Rouge smirked as she entered the base unseen; she'd been told it was abandoned but knowing Eggman there were probably still a few surprises in here besides the last time she'd been to one of the 'abandoned' bases she'd found a revenge driven robot in the form of Omega and Shadow in suspended animation.

"Well at least I know that can't happen again" she muttered to herself as she hacked the inner door's security code.

The room she entered was piled high with run down machines. Rouge looked around quickly

"There's got to be something valuable in all this junk!" she moaned.

Just then her sensitive ears picked up a small sound that was almost a squeak coming from the corner of the room.

"that better not be a rat" she growled as she walked over to the where the noise had came from; her eyes catching a slight movement from behind a small machine. As she got closer she saw it was shivering although she couldn't tell if it was from cold or fear. Its fur was a mixture of bright and dark blue giving the appearance of dust coating its small body. Slowly and cautiously, Rouge placed her hands under the creature so she could pick it up and get a better look at it and was surprised to see a familiar pair of emerald green eyes staring back at her pitifully.

"Sonic!" she gasped.

The small hedgehog whimpered at the noise. Rouge quickly scanned the room for anything else living.

"How did you..." she broke off as the tiny blue blur begain to tremble "never mind."

She shifted her grip on the baby and extended her wings "well treasure or not Honey it's clear I can't leave you in here" she took the air with ease "although I'm beginning to think I should stop looking for Eggman's treasure since I only ever seem to find you hedgehogs in trouble" a smirk crossed her face "speaking of which I know someone who owes me a very big favour Sweetie"