Okami: I think I'll have more time for this fan fiction now that I've got a few things figured out.

Kate: Yay!

Kellyn: No!

Keith: I'm just here for the tacos.

Okami: *Hands Keith a taco.*

Keith: 'Kay, I'm out. Peace!

Okami: Anyway, please enjoy the newest chapter of Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia!

Kellyn: Very unique, original title.

Okami: Shut up Kellyn.

Kellyn: Hey, you're the one who is arguing with a fictional character.

Okami: You have a point.

Shadow: Ooh! Oooh! Can I do the Disclaimer?

Okami: Sure.

Shadow: Ahem. Okami does not own Pokemon.

Kellyn: THANK GOD!

Kate & Okami: Shut up Kellyn.

Previously on Pokemon...

The door swung open. A woman stomped inside. "Katie, we're going home."

"What?" everyone cried in unison.

"What do you mean, 'going home'?" Kate exclaimed, bolting into an upright position.

"We're going back to Fiore." her mother had said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"But...I thought you already bought a house here!" Kate protested, standing up. "You can't do this!"

"Kate..." her mother glared at the girl. "I am your mother. I know what's best for you. You could have been killed!"

Kate returned her mother's glare. "But I wasn't!"

"But you could have been!"

An eerie silence fell over the room.

"You have until 9:00 tonight to say your good-byes. We're leaving then." her mother left the room, leaving no room for an argument.

Celeste hugged her sister's waist, seeing as it was the only thing she could reach. "No..."

Kate closed her eyes. "Dammit. Why do I have to screw up everything?"

"Sister...This wasn't your fault." Celeste whispered. "You know how Mommy and Daddy are."

Kellyn, Keith, and Rhythmi had been stunned into silence. Finally, Kellyn spoke up.

"I guess this is it."

Shadow looked pale. I'm sorry, Katie...

Kate's eyes snapped open. "No. I came here to become a ranger, and I intend to do just that!"

The group watched in shock as Kate ran after her parents. Celeste's shoulders drooped. "Mommy and Daddy have been against Kate becoming a ranger from the start. I think they were surprised she got in..."

"I wonder why?" Rhythmi mused. "What do they have against rangers?"

Celeste shrugged. "I'm not sure. But if anyone can convince them otherwise, it's Katie."

Rhythmi nodded. "Definitely."

"Didn't she convince Mr. Lamont that this school was haunted?" Kellyn wondered.

Keith snickered. "Yep. That was Kate."

Celeste's bright blue eyes sparkled. "See! We might get to stay!"

"Mom, Dad, you're being ridiculous!" Kate exclaimed, exasperated.

Mom glared at her. "Oh, we're being ridiculous? Says the girl who almost got killed protecting a rat and still wants to become a ranger!"

Kate's eyes blazed. "Shadow is not a rat! And it was not her fault, she was helping me!"

Dad shook his head. "That's not how the other students put it. Shadow got caught by the Tangrowth and you were the one who helped her."

"Please!" Kate pleaded. "Please let me stay! I can do it!"

"No. You're too young. Maybe in a few years, you can come back. But only if you're good." Dad stated bluntly.


Mom whirled on her. "Why can't you just be a normal little girl and listen to your mother and father?"

"Why can't you be a normal mother and listen to what your daughter has to say?" Kate returned.

"We said no, and that's final!" Dad barked.

"Fine." Kate said coldly. "Have it your way. But just know this." she paused, tears clouding her vision. "Parents are supposed to say, 'Follow your dreams.' You two have never supported anything Celeste and I have done. But I love you anyway."

Kate's mother closed her eyes as her daughter walked away. "Wait."

Kate stopped. "What?"

She sighed. "If...If you don't do anything stupid again...You can stay."

Dad looked at his wife, alarmed. She silenced him with a cold glare. "Kate. You can become a ranger."

Kate whirled around and hugged her mother, then her father. "Thank you! I promise, I won't let you down!"

As Kate ran back into the school, Kate's mom smirked evilly. "But you already have, Katie dear."

Dad glared at the woman. "This will corrupt everything!"

Mom held her hand up. "Hey: If the girl wants to get herself into this, let her. I have a feeling she'll see it our way in the end."

Kate was grinning widely when she returned to her friends. Celeste's eyes sparkled.

"WE'RE STAYING!" Kate announced in a booming voice. Celeste squealed.

Rhythmi was crying tears of joy. "YES!"

Kate blinked. "So...Uh, what happened after I passed out?"

Rhythmi giggled. Kellyn snickered. Keith looked bright red, and was shooting death glares at his two friends.

"What happened?" Kate narrowed her eyes.

"KEITH CARRIED YOU TO THE INFIRMARY!" Kellyn and Rhythmi exclaimed in unison.

Keith turned an even brighter shade of red and fell backwards onto the floor. Kate's face was an even redder color.

"Uh, after that?" she asked, desperate to change the subject.

Celeste giggled. "That's when we showed up. We knew it was Graduation day, so we decided to come see you."

"Oh yeah. How did the rest of the ceremony go? Where was everyone stationed?" Kate felt slightly nervous.

Rhythmi beamed. "Mr. Lamont announced that the four of us-you, Keith, Kellyn, and me-would be stationed in Vientown!"

"Oh yeah!" Kate did a fist pump.

"Hey, shouldn't you be taking it easy?" Kellyn asked. "You're still pretty banged up."

Kate shook her head. "No way, dude. Too psyched now!"

Everyone laughed, except Keith who was still unconscious.

"Uh..So how do we wake Keith up?" Kate asked.

"How about you give him a kiss!" Kellyn exclaimed, causing Rhythmi and Celeste to giggle.

That woke him up.

"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You. Kellyn." Keith hissed.

"And when you're dead, I'll kill you again!" Kate interjected.

Everyone blinked, then burst into laughter.

"SISTER!" Celeste raced out of the house at an abnormal speed for her age and tackled Kate.

"Happy birthday, Cici!" Kate ruffled her sister's fine honey-colored hair.

Celeste giggled. "I'm so happy we're all together!"

Rhythmi laughed.

Celeste crawled off her sister and stood up. "Hi, Rhythmi!"

Rhythmi hugged the little girl. "Happy birthday, Celeste!"

Kellyn jumped out from behind a tree. "Yo, yo, Cici! Happy B-day!"

Celeste giggled.

"Happy birthday!" Keith joined in, trying hard not to look at Kate.

Happy Birthday! Shadow made that purring sound at Celeste.

"Thank you, everyone!" the little five-almost-six year old beamed.

"So, where are Mom and Dad? I don't see them anywhere." Kate noted as the group walked inside.

Celeste sighed. "They had to leave for work."

Kate scowled and grumbled. "And on your birthday, too."

Shadow pressed close against Kate.

Celeste shrugged. "Well, it's okay, 'cause Big Sister and her friends are here!"

Kate was obviously upset. "But, we leave for Vientown tomorrow. Do you think they'll be back?"

Celeste shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. But I can take care of myself if they aren't home!"

Kate sighed and ruffled her sister's hair. "Well, let's not worry about it now. Let's enjoy your birthday: I think you'll like your presents!"

Celeste's eyes sparkled like diamonds. "Really? Oh, thank you, everyone!"

The evening passed quickly, and after the cake and ice cream, Celeste finally got to open her presents.

"Here, Celeste!" Rhythmi giggled. "I think you'll love your present."

Celeste opened the little package, careful not to rip the paper, which was unusual for a five year old. "SO CUUTE!" she squealed, hugging the little life-like doll dressed in clothes matching Celeste's frilly blue dress. She collected herself and faced Rhythmi. Bowing politely, she murmured, "Domo arigatou gozaimasu."

Rhythmi, looking slightly surprised by Celeste's manners, nodded. "Uh...You're, err, welcome."

Celeste smiled.

Kellyn handed her a brown paper bag. Celeste blinked and reached in.

"Zombie Slayer III?" Kate arched an eyebrow at Kellyn. He grinned.

"What? You're never too young to learn how to kill zombies!"

Celeste giggled. "Cool!"

"See?" Kellyn smirked. "Five year old girls love to play zombie-killing games."

"My turn. Okay, Celeste, close your eyes." Keith instructed.

Celeste followed instructions.

Keith quickly slipped a baseball cap onto her head and turned it sideways.

Celeste opened her eyes and squealed.

"Awesome! Now I can be like Katie!" she actually hugged Keith, turning his face a pale shade of pink. "Uh..You're welcome."

Kate smiled warmly at her sister, and pulled out a small box with a little red bow on it. Celeste slowly opened it and gasped.

It was a little silver locket with a C and a K engraved on it. Inside, a little picture of Kate holding a baby stared back at them.

"That's you not long after you were born." Kate informed her sister. "The doctor's said you weren't gonna make it. They were wrong."

Celeste immediately pulled the necklace on, then hugged Kate. "Thank you..."

Shadow padded over. Sorry I couldn't get you a gift. I don't have any money.

Celeste smiled, still a little surprised she could hear Shadow. It had taken almost an hour to explain the concept to her. "It's okay, Shadow. I'm just glad you're here!" she hugged the little Pokemon.

"It's getting late. You should get to bed." Kate noted, looking out the window, then checking the clock. "If Mom and Dad walked in right now, they would be angry you weren't already in bed."

Celeste nodded, barely stifling a yawn. "Night..."

As the little girl headed up the stairs, Kate turned to the others. "Keith, Kellyn, you'll be sharing the guest bedroom. Have fun." She pushed the guys in front of a door and turned to Rhythmi and Shadow. "You two can come with me to my room upstairs."

Once upstairs, Rhythmi collapsed onto the air mattress. "I'm worn out. But it must be worse for you. You're head okay?"

Kate nodded. "Yeah. I got rid of the headache hours ago."

"Good." Rhythmi yawned. "Well, good night..."

Kate crawled onto her bed, which was nothing more than a hard mattress about two inches thick, an old pillow case stuffed with an old sweater, and a thin black blanket. "Sleep tight." Shadow jumped up onto the bed beside Kate. She curled up and fell asleep instantly. Comforted by the little Pokemon's presence, she slowly drifted off.

"LUNA!" a woman wailed.

"It'll be okay, Alice."

"We killed our only daughter, Jake!"

"For research."

"But still! What if someone finds out?"

"Good point."

"We'll get arrested!"

"No, we won't. Not if anyone doesn't notice our daughter's absence."

"But she's dead!"

"We're scientists. We can clone her or create a new daughter in a test tube or something."

"I suppose you're right. But we must dispose of Luna all together."

"I'll get on it now."

Kate's blood turned to ice. Alice and Jake! That's Mom and Dad! her heart stopped. And...they killed Luna! The little girl in the meadow, the one that looked just like me! she tried to breathe, but found it impossible. What if they do the same to Celeste? Or me? What is going on here? Who are they really?

Before she could get any more answers, she felt someone shaking her shoulder, and the dream faded away.

Okami: How ya like that chapter? A little light has been shed on that Luna girl. Hehehe.

Anyway, I figured I might as well do this, to get everyone caught up with the characters so far. I'll do this in the future, too.

Kathryn Elizabeth Dunnivant(Kate):

Kate is the protagonist in this story. She is the youngest, and has spiky brown hair in two pigtails and pale blue eyes. She's a bit of a tomboy, and can be a little impatient and reckless at times. She also has a fiery temper. Underneath it all, though, is a kind, caring girl who just want to do what is right.

Alice Dunnivant:

Alice is Kate's mother, but doesn't act motherly at all. She is slightly taller than Kate and has dark brown hair she keeps clipped back in a bun. Her eyes are a strange shade of violet. According to Kate's dream, she helped kill Luna, who was apparently her daughter. But, was Kate's dream true, or is Alice just a workaholic with no time for her kids?

Jacob Dunnivant(Jake):

Jake is Kate's father, but does a horrible job at being one. He is taller than Alice and has short, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He, according to Kate's dream, helped murder his daughter, Luna. Whether the dream was true or not will be revealed later.

Celeste Dunnivant(Cici):

Celeste, often referred to as Cici by Kate, is the youngest in the Dunnivant family. She has thin honey-colored hair and sapphire blue eyes. While she tends to wear frilly, lacy clothes, she does have a tomboyish side, much like her sister.

Luna Dunnivant:

Little is known about Luna, other than the unclear information from Kate's dreams. She has spiky brown hair, much like Kate's, but has violet-colored eyes, much like Alice's.

Keith Bryant:

Keith is one of the male protagonists. He has reddish brown hair and emerald-colored eyes. He appears to care for Kate as more than a friend, but won't admit it. He's very protective, but can be a bit of a show-off sometimes.

Rhythmi Little:

Rhythmi is the second of the female protagonists. She has curly blond hair, often described as poofy by Kate, and brilliantly azure eyes. She can be very bossy and pushy, but has a heart of gold underneath it all.

Kellyn Moore:

Kellyn is the second of the male protagonists. He has spiky brown hair and blue eyes. Kellyn is a bit of a dunce, and is the clown of the group, but really does care about his friends underneath. He cares for Kate as a little sister.

Okami: That's it for now! Please, people, review!