BEFORE you read anything, I thoroughly apologize for this. Chan and I might have gotten a little carried away with our roleplaying. Anyway, we're part of this Facebook RP, she's Blaine, I'm Kurt, and we wrote a lot of good stuff, more kink than fluff, but anyway. It seemed to get a lot of readers, so we decided to convert it to a word document and post it for public viewing.

Let me warn you that some parts might not make sense, since in roleplaying, it's usually Blaine, then Kurt, then Blaine, etc, etc, so you might feel as if some reactions are late or repetitive, and the he/he pronouns might also make it confusing. Either way, we hope you enjoy.

Everything Blaine does, I credit to Chan (babygirlyoudashit on Tumblr.)

xxx Artemis.

PS: I don't own Glee. And beware for Mature contents.

Kurt adjusted his school blazer nervously and knocked on Blaine's door. It wasn't as if he'd never been in his room before but...still. You couldn't blame him. Blaine was kind of totally gorgeous. Blaine heard Kurt at the door. He rushed to make his bed, and took a quick glance in the mirror to make sure that his hair looked alright. Kurt always looked perfect.. it put a lot of pressure on Blaine sometimes. Half-smirking, Kurt let himself in with his usual act of superiority and looked around, leaning against a wall. "You've ditched your usual mess, I see," he joked lightly, glancing at Blaine.

"What mess?" replied Blaine, instinctively smoothing his blazer. He stepped back and invitingly gestured towards the bed. Kurt cocked an eyebrow and chuckled. "I've been in your room before. Where are the strewn clothes and the unmade bed?" His voice was light and teasing as he positioned himself on the edge of Blaine's bed, crossing one leg over the other. "The song?" he prompted.

"I thought you might enjoy a clean room for once," Blaine replied. He stopped for a moment to catch Kurt's gaze.
"The song," he repeated. He walked towards his desk and grabbed a thick folder. "Take a look." Stretching his hand out for the folder, Kurt grabbed it and flipped through it, 'hm'ing at the selection and mouthing a few words in his mind, nodding along. "Though it wouldn't have been on my top choices, I think it works," he decided, closing the folder on his lap.

Blaine joined him on the bed. "Remember, you'll get to pick the songs soon enough." He smiled up at Kurt, hoping to see in his face whether he was disappointed or not.

"Really?" Kurt asked, a little suspicious. Nobody had mentioned that before, and as far as he knew so far, it was put up to vote and most guys voted for Top Forties. Though Kurt didn't have anything against popular music, he was similar to Rachel in the aspect that showtunes were his thing. "I think I'd end up at the bottom of a dog pile if I got my way with song choice," he laughed.

"When you're an upperclassman, I'll vouch for you." Blaine replied, his heart filled with Kurt's airy laughter. He wouldn't mind doing show tunes if that was what Kurt wanted. But for now, he had to serve the interests of the head Warblers.

Turning to smile at Blaine, Kurt looked down at his lap, flushing a little. "Noted," he replied, looking around the room. "So I've been curious for a while now. What happened to your warbler?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

Blaine absentmindedly followed Kurt's gaze, and then quickly looked away. "My warbler..." he began. "Funny story about that. He actually ran away. Well, flew.. I left a window open and Wes let him out. Actually, that wasn't a funny story. Very tragic, really." He smirked to himself and wistfully gazed at the window.

Kurt couldn't help but laugh, turning to look at Blaine. "Isn't that some kind of metaphor, then, for Wes destroying your voice or something?" he asked, his question more intense than he let be known. He'd kind of been freaking out about what would happen to him and his being a part of the Warblers if something happened to his bird.

"Metaphor? It's a bird, Kurt," said Blaine, perhaps a bit too harshly. He paused.
"Well.. After that, Wes wasn't sure whether to blame himself or me. So we kind of pretended that nothing happened."

"Oh." Kurt looked away at a random spot on the wall, nodding a little. No metaphor then? He could work with that. "Okay," he said simply.

Blaine's eyes lingered on Kurt's face for a moment before he tore his gaze away.
"The song." Blaine said. He flipped open his copy and cleared his throat. "Would you like to work on it? Or we can just talk."

Kurt nodded absentmindedly, his thoughts elsewhere as he leaned his hands back on the bed, resting on them. "What's it like?" he asked quietly. "Kissing a boy?" He'd asked the same question to Brittany before but he wanted to hear the answer...r from a boy's lips now. He wanted to know what it was like, kissing a boy that you wanted, and wanted you back.

Maybe this was awkward, and maybe he shouldn't have let his thoughts escape his lips, but Blaine was his friend, and he was there for him. He understood.

Blaine was slightly taken aback, but he collected himself. "I... I don't have a lot of experience," he managed to say, "but..." He trailed off as he examined Kurt's earnest gaze. Was there a reason that Kurt was asking him this, or was it simple curiosity? Blaine was determined not to over think the question.
"It's very... good."

So he did have some experience, Kurt noted, as he'd figured, and tried not to feel that tug of jealousy in his stomach. It wasn't as if he had chances with Blaine, anyway. "Good," he repeated, trailing off and nodding. "I suppose it must be."

Blaine's hand grazed Kurt's leg as he took the song book and dropped it on the floor.
He resisted making any moves. He was uncertain whether or not Kurt had any feelings for him, and regardless, he thought that Kurt might still be recovering... from the Karofsky encounter. Blaine sat in silence, lost in his own thoughts.

He really tried not to look too much into Blaine's hand carelessly brushing against his leg, and tried not to shiver at the touch; he failed miserably on both accounts. He didn't want Finn happening all over again... "Did you mean what you said the other day?" he asked suddenly, still not looking at Blaine. "About the whole...thing...not counting?" His voice was small because he really wanted it to be true. He wanted a real first kiss.

Blaine felt a throbbing in his chest when he saw Kurt shiver slightly at his touch. "Of course I meant what I said," he replied warmly. "A real kiss is when you kiss somebody you love. It has to feel special inside. You'll know when it's right."

Kurt nodded, allowing himself to smile at his words and shifting on the bed so his back was to the headboard and he was facing the other. "I hope so," he replied, his eyes bright.

Blaine smiled at his optimism. On a whim, he took the opportunity to grab Kurt's hand on the bed in front of him. "I'm always here for you. Never forget that."

"I know," Kurt replied, then blushed at the thought that he must have sounded presumptuous and held his hand lightly. "I mean...I..thank you," he ended lamely, looking anywhere but at Blaine.

Blaine leaned in closer and gave an encouraging smile. He hoped that Kurt was telling the truth. Hoped it more than anything.

Kurt's heart skipped a few beats when Blaine leaned in closer to him because he was -right there- and he turned his face to the side, embarrassed. "Why are you so good at giving advice? It's like you're some kind of Dumbledore!" he exclaimed suddenly.

Blaine noticed how close he had gotten and moved away slightly, ashamed. "You like Harry Potter too?" Part of him was thankful for this digression, while the other part was disappointed in Kurt's lack of seriousness.

"It's Harry Potter, Blaine. Who doesn't like Harry Potter?" he asked, smiling towards him, but aware that he hadn't answered his question. He swung his legs off the side of the bed a little.

"I don't know, Sue Sylvester?" Blaine replied with a smirk. Kurt had told him about everyone at his old school, McKinley.
He swung his legs around to join Kurt, his palms still warm from where Kurt had held them.

Kurt had to laugh, then, and he nodded, sobering up. "You're right." He looked over at Blaine and stayed quiet for a moment. "You're aware you look freakishly like Darren Criss, don't you?" he blurted out, voicing his not-so-prudent thoughts. Not when Blaine was fully aware of what exactly he -thought- about the actor.

"Do I?" Blaine grinned. Kurt was awfully cute. "I'm not familiar with him, actually." Blaine was hoping that Kurt had positive thoughts towards this Darren. Or even lustful thoughts. He dismissed the idea from his mind.

Kurt gaped at him for a few seconds. "What do you -mean- you don't know whom Darren Criss is?" he asked, gasping. "Do you live under a -rock-!" No way.

"No, I've never heard of him," Blaine scoffed. He was secretly amused (and a little turned on) by Kurt's enthusiasm.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed, moving so he was facing him directly, his eyes wide. "A Very Potter Musical? Oh, my God, we need to fix this, like, yesterday." Blaine could not -not- have heard of it. He briefly wondered if he was joking, but one look at Blaine's eyes and he knew he was telling the truth.

"Oh, that's HIM?" laughed Blaine, loving the shimmer in Kurt's eyes. "Of course I've seen that, I just didn't know... Yes, I suppose you're right, we do look a little similar." He was still unsure if it was meant to be a compliment, but grinned regardless.

"Oh," Kurt let out a breath, relieved, and holding a hand to his chest dramatically. "There I was thinking we were going through a major crisis." So he did know AVPM. Good. Like, amazing. "Anyway, yes. And Darren Criss is like, one of the most attrac-" he cut himself off, blushing embarrassedly.

Blaine laughed again and felt a flutter in his chest. "So sorry that you doubted me, there." He turned away as he felt his cheeks turn hot. Kurt nodded dumbly and licked his lips nervously. "Blaine," he said, turning around, and looking down at his lap. "Never mind."

"No, what?" Blaine said eagerly. He quickly backtracked. "Actually, no. You don't have to. Please don't feel obligated."

"I..." he trailed off, pressing his lips together. There were a million and one ways he could screw everything up if he said what was on his mind, and he didn't want to take that risk. Not with Blaine. He just couldn't. He cared too much. "I'm just really glad I stumbled upon you when I came here."

"Thank you," replied Blaine, tilting his head and smiling. "I'm really glad I stumbled upon you as well." He had a feeling that Kurt wasn't telling the whole truth about was on his mind, but he was glad that Kurt didn't say any more than he felt comfortable to.

Biting his lip, Kurt smiled up at him, wanting to say something more, but not finding the words in his mind, so he simply stayed there, his eyes locked with Blaine's. His eyes lingered on Kurt's. He sat in silence, hoping that his stare alone would convey the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling inside. Kurt couldn't help but notice the intensity of Blaine's gaze, and wondered if he was making it up, as usual. He licked his lower lip again and broke the stare, blushing deeply.

Blaine looked away, not at all confident that Kurt knew what he was feeling. He could not outright tell it to him. His feelings remained an ache around his heart.. a dull, pulsing reminder that his lips remained pursed against each other, and that his hands were resting emptily in his lap.

"What are we doing?" Kurt asked out of nowhere, straight outright and looking up at Blaine, his face matching that of his father's ridiculous Christmas sweater, but his eyes determined. "What are you, to me?" It was an innocent question if you weren't looking for a double meaning, and if Blaine didn't take it that way, he'd know not to act.

"What am I..." he repeated, letting the idea sink into his head, "... to you?" His mind wasn't processing anything. For a terrifying moment, Blaine's mind was completely blank.
"Isn't that for you to determine?"

"What if I determine something...else?" he allowed himself to say, looking away, still beet-red. "Than what you think." Blaine glanced at him again, nervousness and confusion beginning to build up. "I think..." He paused, unsure of what to do. "I think that would be okay." He cursed himself for his lack of eloquence.

"I think..." was he really going to cross that line? Really going to risk everything they'd built up so far? That friendship? That bond of mutual trust and affection? Just to be honest about something? Kurt swallowed hard and licked his lips again. "I think I like more than a friend."

He was going to die of embarrassment at any moment now.

Blaine felt a rush through his entire body that caused him to shiver in shock. He quickly turned to Kurt and look him directly in the eyes. When he had determined that Kurt was speaking from the honest depths of his heart, Blaine moved his ...hand so that his fingers intertwined with Kurt's.
"I..." he began, before he gave up on speech. He gently squeezed Kurt's hand and smiled shyly.

What did that -mean-! Kurt wanted to slap him. Who said 'I' in response to a confession as huge as that? He held Blaine's hand self-consciously.

Was that an: I'm squeezing your hand because I like you, too?

Or: I'm squeezing your hand because I feel sorry that you like me.

Or: I'm squeezing your hand because I intend to cut your circulation and murder you for saying that!

"You, what, Blaine?" Kurt asked, finally, still not meeting his eyes.

"I really like you too," Blaine quickly replied, collecting himself. He gently pressed his fingertips under Kurt's chin, lifting it so that Kurt's gaze met his, as he said, "I like you. As more than a friend."

Oh. Oh. Oh. OH. Kurt felt his face heat up even more, if that was even possible, at Blaine's actions, and he swallowed again, licking his lips nervously, because Blaine's finger was under his chin. And from all he'd ever read or seen or known, that usually meant the initiation of a kiss.

And he wanted it. He wanted it so much. His eyes focusing on Blaine's mouth, Kurt tentatively leaned forward, shifting into a better position, facing him, and slowly, very slowly, neared his lips to his, holding his breath.

Blaine let Kurt's lips touch his first, making sure that it was what Kurt really wanted. He squeezed his hand tighter as he tasted Kurt's soft lips for the first time. Blaine's heart was pounding as he let his tongue slowly enter Kurt's mouth.

He couldn't help but let out a soft whimper and let his whole body relax and melt against Blaine's, gripping at his hand, the pressure helping him realize that this was actually happening. He was kissing Blaine. To say Kurt was happy right now was the understatement of the century. The feeling of Blaine's tongue prodding his lips made him shiver in anticipation, and he let it get through, not knowing what to do because he'd refused to open his mouth when he'd kissed Brittany, and he wasn't even going to comment on how much his gag reflex had been activated by Karofsky's tongue in his mouth, so he let Blaine take control. Blaine worked his tongue in Kurt's mouth, encouraged by the way Kurt seemed to relax. Blaine took him in his arms gently and lowered him, kissing him against the bed.

Kurt let Blaine position him onto his back on Blaine's bed, his eyes still shut closed as he held out his arms and slipped them around Blaine's neck, holding him close to him, his entire body heating up at the kissing. He let out a moan and blushed furiously, wondering where the hell that had come from and breaking off from the kiss, turning his face to the right, breathing heavily.

Blaine let out a low moan as he felt Kurt's lips separate from his. He observed the hot flush in Kurt's face, and the way he had lustfully moaned while they were kissing.
With a crooked smile, Blaine asked him,
"So what's it like kissing a ...boy?"

Kurt's eyes were shining with bliss and his breath was a little short as he looked up into Blaine's deep hazel eyes, looking down at him with that adorably gorgeous smile of his. He chuckled, brushing Blaine's hair back with his fingers. "It's very...good," he quoted the other boy, licking his lips again, though this time they tasted differently. "Very, very good..." he said quietly, because it was truer than anything. He'd never had a first kiss like this; one that was curious and innocent and exploring, and he loved it.

Blaine smiled, pleased, and held Kurt against him. He let out a deep, shuddering sigh. "I'm so glad." He let Kurt's head rest against his chest, where his heart was thumping to an entrancing rhythm. He looked into Kurt's eyes, kissed him again gently on the lips, and held him tight.

Closing his eyes again at the second kiss, Kurt's heart beating rapidly, along with Blaine's, and his stomach doing leaps worthy of an Olympic champion, he held Blaine's neck against his lips and started moving them more roughly than before, letting his raw instincts take over.

Gasping a little at Kurt's sudden burst of passion, he straddled Kurt's leg. Blaine grabbed a handful of Kurt's hair, knowing that Kurt wouldn't like getting it tousled, but not particularly caring. He felt a familiar creeping feeling as Kurt's lips worked skillfully on him.

Kurt let out a whimper as he felt Blaine straddling his thigh, and his eyes flew open, lips moving faster against the other's and arching his back up as Blaine took hold of his hair, which was a turn on, for some reason. "Blaine..." he moaned, not caring about it anymore and grabbing his shirt desperately.

Blaine gasped and pulled away, letting go of Kurt and rolling to the side. "No," he said. "What the hell are we doing?"
He pulled his shirt back over his chest and sat upright in shock.

Kurt's thoughts and hazy of incredible-feelings was cut short as suddenly Blaine pulled away faster than if he'd been zapped, and Kurt scrambled back against the headboard, brow furrowed in concern and watched Blaine get as far away from him a...s he could.

Hurt, embarrassment, confusion, anger, and sadness swept over him in a blurry of emotions as he tried to grasp at what was going on. "I'm sorry," he said simply, kicking his legs off the bed and standing up, quickly going to the door.

"Wait, Kurt!" Blaine cried out, grabbing Kurt's shoulder to face him. "Don't leave." Kurt's facial expression broke his heart more than anything he'd ever seen. "I- I just thought... Kurt, this is going so fast, I..." He felt extremely dizzy... "I just don't want to do anything you'll regret. I don't want to hurt you, and... I was getting these feelings. These awful urges. You were moaning and.. it was going too far, Kurt."

"Well, then," Kurt replied, looking at Blaine in the eye, his own tearing up already, and his voice broke a little. "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do." And with that, he turned around again, trying to wriggle out of Blaine's grasp and reach the door.

"No, you don't understand," Blaine replied, caressing Kurt's cheek and wiping away a tear. "The problem is.. Is that I DO want to do things." Blaine sighed and saw at how upset Kurt was. Out of desperation, he decided to make his embarrassing confession. "..I was hard, Kurt." He looked away. "And.. I didn't think you were ready for that. I don't want... to hurt you."

Kurt turned to face him again, his throat dry and aching and he searched his face for honesty. He found it. Biting down on his lip, he forced himself to believe Blaine, and nodded slowly. "And what if I am ready?" His voice was quiet and his gaze was on the floor.

"But I don't think..." Blaine saw a wild confidence in Kurt's eyes. "... Are you sure, Kurt? Don't you want to wait? Are you sure this is what you want?"

Confident now that Blaine wasn't rejecting him because he didn't -like- him or something, and feeling stupid and naive for overreacting, Kurt walked up closer to Blaine and looked up at him, straight into his eyes. "I'm not as innocent as I look," he said quietly, his fingers trailing over the other boy's stomach lightly. "I want you."

Blaine swallowed and nodded. He felt an exciting rush in his groin as Kurt's fingers softly touched his stomach. Blaine pulled Kurt by the hand and pinned him against the bed with a new confidence. His hands scrambled to pull Kurt's shirt from his body, and he slowly managed to pull it over his head.

Yes. This was what he wanted. And Blaine wanted it too. Those thoughts were racing through Kurt's mind as Blaine brought him onto his back on the bed and took off his shirt in one swift move. Kurt instinctively tried to cover his bare chest, self-consciously, and looked up at Blaine, biting his lip nervously, his fingers still tracing patterns on his stomach.

Blaine grinned at the adorable way Kurt had tried to cover up. He moved Kurt's hands off of his chest and onto Blaine's own, which was still covered. "As I recall," Blaine said, "you were about to do this?"

Kurt flushed at the words and nodded quickly, his hands fumbling to get Blaine's shirt off, the tease, and pulling it over his head, tossing it to the side of the bed and staring at his chest in all its glory, blushing and then reaching up to bring Blaine back down against his mouth.

Blaine moaned as Kurt kissed him, turned on by the way Kurt had taken control. Not letting their lips part, he lifted Kurt onto the bed and mounted him, placing his hands on Kurt's beautifully pale chest, who was about to die or something from the heat and the flurry of emotions that was coursing through his body, as well as the hot blood through his veins, that was turning him on like crazy. He wasn't going to lie, there had been plenty of instances that he'd had to finish himself off after an arousal, and the fact that he was going to do it with another -person- was even more exciting.

Sliding his tongue inside Blaine's mouth, he gripped at Blaine's hips and let his hands move on their own accord to the front of his pants, where a strain seemed to be going on, and tentatively let his palm move over on top.

As Blaine felt Kurt's hand gently on his groin, he moaned again, and began to slowly move his hands down his chest and to his zipper. He quickly unfastened Kurt's pants and slid them down his legs with an excited fervor.

Kurt's breath hitched when Blaine moaned again, and he captured his lower lip between his teeth, grazing slightly, nibbling a little on it excitedly, his hands moving a little more confidently now that he knew the effect he was having. But all coherent thoughts were lost as suddenly Blaine's hands were on -his- pants and WHOA, when did that happen? He was suddenly left in only his briefs on the bed, and Kurt moaned against Blaine's mouth, arching his hips up against the other.

Blaine gasped for air and thrust slightly into Kurt's palm. The tightness in his jeans was screaming to escape as he slowly felt Kurt's waistband, and gently explored a hand into Kurt's underwear.

Moaning loudly at the feel of Blaine's erection pressing against his palm through the fabric of his pants, Kurt bit down on his lip, hard, and fumbled to undo his zipper because it was just in the way, and then gripped at him fully.

And then... Blaine's hand was -there- on him as well, and Kurt gasped loudly, screwing his eyes shut and bucking against him. "Blaine..."

Blaine silenced him with a strong kiss, nibbling his lip with a lustful hunger. He took hold of Kurt's cock and began to pump with increasing desperation, murmuring Kurt's name to his lips.

Kurt was beyond the stage where he was seeing red, and his entire body was quivering with delight at Blaine's hand working on his arousal, doing the best he could to tug at him with equal speed, moaning and throwing his head back against the bed.

Blaine groaned as Kurt's hand worked at his erection. He bucked his hips with aggression and power as he felt himself about to come to his climax. He bit on Kurt's lip, trying to make the moment last a little longer.

Feeling Blaine pulsating hard against his hand, Kurt gasped again and held him tighter, tugging at him furiously, his sole goal being to get him off good, and arched his back to give himself a better angle. He brought his free hand to Blaine's neck and held him against his mouth. "Come for me.." he muttered, his eyes still closed.

Kurt's passionate voice was enough to set Blaine off. He came onto Kurt's hand and onto his stomach, his body shuddering powerfully and then going limp. He concentrated now on stroking Kurt faster, waiting to hear the sound of Kurt's own orgasm.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Kurt took an intake of breath as Blaine shuddered one last time and looked at his face intently, not wanting to miss one second of his orgasm, his mouth falling open and hips bucking up as Blaine continued to jerk him off. "Oh, God..." he moaned loudly, entire body shaking as he lost control and came into Blaine's hand as well.

Blaine relaxed and rolled into Kurt's arms, lazily planting kisses onto the younger boy's lips. He absentmindedly felt at the warm cum on Kurt's chest, sighed, and nuzzled into his neck.

Kurt wasn't sure what he was supposed to do now. He'd never been in this situation, or fully prepared himself and carefully planned out what he was going to do and how to react...he was so out of control of the situation, and it sent a thrill up his spine, as he kissed Blaine back, softly.

"You're amazing," he mumbled against his lips, hands trailing up his back. "So amazing..."

"Kurt," said Blaine, arching his back as Kurt's soft fingers felt up his spine. "... I love you." He grinned lazily and reached for Kurt's clothing. A silence stretched out after his words, and Kurt blinked a few times, not sure if he'd heard correctly "What?" he whispered, a smile on his face.

Blaine smirked and spoke directly into Kurt's lips. "I... love you." He grabbed his own shirt and pulled it over his shoulders. Kurt bit his lip nervously as he smiled and reached for his own shirt, pulling it over his head again, which was a little awkward since neither was wearing pants, anyway. He reached up and held Blaine's face between his hands gently, leaning up to kiss his lips again.

Blaine kissed him, relishing the taste and texture of Kurt's lips. "We have to go," he said calmly, handing Kurt his pants and putting on his own. "We're supposed to be at rehearsal soon."

"Okay," Kurt said, in too much of a high off Blaine as he got the rest of his clothes on and stood up, swaying a little. Blaine loved him. He loved him. He actually...loved him. He couldn't have wiped the grin off his face if you paid him. Blaine was amazing, he was adorable, he cared so much about him, he was always there for him, he was just... "I love you too."

Blaine was amazed. Just a little while ago, he had been begging just to touch Kurt's hand. Now, Kurt had said that... he loved him. And it felt incredible. "Your body is gorgeous, but..." Blaine smirked, helping Kurt put on his pants.

Kurt giggled at that, nervous as hell and still freaking out about those three little words that they'd both just uttered. It changed things so much...and it was absolutely perfect.

Once they were both decent, which included washing themselves off with wipes and combing their hair, which Kurt insisted, he grabbed Blaine's hand. "Rehearsal?"

"Rehearsal," repeated Blaine.

And they walked to rehearsal together, hand in hand, with those three little words lingering in their still-spinning heads.
Kurt and Blaine were together. At last. And they couldn't have been happier.