Thanks for reading this story.

This story was originally made up by Welsh Gem, be sure to check out the other story which she has written but I gave her the Idea it's called Sky's Story and I think that it is great so far so go and read it.

Thanks if you reviewed/favourite and stuff, all of them are greatly appreciated :D

And DaughterofVoldemort asked me what happened in P.E so this was it.


Playing football on the astroturf. 2v2

On my team was me and Mel (WelshGem). On the one we are versing was Melissa (A different one I'm just gunna call her Evil Mel) and Lydia.

I was standing in goals and so was Lydia so Mel and Evil Mel were playing for the ball.

I was just daydreaming about next lesson and howboring it would be because it was english when suddenly evil mel kicked the ball full force at me.

And it was aiming for my face now that would have really hurt.

But because Mel is just an awsome friend she jumped in the way of the ball so it hit her hand, and she almost broke her finger, but she did have a wicked brusie.


So that's what happened.

