, "There is usually at least one hole we can plow into."

Kurt whimpered when the man thrust into his back. When Eli came back in with a glare on his face, the head guy stared at him.

"Where is the little fucker?"

"I lost him."

Kurt felt relief for a moment, because that meant that Blaine could get them help. Help meant that these guys didn't have much time.

When Kurt felt hands in his hair, jerking his head up. Kurt gasped as he gripped onto the hands.

"Boss, you want us to tie him up?"

Kurt could see all of his family hoping for that. Hope vanishing at the mans next words.

"Nah, I want to have some fun with him. The more they fight the better it is for me."

Kurt dug his nails into the guys hands before he scratched down. The guy let go as Kurt moved away from him. He slid to a stop as Eli covered the kitchen door before turning to go out the living room door, seeing Frankie already there. Kurt hesitated for a second, seeing the bat on the floor. He bit his lip and made a quick decision. The countertenor stuck his foot out and rolled the baseball bat to him, and kicked it up, catching it. He swung and hit Isaac's hand, sending the gun sliding across the floor. He was slightly shocked it actually worked as he moved at an angle so all three men were in his sight.

"You three can go screw yourselves if you think for one second I'm going to let you do anything to me without a fight." Kurt said, his eyes glaring at them.

"How cute, he has some fight in him Isaac." Frankie said.

"They usually do until I'm through with them." Isaac replied.

Kurt didn't think he'd ever felt more terrified than he did in that moment. When Eli came towards him Kurt swung the bat low and hit the man in the stomach. The countertenor shoved the bat up, delivering an upper cut to the guy's chin. Eli went down as Kurt jumped over the guy. When the countertenor turned to look at the men, he noticed that Isaac had grabbed the gun again, pointing it at his Dad.