The said girl turned towards the voice to be found facing a black-haired boy who was overly obsessed with profits and money gain – Kyoya Ootori.
His face was mostly expressionless, except for the small smirk he gave to the girl. She blinked in confusion as he lowered himself so that he was at eye level with the girl. His eyes seemed to smirk like his thin lips did.
Haruhi didn't like it one bit, but she somehow managed to question him without even twitching the tiniest, but the reply he gave was one that sent her face into a hot frenzy. She felt her blush reached her neckline as she replayed what he had said in her mind – over and over.
'The black bra you're wearing is very unlike you.'
Once again, the 17 year old had figured out something so private without her consent – and without her even knowing how he could do so. She had her blinds closed at home and door shut tight, so even her father wouldn't know. Why would he even ask her father for information like that anyway? Had he accidentally peaked when she was changing into the outrageous costume she was now wearing that suited an elf. 'Damn senpai and his warped mind.'
Kyoya stood straight once again, adjusting his glasses, and looking down upon her, "The costume you're wearing uses very thin fabric, you see, and you're lucky I'm the one to see it before the other hosts or the ladies that will be here any moment." He stated matter-of-factly.
Haruhi had to register what he had just said before understanding. Steam flew out of her ears and she crept back into the changing room, just as the twins came through the doors in their own costumes. Kyoya turned towards them as if nothing had happened, but inside his mind he felt like blushing as the girl he had just spoken to had. A black bra was definitely not suited for her.
Haruhi didn't know what to do. Maybe she could ask for a white singlet? But then everyone would question why she'd need one. There is the possibility of asking for a better costume… But would they even have such a thing? And once again they would question why. This was difficult and getting more so by the second, especially when she heard a certain blonde speaking a bit loud in his happy tone.
She sighed as she looked in the mirror at the black bra, the only one that wasn't drenched. She vowed never to wear this bra after her Dad had purchased it for her, believing it was 'cute', but because of her clumsiness, she had tripped while holding a bucket of hot soapy used water, and alas the water had flown out of the bucket and all over her drawers. Luckily, her uniform had been in the wardrobe instead to keep it nice and neat.
And her black bra had been hidden in the drawer beside her bed.
Now what was she going to do? If everyone saw her bra it would be a catastrophe. She had been lucky the non-caring member had seen. If the twins had seen – or worse, Tamaki – had seen the bra… She didn't want to think about that.
Knock Knock Knock.
"Haruhi, would you need a singlet or a new costume by any chance."
Haruhi recognised the voice and was instantly grateful. It was Kyoya who was now protecting her from the perverted looks she would've received from the other members if she had left the dressing room with or without the black bra on with this costume in place.
"Yes please, if you don't mind."
She hadn't expected him to simply step in, her without her shirt on, staring at the black bra in the mirror. She blushed and was about to yell out when Kyoya held his hand over her mouth, "Keep your voice down. If the others come in and find me with you like this, I'll have you pay me another million yen."
Haruhi frowned but looked down at his other hand to find a white singlet there. She nodded her head at the other and he removed his hand slowly from her mouth before putting the singlet into both hands. Haruhi had no time to stop him as he pushed the singlet over her head and dressed her quickly.
The blushing girl looked up at Ootori and found him to be practically emotionless. There wasn't even a smirk on his face. She was about to thank him through a stutter when he reached down and began pulling her elf costume back to the way it was meant to be. He gently pushed her wrists through the sleeves of the outfit and fixed the fake ears she had been given.
He fixed his glasses once more before walking out of the room, leaving Haruhi completely speechless.
'What… was that?'
Haruhi looked over to Honey who was enjoying the last of the sweets with Takashi staring at him silently, almost protectively. Haruhi sighed and stood up, stretching her limbs. Kyoya looked towards just as the tiniest pop sound was made that even Tamaki heard.
He ran to her, "Are you okay, Haruhi? Was that a bone I heard?" Haruhi managed to control her blush knowing that Tamaki only assumed it to be a bone, when in fact the popping sound had been her bra coming undone.
The singlet Kyoya had given her managed to keep her breasts from sagging. She looked up to see the same man walking over, resisting a smirk. He rested his hand on her shoulder softly, notebook in his other hand closed, "If that was a bone then it would be best for me to deal with that."
Haruhi instantly knew that he knew that it was in fact her bra. She thought it had been a little too tight. She had been keeping it hidden for a long time now, and although her breasts don't grow as fast as most girls, she would've still grown slightly, right?
Putting that aside, Haruhi blushed lightly, which had Tamaki reacting like an overly protective father, which he often called himself. Kyoya turned towards Tamaki, smirking freely now, "I am the mother, am I not?"
That had Tamaki stopping in his tracks. It was true he often referred to Kyoya as the mother figure. Why didn't he want Kyoya touching Haruhi? If it was a bone, then it'd be best for a son from a medical family to help, right?
Tamaki broke out of his thoughts to see the dressing room door close and Haruhi and Kyoya missing.
Kyoya leaned against the door, eyes closed as Haruhi reluctantly tried to pull the costume off, not having much success. The singlet made it slightly tighter and difficult to remove. Kyoya smirked again and stepped over to the girl who took a step back in reaction. He leaned down to get at eye level again and smirked, a gleam in his glasses.
And in a second her outfit was off and on the floor. She was now left in a singlet and the striped stockings. She blushed and almost screamed, but managed to bite her tongue. Kyoya's hands crept up her body before grabbing the hem of the singlet and pulling it over her head. The younger girl tried to reach back and clip the bra back on, her face red with embarrassment, which only darkened when Kyoya leaned in dangerously close and reached around her figure to clip the bra together.
Haruhi swallowed, leaving her mouth dry, "A-Ano…" What could she say?
Kyoya stood straight again and once again readjusted his glasses before putting his hands in his pocket, "It'd be best to put your uniform back on before Tamaki runs back in, Haruhi."
Haruhi merely nodded slowly before going to the place where she had her uniform folded. She turned to Kyoya and blushed lightly, "Ano, could you, um, leave me for a moment…" He merely nodded before stepping out of the room, not allowing anyone to even get a peak. She heard the groans of the twins and the questioning from Tamaki and merely smiled softly, shyly.
She stepped out of the room only to be bombarded by a blonde and twins. Tamaki stared at her with watery eyes, "I'm so glad that you're okay, my daughter. But…" His face changed to one of annoyance and before he could speak, the twins were interrupting him, "The Lord is annoyed that Kyoya saw so much of your virgin skin, Haruhi." They spoke in unison and their movements were perfectly symmetrical.
Haruhi sweatdropped and her eye twitched annoyingly as Tamaki argued with the twins, clearly stating that it was because he was her 'father' and that he didn't want anyone seeing her virgin skin in contradiction to the twins who believed that he wanted the skin all to himself.
Kyoya was sitting at a table, typing up stuff upon his laptop and Haruhi couldn't help herself but to stare at him. Why had he done all that? He had never expressed interest before…
Long fingers suddenly stopped typing and his eyes turned her way. He smirked when he found the girl to be blushing at him, 'It's to be expected. After all, maybe I had seen a bit too much.'
The arguing was finally over between Tamaki and the 'Little Devils'. Haruhi sighed as Honey finished the last piece of strawberry cake and all that was left on the china plate was mere crumbs and even then, there wasn't many.
Haruhi removed the plate from a stuffed Honey and placed it on the tray, taking it away to be cleaned. Tamaki looked around quickly before a question mark appeared above his head, "Where's Kyoya?"
Haruhi sighed as she stepped into the kitchen and placed the china into the dishwasher. She turned and gasped, instinctively taking a step back and tripping over the open dishwasher. She yelped as she fell back but stiffened when an arm extended and caught her gracefully. Haruhi looked up at the glasses worn by Kyoya Ootori, "K-Kyoya…"
She instantly stood straight and dusted her uniform. Kyoya readjusted his glasses as she looked away, blushing, "D-Don't surprise me like that."
He merely pulled an envelope from his jacket and rested it in her hand. She blinked looking at it curiously. When she looked back up again, Kyoya was out of sight. She blinked again and cocked her head to the side before shaking it off and closing the dishwasher.
Before she went back out to host members, she silently opened the envelope and unfolded the note inside.
'Haruhi, I'll be coming over for a visit. Be ready, or I'll be giving you another 50,000 yen debt.'
She sighed and put the note away, leaving the envelope on the kitchen bench that had her name written on it in Kyoya's handwriting.
She also didn't read the tiny PS down in the bottom right hand corner of the note…
'I'll be bringing a little present…'
Haruhi sighed as she sat down, eating an afternoon snack whilst studying hard for an upcoming exam. Her father had sent her a message saying that he would be arriving later that night. She was kind of pleased that her father wasn't here right now, especially considering Kyoya would be…
"Oh no."
She quickly stood up, heading towards the kitchen when the door suddenly opened. She stopped and looked towards the person, who was in fact Kyoya. She looked at his hands. In one was his notebook whilst in the other was a bag. She blinked and cocked her head to the side. He smirked and walked over, looking down at her, "I'm not hungry, Haruhi."
She blushed lightly but nodded slowly before looking away with a blush forming on her cheeks. How was Kyoya doing this to her? He smirked at her before grabbing her chin softly and making her look at him, "You weren't ready though, were you?"
She shook her head reluctantly and he merely sighed, "Should I make you pay that 50,000 debt, or should I make you wear your gift?"
She looked at the 17 year old, confusion evident in her eyes. He smiled and stood straight, running his fingers through his hair, "Did you not read everything in the note?"
Haruhi reached into her pocket and pulled out the note, reading it again, only now noticing the PS note down the bottom. She sighed and looked at him, taking a deep breath, "What kind of punishment would it be to wear a gift?"
She instantly wanted to take back that question when Kyoya grabbed her wrist and pulled her into her room. He dropped the bag in her lap before turning away and closing his eyes, "I want to be surprised." He stated quietly, not wanting to watch her dress.
She looked at him questionably before opened the bag and peaking inside. Instantly her face blew up into a dark red colour and she stuttered a reply, "I-I'm n-not w-wearing this, K-K-Kyoya!" She yelled, closing the bag and holding it away from her view. Kyoya sighed before walking over to her before putting his hands beside her head and pushing her back onto the soft mattress, "I don't want to dress you this time though. I want to save the view for another time. Right now, I just want you to get dressed into my gift." He smirked again, "Unless you can pay the 50,000Yen debt."
Haruhi froze at that and sighed, her blush growing still amazingly, "A-Alright… T-Turn around then." He smiled and pulled away from her, going back to how he was moments before. She pulled out the outfit. It was a bra and panties that was attached together with a piece of fabric sewn on the back. There was then a completely see through fabric attached around the bottom of the bra that reached just below the panties.
She silently cursed the older man but dressed into the outfit regardless, not wanting to pay him. She looked at herself in the mirror and regretted it. She turned back to see Kyoya looking at her. He smirked again, "It looks better than I thought it would." He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around her small figure. She shivered gently at the touch. His hands then began rubbing her back before roaming up her sides and sliding towards her cheeks. He held the warm cheeks softly before planting a kiss on her forehead.
"I can't wait until next time, Haruhi."
Hi there Ouran HSHC fans! I actually just finished the anime about 3 hours ago, but I decided to take a break from my Katekyo Hitman Reborn fanfics and write a Kyoya and Haruhi fanfic since I fell in love with the couple.
Don't criticise me if the characters are a little out of character for them. I tried my best. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and of course there will be more chapters to come.
In future chapters to come I will show you why the fanfics is rated M. Please look forward to them. If you aren't… then I can't stop you ;-; All Reviews will receive a personal reply in the next chapter.
R+R =D