A/N: Okay guys, this is the last chapter, just a little bit of wrap-up. I know it's really short, but I just wanted a nice scene with the team and that was about all. I want to thank everyone who's read this-I really appreciate it! And also thanks again to everyone who's reviewed, reviews totally make my day!

Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs.

In this earthly domain, full of disappointment and pain
You'll never see me frown
I owe my heart to you, and that's sayin' it true
And I'll be with you when the deal goes down

-"When the Deal Goes Down," Bob Dylan

Chapter 13—Never Know

A day or so later was the first time Don saw his team again. They filed solemnly into his room. Colby was still on crutches, and he propped himself up against the window sill. Liz and Megan stood next to each other, leaning against the wall. David was off to Don's right, while Ian was just inside the door. Don surveyed them one by one.

Overall, he thought, they'd come out of it alright.

"So, what's the news, boss?" asked Liz jokingly. She'd be hanging around for a time, filling in the empty place on the team while Don recovered.

"Sounds like I'll be in here for a while," Don told them grumpily.

"Hey, man, I'm pretty sure that's to be expected," said David, smiling.

"Yeah, well, guess you'll be making a ton of visits to the hospital, because I'm cleared for… well, bed duty," Don told them.

"Hey, if you get all the paperwork, we don't mind," said Liz. Everyone laughed.

"As soon as I can get them to move me to a quieter wing, my room will be the official new war room," Don told them in his no-nonsense-or-trying-to-get-me-to-change-my-mind voice.

"Seriously?" asked Colby, incredulous.

"And how does the hospital feel about that?" Megan spoke up.

"I can be persuasive," said Don. His team just stared at him for a moment. He could tell that they were trying to gauge whether he was serious or not. Regardless of whatever conclusions they were reaching, he was indeed very serious. It would be ages before he would be mobile again and he was not just going to be sitting staring at the wall all day. It was like desk duty, only everyone else's desks had disappeared and now they had to stand while he lay in bed. Not all that different, really.

Don looked at Edgerton. "I guess we owe you a thank you," he told the other man. Ian waved him off.

"Don't mention it. Couldn't exactly leave you all there, now could I?" Ian asked.

"Yeah, Edgerton, thanks man," said Colby. The rest of the team echoed the sentiment gratefully.

"And Liz," pointed out Don.

"As a thank you, would you be willing to let me off the hook if I kill Agent Callahan?" Liz asked Don.

Don grinned. "I'm in a hospital bed. I can't be held responsible for my team's actions."

There was a tap on the door and Charlie, Alan, and Robin filed in.

"Hey, Don, how're you feeling?" asked Charlie.

"I'm good, buddy," said Don, smiling.

"I think I'll get some coffee," said Megan. "This room's getting a bit cramped." The rest of the team followed her out.

"You'd best be getting used to it," Don called after them.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Alan.

"Let's just put it this way," replied Don: "They'll be doing a lot more field work than they're used to."

"You think that's a good idea, Donny?" asked his father, quick to realize what his son intended.

"Seriously, Dad, I'm not just gonna lay here."

"And how to you plan on getting the hospital staff to agree to that?" Robin asked.

"Oh, I thought that maybe you could use a little of your prosecutor influence for me there," Don told her, grinning.

"Oh, no you don't," Robin told him, laughing.

"Hey, I can always try, right?" asked Don. "And I have a certain amount of influence around here myself."

The room was silent for a few minutes. Don lay back against the pillows, eyes closed, suddenly tired. A few minutes later, he heard them leave. He was startled when someone sat down beside him—one of them must have stayed, he reasoned. Don kept his eyes closed for another few minutes, then opened them again. He found Robin, watching him, smiling. He smiled back at her.

She need never know what Hett had threatened. It was a dread he would face alone.

I felt that Don needed a little bit of compensation for all of the recovery time he's gonna need to get over this one, so looks like all of his new cases will be coming to him. I hope everyone enjoyed this fic-I appreciate people taking the time to read it! I love these characters-I hope I was able to do them at least a little bit of justice.