Hey y'all! yea, I know I've been posting a ton of author's notes, but I have some BIG news. No, I didn't cure my writer's block, but I missed you so much that I've decided to post the first chapter of Par IV anyway! That, and I felt bad for trickin y'all yesterday. (Y'all? OMG I"M TURNING INTO MILEY CYRUS! THE HORROR!...my mom made cake pops...i ate 6...:S that's why i'm so hyper. hahah. so much for eating healthier! ;D) Anyway, by the time you read this, the first chapter will be up. I hope you all like it and, since this is the official last chapter authors note thingy whatever, i think I should say some big dramatic goodbye speech...but then that would mean a big dramatic hello speech. uh. sounds like work to me. I'm kinda anxious to get started on learning i heart ? on guitar (Just printed it off. EXCITED!) Hmm... speaking of guitar, maybe someday (once I stop sucking) I can take a video or recording of me playing and you can hear me...although I don't play without singing and I am not ready for you guys to hear my singing. maybe someday though. we'll see. you probably don't even care so there's not much point. Anywayz, (Damn anyway syndome) I can definitely confirm that Part IV WILL be the final official part to this story so enjoy it while you can. I know some of you guys are gonna beg me to keep going, but everything has to end sometime and I'm finally able to accept that. When I say the final official chapter though, that means that I MAY post a quick little epilogue story that will be about 6 chapters (or maybe more if i decided to include POVs from some other characters like...james for example) I might just make an epiloge that's part of Part IV though and have it switch POVs...not sure yet. I have a vague idea of what it's gonna be like and I've already picked out the last words of the series to wrap it all up. I can't tell you yet though, sorry.
Well, I guess this is it. It's going to be a lot harder at the end of Part IV so I'm trying not to be too sad...even though I'll never reach my 600 reviews for this story...ya know unless you guys wanted to go back and review every chapter you haven't reviewed? It's almost my birthday ya know! That'd make an epic present. :) No? Boo. You whore(s)! haha i love mean girls. Sorry, off topic.
Speaking of endings that are going to make me cry. The suite life is ending soon. Yea, I know it's always sad to see a show end, but I am going to bawl harder than I've ever bawled at the ending of a show. I know that especially my older readers can relate to this. I've been watching that show since it first came out when I was ELEVEN and now I'm almost SEVENTEEN. I grew up with Zack and Cody and saying goodbye is going to be like saying goodbye to a friend. Oh, god. I'm gonna cry. T-T
Peace out suckahs! (*starts bawling*)
Anyone wanna give me a hug?