Heyy peoples!

It's another fan fic...
Yay, it's another fan fic...

This is going to be my first Yaoi fanfiction... just to let people know
and that there wont be anything... happening yet... at least not till further in the story.

SUMMERY: Tsunas mother got found out by he's getting bullied at school and she decided to transfer him to Namimori.
To top it off he had to live with his spiteful half brother for 3-4 years since his mother abandoned him to go over seas for on a honeymoon and for some work!
Can Tsuna ever find a way to brotherly bond with his half brother who hates him or will he find something more?




Chapter 1

Right now a brunette was standing before two giant dark black doors in front of a huge apartment building at the top floor late at night. He debating weather to bang on the door loud enough for someone to hear or simply ring the door bell so that it could possibly echo through out the whole mansion before his eyes. Right now his choices were:

1. ring the door bell (that could be really loud), and wait patiently… frightened…

2. Knock on the door gently so that no one can hear and wait patiently… then simply leave thinking no one was home.

3. Bang on the door loud enough to wake up anyone that might be a sleep, then debate weather to stay or run afterwards.

4. And finally…. Just walk away…

So many excuses…um, choices… yet only one he can choose from, and that was number one. It cant be number two because that's just plain retarded and he wouldn't have a place to go to, number 3 the owner will probably kill him before he could get away since it was past 12, and number four… he still doesn't have a place to go back to.

Hesitantly the 16 year old boy slowly poked his finger onto the doorbell, and almost screamed along with how loud the door bell was. almost. He stood there trembling in fear as he can hear rushing footsteps echo towards the front door. For some reason, he unconsciously turned around and got ready to run, but the doors behind him slammed opened and someone grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar and threw him into the house.

Tsuna's bum kissed the floor like it was desperate to, he winced a little considering he had bruises and cuts covering his body under his clothed fragile figure. He slowly lifted his head to look up to meet his half brother with blond hair, and blue eyes piercing at him with a scowl on his face.

"Where have you been! I expected you hours ago and you show up now! Do you know how long I stayed up, just waiting for your worthless ass to get here!", screamed the blond.

"I-I s-s-sorry…", stammered Tsuna, obviously frightened. "O-on the way here, th-there was a accident on the hi-highway… I'm s-sorry G-Giotto-niisan". Giotto just signed, "Whatever, I'll show you to your room. So hurry up, before I'll lose anymore sleep". He silently walked up the stairs of his apartment, not caring if his half brother was following or not.

The 16 year old complied without a second though and quickly gathered his things then rushed to follow Giotto behind. Tsuna stopped walking when Giotto slammed a door open, "this is your room, mine is next to yours on the left, and there should be a washroom in your room", with that said, Giotto walked into his room and shut the door… hard. Tsuna only sighed as a frown was placed on his lovely feature and he walked into his room, closed the door, and threw his things aside before he belly flopped onto his bed giving out another sigh. "Why me?", whispered the brunette.

Tsuna couldn't help let out another sigh as he thought back to the conversation he had with his mother two days ago back in Tokyo.

FLASHBACK Two Days Ago ~ Tokyo

"WHAT!", yelled Tsuna.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing! Right after his mother found out that he was getting abused or more like bullied at his first year in high school, within seconds she decided that he was going to transfer to Namimori and he's going to have to live with his brother! "Tsu-kun, please don't yell", pleaded her mother. "I think going to some place far away will be good for you and also you could get to know your brother better right?"

'GET TO KNOW? GET TO KNOW HIM? THAT …THAT… MAN WHO HATES HIM TO THE BOTTOM OF EARTH!DOSE SHE DESPERATELY WANT ME TO DIE?', Tsuna's panicky thought and wanted so badly to shout his thoughts out at his mother.


"Tsu-kun!", his mother raised her voice. "stop that yelling this instant! You'll be fine? Don't lie to me Tsu-kun, you've been at school for almost half a year and you kept quiet about it, not telling me! You also know how to fight back, yet you don't, so you are going to Namimori high and you're living with your brother that's final!" The brunette a few deep breaths before he began to speak again, "but why? Aren't you coming with me to live there?".

"Actually, your father announced to me last week that were going to Italy for a honey moon!", she clapped her hands in joy as if pointing out something. "I was going to tell you today, and was going to leave you alone considering your big enough to take care of yourself, but after what happened at school today, I'm not letting you. I already dropped you out of school and applied for you at Namimori High, you'll start school there in five days. So you have tomorrow to start packing and the day after tomorrow you'll arrive at Namimori around 9pm."

Tsuna didn't know what to say, he left his mouth gapping which left the opportunity for his mother to slip a piece of paper into his mouth and closed it shut for him.

"This is your brother's address so don't loose it", she started pulling the shocked boy upstairs and stopped in front of his room. "now I know you're upset, but things will turn out better when you go there, trust me. Also I'll be gone for at least 3-4 years, cause I'm also doing to work overseas. Now go to bed, I'm sure you're tired. Good Night Tsu-kun". With that, his mother kissed his forehead and pushed him into the room closing the door.

Right after the door 'clicked' closed, Tsuna slowly lifted his hand to his mouth and took it out of his mouth while he slowly slid to the floor making a 'plop' sound. His mind was in a disaster right now! He had and to go to Namimori without his mother and to top it off… he's going to live with someone who hates him to no end for a few years!

He knew how much his mother deserve to go on the honey moon since she did basically raised him by herself but couldn't she leave him with someone who doesn't hate him?

Oh, how he loved his life! The Brunette slowly crawled to his bed and pulled the covers over his face, crying slightly and silently to bed. The last thing that came to mind before he dozed off to an endless sleep was, 'I hate this life'.


That brings him today. Tsuna slowly curled up into a ball under his blankets and hugged his legs as the same though came to his mind, 'I hate this life'.

I hoped you guys liked this chapter!

Please review and tell me what you guys think ;D

please and thank you!

i look forward to hearing or rather getting you reviews!

thanks for reading! look forward to the next chapter!