Title: Relictus

Summary: Nikola keeps a journal. Post "Hollow Men"

Notes: Spoiler warnings. I don't own Sanctuary. Okay so a weird story this but I found this Tesla handwriting font online and I downloaded it because it was so cool and then I had to do something with it so I started writing a journal from his point of view post "Hollow Men." Obviously you don't get to see it in his handwriting but that's where I got this idea from in case anyone was wondering and the title, for anyone who hasn't gotten bored and stopped reading already, is Latin for "Left Behind" but a title no one knows the meaning of sounds way cooler.

Day 1:

I know how uncharacteristically odd of me it is to be a keeping a "journal" but I really need somewhere to vent my thoughts and doing that aloud just gets me a weird look for that hairy one that Helen has working here.

It's so infuriating! I mean really, Helen would rather take those three chumps with her than me and don't even get me started on Jack the bloody Ripper. Stay behind and man the fort indeed, this is me that we're talking about! Its not fair that I get left behind after all the time I spent finding the gateway and creating the Vampire Shield and for the record I don't suck at naming things, I'm a genius.

But here I am anyway, left behind with the nagging rug while they get to go see this stupendous city with all its amazing technology and the cure for Helen. How can I not be bitter? You know I bet if I was still a vampire than I bet I would have got to go, vampires are so much more useful than idiot children and teleporting psychopaths!