Ate's Revenge: a sequel to 'Demigod'
~by JanayOkay14
Percy Jackson.
The name was like bile in the mouth of Ate.
He had ruined her plans.
She could have placed a collective blame for her newfound troubles on all of camp-half blood, or narrowed it down to Percy, all his sidekicks, and that troublesome son of hers, Justin. But she didn't.
She blamed Percy, and he alone was the focus of her rage.
Years ago she had realized that it was a rare child of hers that could be steered the way she wanted them to go, and so she had begun to watch for one. When a young Pattie and Jeremy Bieber were gifted with the child of a kind (so they thought) goddess, they saw no way to refuse, despite the fact that it ruined their plans for the future.
And as the young boy grew, she had manipulated his life in such a way that he reached the goal she had hoped for: international star. From there, she had planned, she would entice him to use his powers to manipulate the army of devoted young girls at his beck and call.
Enter Percy Jackson (and Annabeth, but she liked to leave the girl out of it. It was the boy who had the smart mouth).
He had stolen her son away to Camp Half-blood, despite her best efforts to kill them all before they got there. And then, to her horror, he had discovered who his father was. And that was how he became god of Poetry and Fangirls, stepping into his mother's never-before-infringed-on-territory as Goddess of Infatuation. It was Aphrodite's territory too, but he gave her compliments, so she didn't mind.
In divine company, he sang with his father and shunned his mother. And that enraged her more than anything. She couldn't really blame him, because the swift and complete takeover of his duties and rapid emergence into favor with the other gods was just the exhibiting of ambition and drive she had given him.
That left one person at fault.
From the son stealing, to the triumphant ending for her enemies, Ate had more than one reason to be angry.
And she blamed it all, every last nuance and motion, on Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon.
And if you though she was going to let him get away with that, you're crazier than she was.