Disclaimer: Don't own, don't make any money from my "borrowing" of these beloved characters.
A/N: Inspired by a GW prompt by Torri012 and an incredible drawing by Erin87 (can be found on the GW forum Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard thread page 5281).
Some of Elizabeth's greatest pleasures on Atlantis were the fleeting moments she allowed herself a brief reprieve on the balcony outside her office. If she was honest with herself, she could admit that she especially cherished those times John slipped away to join her, but that particular honesty was a luxury in which she never indulged. Now she steeled herself watching his powerful form stride through her office with a look of fierce determination on his face. Sighing, she turned away and instead focused on the dark waves whipping against the lower deck. The coming argument had become an unwelcome part of their workload and Elizabeth had grown tired of the tension it forced between them.
John's footsteps had stalled and the voices of his teammates suddenly filled her office. Elizabeth glanced back, surprised to find the wary expressions on their faces. They knew trouble had been brewing since Bates had discovered a new potential trading partner, one who seemingly took great pleasure in insanely delicious baked goods. Elizabeth wanted to go meet them and not only because of the heavenly pastries they'd sent back to Atlantis. They also had a thriving market and, besides food, Elizabeth had to ensure the crew of Atlantis were properly attired as well. Even she'd been pitching in and trying to mend all the uniforms in need of repair. The uniforms of John's team had suffered the most abuse and she noted he carried a bag probably destined for the laundry even now. She sighed, suddenly envisioning her military teams one day adorned in the colorful ensembles the Pegasus locals seemed overly fond of. Perhaps they could contract with them for something…less amusing for their work uniforms.
"If you all will excuse us, I need a word with Major Sheppard." Elizabeth avoided John's eyes and instead focused on Teyla, Ford and McKay. They all but raced from her office.
Elizabeth cringed, feeling embarrassed by their seeming relief. She had always strived to maintain her composure, but no one had ever challenged her as John did. He seemed to thrive on continually pushing her out of her comfort zone. Elizabeth planted her hands on the cool metal railing of the balcony and directed her eyes further across the horizon. John silently moved beside her. His fingers brushed hers when he braced his upper body on the rail. He leaned forward, tilting his head towards the ground.
"Elizabeth. Please."
His voice was unexpectedly deep and pleading. It tugged at her heart and for a moment, her anger curiously flared more intensely. Taken aback by his abrupt change in tactic, her thoughts spiraled. The edge of his hand was still flush against hers and a delicious unfamiliar yearning pooled hot within her chest. That was not fighting fair, not in any sense of the word.
"I know Bates' team has already been there and I know you want to go. But if something were to happen to you, I…" His voice choked and he coughed awkwardly covering.
Elizabeth snapped her head sideways, her eyes stretched wide with surprise. John was clearing his throat and putting on a good show to prove he'd obviously had something tickling at his throat. But he avoided her eyes and for the first time Elizabeth pondered over why he really protested so loudly whenever she wanted to go off world. Caught off guard, a swirl of emotions clouded her thoughts. Words had always come easily to her but now her mouth gaped open and she was speechless. John flinched when he looked at her and Elizabeth felt a hot blush rising in her cheeks.
"All right then. But John, we're done discussing this particular topic in public. They don't need to see us…they don't need to be privy to our disagreements. We are leaders on this expedition. We need to hash out our differences out in private. Provide a united front and-" John's eyes finally caught her own and her knees almost quaked. Something unrecognizable in his eyes tore at her heart. "And all that…"
He shifted towards her. His eyes twinkled victoriously and something deep within her warmed uncomfortably when that rakish smirk swept across his face. She flushed deeper and a flare of irritation rose while she considered she'd just been oh so easily duped.
"Don't look so damn happy, John, you realize we're going back there tomorrow if your teams clears that planet, right?"
"Copy that."
Elizabeth was still a little ruffled from their encounter, but couldn't let the sarcasm go. What he'd just done was…, well, if he didn't fight fair why should she? After a deep breath, some clear headed thoughts returned and she was suddenly fueled with a vicious way to get even.
She edged closer, the sweetest smile she could muster planted firmly on her face. She placed her hand on his arm and waited just long enough for him to start squirming before she spoke. "John, thank you. It means a great deal that you care so much about me."
"I…I…" She'd never seen John stutter before and his reaction just fed the beast rising within her.
"Really, John, I'm touched." She stretched out her arms and hugged him.
"Umm, well. It's my job." He awkwardly patted her back and backed away.
"Well, I don't want to detain you, I know your team is waiting."
John nodded and turned towards the door. Elizabeth had to fight not to laugh at the combination of terror and utter confusion that had swept across his face. Avoiding her eyes, he suddenly doubled back and grabbed his bag from the floor.
"Mending?" She asked innocently.
His feet shuffled nervously. "Yeah. One of Carson's nurses offered to patch them up for me."
"Of course she did." Elizabeth's eyebrow arched in mock jealously. "Well, I can't allow that. I've been helping the laundry out with some of the mending, they've been having troubles keeping up with the demand. I'll take care of that for you."
John's eyes swept the room skeptically and Elizabeth sensed he was restless to bolt. "Really?"
"Really, John." Elizabeth firmly took the bag, her fingers lingering over his just a moment too long. "It would be my pleasure."
"Okay." John started backing away. "I'll see you tonight then?"
"I'm counting on it." Elizabeth raised her eyebrows suggestively at him.
John almost tripped as he fled the room and Elizabeth couldn't suppress the laughter that flowed from within.
A few minutes later Elizabeth sat sullenly at her desk. The elation she'd felt while tormenting John had long passed and now she hovered somewhere between mildly embarrassed and utterly humiliated. She hadn't realized how much she had missed actively flirting and, even though she'd just been teasing, she couldn't help wonder why it had felt so good. Grasping the scant justification that John had deserved her behavior for playing on her emotions before smirking victoriously in her face, she still couldn't escape the nagging feelings that were toying with her mind. Was it truly because it had been so long or was it John? She twirled her pen mindlessly remembering how quickly her body had responded to him earlier, remembering signs she purposely ignored, feelings she dutifully buried.
Sighing, she tugged his shirts free from the bag, studying them to find their flaws. A search of her mending kit produced the thread she'd need to repair the tear in one shirt's sleeve along with the button she'd need for the other shirt. Her thoughts continued to torment her while she sewed. Yes, John was charming in that self deprecating sarcastic kind of way. His kindness was soothing and his friendship had shored her through the worst of days. He was a fierce protector. The needle jabbed into her thumb and she winced, both from the pain of the puncture and the memory of how ferociously he'd fought during Koyla's incursion.
The first shirt was finished and she set it aside. She picked up the button and became aware of a dull throbbing where she'd been biting down on her lip. There were other things, things as a women, she couldn't help but respond to. The way he'd felt beneath her arms when she'd hugged him, the way her skin burned beneath his sultry stares, and the way her body always seemed to know when he'd grown near. Even when he just stood beside her, her skin sizzled from the proximity. Longing for a glass of wine, she went to work on the missing button.
A minute later, she held up the shirt to examine her handiwork and discovered the button on the pocket was missing as well. She fished another button from her sewing kit, but when she went to put to pierce the fabric she met with resistance. Examining the pocket, she discovered a piece a fabric and she gently tugged it free.
Her heart stilled when she spied the drawing on the fabric. It was Athosian, no doubt, and it was a breathtaking image of her and John at the last harvest festival. She pushed away from her desk grasping the fabric gently, terrified she would tarnish it in any way. It was shocking to see the captured image of that rare moment when she had relaxed and consented to a dance with John. The beautiful light of the fire billowed behind them and the expression on their faces…
She jumped up from the chair fighting hard suddenly to simply breathe. This wasn't possible, her defenses shouldn't have slipped. He couldn't want her like that. Yet this drawing was in his pocket and, if it was in any way an accurate representation, they had both already crossed that unspoken line.
Chuck walked in while she was struggling to harness some semblance of composure. Oblivious to her distress, he peered curiously at the drawing.
"That's incredible Dr. Weir. May I scan that? I would love to have a copy. We've been keeping an Atlantis scrapbook of sorts."
Elizabeth nodded numbly and reluctantly released the drawing into his hands. "Chuck? Make me an extra copy too?"
"Sure thing, Dr. Weir."
Elizabeth retreated to the balcony. She inhaled deep breaths of the fresh air trying to clear the haze from her mind. It didn't really help for once. Her mind was still muddled and her conscience conflicted. She was in too deep and wasn't sure she trusted herself with John just yet. She didn't plan to stick around and wait to find out.
Chuck had already returned the drawing to her desk along with several copies. She slipped one in the frame on her desk and carefully tucked the other in her pocket. She tediously finished sewing the button on John's shirt pocket and then gently eased the fabric drawing within before folding both shirts and placing them back in the bag.
Slipping out of her office, she paused before Chuck. "Will you give these to Major Sheppard when he returns? I'm not exactly feeling myself. I'll be in my quarters if I'm needed."
"Should I call Carson?" Chuck worried almost as endearingly as John did.
"No, I'm all right. I think I just need a little rest."
Chuck nodded grudgingly in agreement.
A few hours later, Sheppard's team strode back through the Stargate. Each of them were laden with gifts and delectable culinary treats. John was surprised that Elizabeth's office was dark and empty, usually nothing kept her from greeting his team when they arrived from off world. Secretly he was relieved. He didn't know what had overtaken him that morning. For once, he'd tried simple honestly rather than trying to argue with her, but the stunned look on her face had frightened him to his core.
Then she'd changed gears, acted so attentively towards him. It had thrown him for more of a loop than he could have dreamed possible and, predictably, he'd run as fast as he could without outright offending her. Whatever had really transpired between them that morning, he had no doubt they were firmly crossing into dangerous waters.
He trotted up the steps to check in with the control room. Glancing over Chuck's shoulder, he came to a cold stop when he saw the screen saver. It was a photo of him and Elizabeth at the recent Athosian harvest festival. They were dancing, their bodies illuminated by the roaring fire and the look in their eyes was entirely too intimate.
"Where'd you get that?"
"Umm, from Dr. Weir sir." Chuck almost knocked his coffee over the keyboard. "Ahh, she left your clothes with me."
Could he have said that any louder? Aware of many heads turning simultaneously towards him in shock, John directed a scathing look in Chuck's direction. "And where is Dr. Weir now?"
"She retired to her quarters. She was looking a little weary if I may say so. Perhaps we should check in on her?"
John frowned at the suggestion, but he knew it was the right thing to do. "I'll check on her and make sure she's okay."
"Yes sir!"
John turned back towards Chuck. That yes sir had been emphatically enthusiastic. His eyebrow arched menacingly and Chuck's eyes darted nervously, seeming relieved when he spotted Teyla's friendly face approaching.
John grabbed the bag with his shirts and set out for his quarters. He was overdue for a shower and, besides that, it would buy him some time. Maybe he could figure out just what the hell was happening between Elizabeth and himself.
Back in the control room:
"Chuck? What was Major Sheppard looking at on your computer?" Teyla asked.
Chuck looked nervously from side to side. "Come here." He whispered.
Teyla's eyebrow arched high. "Where did you get this?"
Chuck wasn't exactly sure what he'd gotten himself into, but if he could go back in time right now he'd forget he ever spotted Elizabeth staring dreamily into that drawing. But this was Teyla and he was more comfortable around her than the others. "Elizabeth had it. I asked if I could copy it."
"Elizabeth had it?" Teyla seemed surprised.
"Yes." Chuck drawled out the word, wondering what he was missing.
"Where is the original now?"
"Oh. Well she was mending Major Sheppard's shirts. I believe she put the drawing back in his shirt pocket."
Teyla's smile stretched wide across her face. "Which is exactly where I had planted it earlier Chuck."
"You mean she thought he- and now he'll think she…." Chuck was impressed with the scenario Teyla had managed to set up. "Wow."
"We shall see, but I suspect, wow indeed." Teyla smiled mischeivously.
"You are evil, Teyla." Chuck whispered admiringly.
"I suspect you might have done the same."
Chuck's head nodded off to the side. Well there was that. Had that drawing originally fallen into his hands, Teyla's actions would have been hard to resist. "He's going to check on her later. So he said. Maybe we could call Zelenka and get some eyes in the sky."
"Yes, reinforcements. Though I do not understand why mating is so intricate and complicated among your kind."
Chuck shrugged. "It's not usually so bad. They're just pretty stubborn individuals and their jobs…" Teyla's eyes narrowed. "No, they're just both pretty stubborn."
She nodded approvingly. "Zelenka?" She nudged.