Orphans Chapter 55
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh
With Mai
Mai continued to stare at her charge as he attempted to take a few calming breaths. To her, it appeared that Atemu was on the verge of having some sort of panic attack. Clearly something had happened that had set him off. And based on what he had been shouting about whatever had set him off was somehow connected to Yami. She just really hoped that for once Atemu would be straightforward with her and just talk to her.
"I'm listening hun." Mai lightly prodded. Court was going to be starting soon and her and Atemu did need to be heading inside but regardless she was not going to short change Atemu. He said that he wanted to tell her something and she was going to listen.
Atemu pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and glanced at it for a moment before the color completely drained out of his face. "Shit. You've got to be fucking kidding me! I knew it, I fucking knew it." Atemu growled before he turned clearly with the intention of taking off.
Mai lightly grabbed a hold of Atemu's arm, only gripping him hard enough to prevent him from running away. She wasn't trapping him.
"STOP TOUCHING ME!" Atemu growled.
"Atemu, look. I am trying to help you and I am trying to be patient with you. But I can't help you if you do not talk to me. What has you so worked up right now?" Mai asked, still keeping her light hold on Atemu's arm.
Atemu continued to glare at her before he seemed to come to some sort of decision, "Yami didn't show up at school today. I knew it. I fucking knew something like this was going to happen." Atemu said.
Mai frowned, "Yami didn't go to school today? Did he by any chance just head back home?" Mai asked.
Atemu shook his head, "No, he fucking didn't! If he had come back home he would have been home before we had to leave to come to court. I knew it, I fucking knew it. Akunadin has him again." Atemu declared.
Mai's frown deepened. "Akunadin? What does Akunadin have to do with anything?" Mai asked slowly. She had a really bad feeling that she knew what the answer was going to be. But, gods above she truly hoped that she was wrong.
Atemu shot her a dark glare, "Akunadin raped Yami on Saturday." Atemu said flatly.
And just like that Mai's world seemed to have come to a screeching halt. She saw Yami on Saturday. And to make matters worse she saw him by Akunadin's hotel. Deep down, hadn't she found it strange that when she'd called out to Yami he ran away without even acknowledging her. And as her mind replayed the incident all over again she noted that Yami did look skittish. Freaked out even and more so than he normally did.
She should have seen it. She should have fucking seen it. And no doubt that smug bastard had quite the laugh at her expense pulling the wool right over her eyes as he bragged about having seen Yami earlier that day. He'd been taunting her with what he'd done.
"Yami told you that?" Mai asked.
Atemu sighed, "No, I knew something was wrong when I saw him freaking out when I got home. It was why he didn't talk with you on Saturday. And when YOU told me that he had seen Akunadin the final piece clicked into place which was why..."
"Which was why you were so determined to get away from me and your father to go see your brother." Mai finished with a sigh. This was bad. She needed to contact the police and file a report. That and get Yami to a doctor so he could be examined.
"But the important thing is that Akunadin has him again! Right now! Which means that I need to go and save him." Atemu declared.
Mai sighed as she glanced down at her watch before locking eyes with Atemu once again, "Sorry hun but you need to be heading inside. Your hearing will be starting in a few minutes and you cannot miss it." Mai said.
Atemu scowled before opening his mouth to no doubt begin shouting however, Mai continued before he could, "However, due to some recent information that I have just come into possession of I cannot be with you in court. I need to go and check up on one of my other charges and contact the police regarding an incident. Please text me when your court case has been concluded since I want to know how that turned out. Okay hun?" Mai said.
Atemu starred at Mai for a moment before he asked, "You promise you'll bring Yami back home?" Atemu asked and Mai was relieved to see that Atemu, although still clearly upset, was finally beginning to calm down now that someone had taken his concerns seriously, something Mai was really wishing she'd done when Atemu had called the first time.
Mai nodded, "Yes, I will eventually bring Yami back home. Once I get him though, the first stop is going to be to the hospital to get him checked out. Then I will bring him back home. I promise." Mai vowed.
Atemu nodded, "Okay. I'm trusting you." Atemu said before he turned to head into the court house. Mai watched him head inside before she turned and began to jog over to her car. Atemu was trusting her and she would most certainly not be letting him down. Not this time.
With Solomon
Solomon sighed as he sank down onto one of the benches beside his friend. Yugi and Joey were both standing awkwardly in the aisle and Solomon could clearly tell that Yugi was very nervous and it appeared that Joey was trying to reassure Yugi that everything was going to be okay. Every so often Solomon would notice his grandson glance back over towards the court room doors and if Solomon had to guess he would guess that Yugi was looking for the third defendant, Atemu.
Solomon turned his attention away from the pair of teens and onto the man who was seated beside him. In Solomon's mind Aknamakanon appeared to be absolutely exhausted and he also could see that Amara was also giving her husband some concerned looks. Clearly something more was going on than he was aware of.
Solomon sighed once more. Atemu appeared to have been having some sort of breakdown outside and he did trust that whatever the breakdown was regarding that Mai would be able to handle it. She was a trained social worker and no doubt was fully aware of everything that was going on with the troubled teen. If anyone could help Atemu then Solomon had faith that Mai could.
"You look absolutely exhausted my friend." Solomon said, he honestly couldn't help but comment on it. Perhaps now that he had said something his friend might take this opportunity to tell him what has been going on in the last month since he'd seen Aknamkanon.
Aknamkanon sighed, "I look exhausted, my friend, because I am exhausted. Karim is in the hospital and it doesn't look good." Aknamkanon said.
Solomon frowned as he lightly rested a comforting hand on Aknamkanon's shoulder, "I'm sorry to hear that my friend. Can I ask what happened?" Solomon asked.
Aknamkanon was quiet for a moment before he spoke, "Karim was checking out a case of vandalism that had been committed at our warehouse. He was driving back from the warehouse when his car was t-boned at an intersection. Right now he's in a coma and the doctors have no idea if or even when he'll wake up." Aknamkanon said.
Solomon was quiet for a moment before he said, "Karim will be in my prayers, as well his family."
Aknamkanon gave Solomon a small, tight smile. "Thank you Solomon." Aknamkanon sighed before he slowly got to his feet. "The court case is going to be starting in ten minutes. I should probably head outside and see if I can find that ungrateful brat." Aknamkanon muttered.
Solomon frowned before he rose to his feet, mentally cursing the sharp pains of arthritis that shot through his knees as he stood. A curse of getting old. "My friend, perhaps it would be for the best if I went and got Atemu for you. You appear to be at your wits ends and your frustration and lack of patience, Atemu can sense that, and he is no doubt responding to that." Solomon said.
Aknamkanon sighed before he sank back down into his seat. "You don't know the half of it my friend. Things with Atemu just seem to keep careening down hill, like an out of control vehicle. I can see that I'm about to drive off a cliff but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to avert the crash." Aknamkanon said he was quiet for a moment before adding, "Maybe adopting such a troubled boy was a mistake."
Amara frowned, "Aknamkanon! How could you say such a thing? And about our son!" Amara hissed.
"You can't say that you haven't thought it Amara. Atemu is trouble. Yami we are making progress with yes, but with Atemu it seems like for every minuscule step forward we take we end up leaping back two." Aknamkanon said.
"But you can't deny that you still love both of those boys. They are our sons Aknamkanon! Sure, they aren't perfect, but we knew that before we made the decision to adopt them. And I for one have cherished every minuscule step forward we've managed to make." Amara hissed.
Aknamkanon sighed, "Of course I love the boys. I was just saying that, sometimes, when things aren't going well, which they haven't been with Atemu lately, I sometimes wonder if we made the right decision. I wasn't suggesting that we return them." Aknamkanon said.
Solomon sighed, "Now is neither the time nor the place to be having this discussion. And if you feel the need to continue it later I just pray that you both have enough sense to not be remotely near either of the boys when you do. Your frustrations aside, you saying that you regret adopting them would completely crush both of those boys." Solomon said.
"If I may interject."
The trio turned to look at Pegasus who was seated on Solomon's other side. "I know I may not be as fully versed in this situation as the rest of you but I can't help but notice that you mentioned that lately things had been going downhill with the boys. That implies that something changed. Could you, perhaps, make any guesses what that might have been?" Pegasus inquired.
Aknamkanon sighed, "Well, if I had to say something then it was whatever mystery thing happened to Atemu last Wednesday. I don't know precisely what happened because Atemu has absolutely refused to say. He's even been pushing his brother away at times. But one thing I do know for sure is that he's had an absolutely unbearable attitude. Won't let anyone, other than his brother, put a hand on him without growling not to touch him. He's lashing out more too. Hit me on Saturday." Aknamkanon said, pausing briefly as he glanced at the two frowning men. "What?" Aknamkanon asked.
"Did you discuss this with his social worker?" Pegasus inquired.
Aknamkanon rolled his eyes, "Of course Mai is aware of the situation. Not that Atemu is opening up to her anymore than he is to anyone else. Mai, last I knew, was looking into the situation. But, she didn't have any leads." Aknamkanon said.
Pegasus and Solomon shared a look however it was Solomon who spoke, "My friend, I truly hope that we're wrong, but in our professional opinion. One that is no doubt shared by your sons' social worker, is that Atemu sounds like he was molested." Solomon said.
Aknamkanon frowned, "Molested? Aknamkanon asked.
Pegasus nodded, "I agree. Your son undoubtedly underwent some sort of trauma recently. Yes, I do know that you sons both come from a prior abusive situation but the issues that you are having stem more so from what has happened last week. Without having talked to your son I can't say for certain but his aversion to touch...that is very telling. Especially since I'm guessing that he didn't have as much of an aversion to touch before last week. Or am I wrong?" Pegasus asked.
Amara shook her head, "No, you aren't wrong. Atemu was never the one with the aversion to touch. Yami was before but, then again there was an accusation of prior sexual assault against Yami. Never against Atemu." Amara said.
Solomon and Pegasus both shared another meaningful look. However, both fell silent when Amara gave a relieved smile, "There's Atemu."
Pegasus sighed before he sat back in his seat, "We'll have to finish discussing this later. The hearing is about to start." Pegasus said.
With Yugi
Kept glancing over his shoulder, looking for Atemu, and smiled brightly when he finally saw him come through the courtroom doors. "There you are." Yugi said as Atemu finally came to a stop beside Yugi and Joey.
Atemu nodded. "Yes. I'm here." He muttered.
Yugi reached out and lightly grabbed a hold of Atemu's hand to tug him over to their seats beside their attorney.
Joey awkwardly cleared his throat, "Uh, Yug?" Joey muttered his eyes flicking down to where Yugi had grabbed Atemu's hand and back up to Yugi's face.
Yugi rolled his eyes. "Yes Joey?" Yugi asked.
Joey reached out to scratch the back of his head his eyes again flicking to the adjoined hands, "Not ta be rude or anything pale, but since when do ya an Sennen hold hands?" Joey asked.
Yugi shrugged squeezing Atemu's hand reassuringly as he did. "Since I decided I wanted to hold his hand Joey. You don't see me pestering you about you holding Anzu's hand, now do you?" Yugi replied.
Joey flushed, "Uh, Yug...that's different. Like really different." Joey spluttered.
Yugi quirked a brow, "Oh, and how is that? Are you going to say because your straight? Is that why its different?" Yugi asked his voice falsely sweet.
Joey shook his head frantically, "No, no dats not wut I meant Yug...wut I meant was dat me an Zu actually are togeder an yous and Sennen...aint." Joey replied.
Atemu tried to slip his hand out of Yugi's grasp however Yugi just squeezed his hand reassuringly. He had no idea what had Atemu so upset outside the courthouse but Yugi wanted to try and show that he was there for him any way that he could...even if that was by just holding his hand. "Then by your own words Joey me holding Atemu's hand is no different than you holding Anzu's. Because Atemu and I are together." Yugi declared.
Both Atemu and Joey shot Yugi an incredulous look at that statement.
However, Johnson, the attorney who was representing the group gave them a pointed look, "The hearing is going to be starting soon, please take your seats."
Yugi nodded before he tugged Atemu over to the seats behind the defendants desk before sitting down. With Joey taking the seat on Yugi's opposite side. Once the trio had taken their seats Atemu leaned over to whisper into Yugi's ear, "Correct me if I'm wrong brat, but I honestly don't recall you and I ever getting together." Atemu whispered.
Yugi blushed before he turned and whispered into Atemu's ear, "We haven't officially gone out on a date or anything yet, no. But I did ask you out and you said no for now. Not no altogether. You said that once everything that is going on has finally settled down that you would give me a chance. I can consider you and I together...just not actively dating. Still means I can hold your hand, unless of course that is making you uncomfortable." Yugi whispered and much to his embarrassment the temptation to press a kiss to Atemu's cheek was strong. I mean its RIGHT THERE! My mouth is practically TOUCHING his cheek already. Yugi mentally whined before he pulled away from Atemu's face, sadly without pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Atemu just snorted, "Whatever brat." Atemu muttered before he sat back clearly just looking around the courtroom.
Yugi sighed and just like that the moment was gone. Yugi supposed it was a small victory at least that Atemu had allowed Yugi to continue to hold his hand.
"All rise, the honorable Judge Man presiding." The bailiff declared and the entire courtroom rose to their feat as a stocky medium height man with graying hair took his seat on the bench. The bailiff turned to the judge, "Docket ending 1-5-9, the people versus Sennen, Motou and Wheeler. One count each of disturbing the peace."
"How do you plead?" Judge Man asked briskly.
"Not guilty, your honor." Joey, Yugi and Atemu said in unison as they had been instructed to do by Johnson.
"So entered." Judge Man declared.
The bailiff nodded once, "You may be seated."
Yugi gave Atemu's hand another squeeze. His heart was racing. It was one thing to know that he had to go to court but sitting here before a judge sandwiched between Atemu and Joey was absolutely terrifying. Just stay calm Yugi. Everything is going to turn out just fine. Just let Johnson do his job and we'll be fine. Yugi mentally reminded himself.
"Opening statement Johnson." Judge Man ordered and Yugi watched as their attorney rose to his feet, his hand briefly resting on the bridge of his nose, most likely adjusting his glasses.
"Thank you, your honor." Johnson replied before he rounded the desk to speak.
Yugi sighed, this was going to be a very long day. He was half tempted to rest his head against the desk but instead settled for squeezing Atemu's hand again.
With Malik
Malik sighed as he attempted to stretch out. He absolutely hated history. No, Hated history. The capital was completely necessary. It was one class that it seemed like he just couldn't get away from no matter how hard he tried since his sister's work also revolved around the damn subject. And Malik honestly did not care what a bunch of guys who had been long dead had done 300 or so years ago. He had quite enough to be getting on with in his life here in the present. He no reason to be wasting his time with the past.
He was drawn from his mental whining by the student in front of him handing him back a packet. Malik glanced down at the packet and to his horror saw: UNIT 21 TEST: WORLD WAR II written in large letters on the top of the test. Malik's heart plunged into the pit of his stomach. They were having a test today...a test that he hadn't remotely studied for.
"You have one hour. Begin." Mr. Shadi declared.
Malik's eyes flicked down to read the first question: All of the following were leaders of totalitarian governments in the 1930s and 1940s except: A) Joseph Stalin B) Francisco Franco C) Benito Mussolini or D) Neville Chamberlain Malik bit his lip before circling B. And moving onto the next question. In what country was the Fascist party and government formed: A) Italy B) Japan C) Spain D) Germany. Malik groaned, well this was just great he didn't know this question either. It was probably Germany. Malik mentally reasoned. Yeah, that makes sense. The Nazis were part of the Fascist party...Malik could believe that. He circled D and moved on.
And on and on it went with Malik only genuinely knowing a few of the answers and just blinding guessing at all the others. The hour seemed to fly by and before Malik knew it he heard the bell ringing when he still had eight questions left to answer. Malik quickly circled random letters on the final eight questions without even reading them before he picked up his test and brought it up to the teachers desk.
He was numb as he slowly exited the classroom. Malik was almost certain that he had failed that test. And badly failed it at that. And Mr. Shadi was one of those teachers that was a dick and if you got below a C on a test your parent or guardian had to sign the damn thing. That would be absolutely wonderful Ishisu would kill him if she saw he failed a history test.
"Malik! Hey Malik, wait up."
Malik glanced over his shoulder to see Ryou was hobbling along on his crutches still, like he had been for almost the last full month. Malik sighed before he turned and continued to make his way down the hall. After the nightmare his last class had been the last thing Malik wanted to do right now was deal with Ryou.
"Come on Malik, I know you can hear me!" Ryou shouted.
Malik came to an abrupt stop, his hand tightly gripping the strap on his bag as he waited tensely for Ryou to catch up to him. Yes, he had most foolishly harbored a bit of crush on the white haired boy. But, Malik was coming to the realization that that was just him being an idiot. That or his hormones deciding to torture him.
"Thank you Malik." Ryou said as he finally drew level with Malik.
Malik sighed, "What do you want Ryou?" Malik asked exasperatedly. It was his free period now which meant Malik was fully intending on going up onto the roof to mope and freak out about his test before he headed to his next class. That or practice forging his sister's name. Or a little bit of both.
Ryou sighed, "I just wanted to talk to you about some stuff." Ryou said.
"Like?" Malik asked. He honestly didn't care what Ryou wanted but he'd already gotten this far he might as well listen to what Ryou had to say.
"Well, I was wondering what you were doing this weekend?" Ryou asked.
Malik shrugged, "No idea." Malik replied. His weekend plans now officially depended on how quickly Shada managed to grade those test papers. If he graded them quickly enough to give them back on Friday then Malik would be dead come Saturday so it probably wouldn't be a good idea to go making any plans.
Ryou sighed, "Well, I was actually hoping that you and I could hangout this weekend. Maybe you could come over and we could watch some horror movies together." Ryou said.
Malik for a few moments just stood there while he mentally gaped at the white haired teen. Is this all part of some sick joke? Malik thought to himself. Ryou had made it perfectly clear that he did not like him. Not at all and yet here he was apparently asking him out on a date. How the hell did that make any sense? "Why?" Malik finally asked once he managed to get his brain back on speaking terms with his mouth.
Ryou frowned, "Why what?" Ryou asked and to Malik's frustration he genuinely appeared confused by Malik's question.
"Why do you want to hang out with me this weekend? Don't you have plans with your boyfriend? Or your other friends this weekend?" Malik asked.
Ryou sighed, "Is it so hard to believe that I want to spend some time with you Malik? I thought we were friends." Ryou said.
Malik mentally wanted to scream. Scream and kick a goddamn wall. Ryou was seriously standing here trying to emotionally guilt trip him into saying yes. And this was after the damn kiss Ryou dragged him into just for a picture. And then asking him to buy him an autographed panel at Horror-con, which would have cost almost 200.00 which he would have done if Akefia hadn't have stepped in and just signed one for Ryou and shoved it into a bag."And you'd rather spend time with me than with your boyfriend?" Malik asked again. Last he had heard Yugi and Ryou had broken up but things can change at the drop of a hat. If they weren't together than Ryou would be quite quick to correct him.
Ryou nodded, "Yugi actually has other plans this weekend so we can't hang out. So, I was hoping that I'd be able to hang out with you instead." Ryou said taking a step closer so that he was almost within touching distance of Malik. "Please?" Ryou asked.
Malik allowed his eyes to drift shut. I am a fucking idiot! Malik thought to himself, "Sure, we can meet up on Saturday. When and where?" Malik asked. He was quite proud that he didn't end up blushing. Ryou just wanted to hang out as friends. Not to mention Ryou clearly had a boyfriend. So, there was no reason for him to be getting embarrassed about Ryou asking to spend time with him. Clearly Ryou and Yugi had patched things up like Ryou had wanted. That was even if the story about them breaking up was even true to begin with and not just Ryou trying to get Malik to do what he wanted.
Ryou grinned, "You can come over to my apartment on Saturday. Say around 10 am and we can have a movie marathon." Ryou said.
Malik sighed once more and nodded, "Sounds like a plan. I'll be there." Malik said slowly before he turned and walked away. He still had some time to hopefully be able to get a decent amount of forgery practice in before his next class started.
I wonder if Marik knows how to forge Ishizu's signature? Malik mused. He smirked when the answer Hell yes popped into his mind.
With Atemu
Atemu sighed as he leaned back in the very uncomfortable seat. Johnson had just taken his seat for the final time and now the judge had departed to his chambers so he could review the arguments and make a ruling.
Atemu just hoped that he made his ruling quickly so that they could just get the hell out of here. He wanted to know if Mai had been able to find his brother. He wanted to know if Akunadin had hurt Yami again. God damn it! He should have known! He should have fucking seen it. Deep down in his gut Atemu had known that something was off he should have trusted that feeling.
"So now Yug, we just gotta wait fer da judge." Joey, very helpfully informed Yugi. Atemu rolled his eyes gee thanks captain obvious. We wouldn't have been able to figure that out without you pointing it out to us. Atemu sarcastically thought to himself.
Yugi, Atemu had noticed, still had not let go of his hand. The only times Yugi's hand hadn't been gripping his hand very tightly was when either himself or Yugi had been called up to testify. But as soon as either one had returned Yugi's hand had immediately latched back onto his own. Atemu knew he should probably have pulled his hand away from Yugi's awhile ago but he didn't. Which was crazy he knew but if he was being perfectly honest it felt good to hold someone's hand.
Atemu sighed, this was bringing the whole 'what am I going to do about the brat' situation back to the forefront of his mind. Which was ridiculous! He had to worry about what was going on with Yami. He had to worry that bastard Akunadin was back in town, and he had been for a little more than a week during which he had already managed to hurt both him and more importantly he'd hurt Yami. He had to be on guard around Aknamkanon in case he decided to fly off the handle and start beating him again. It wasn't outlandish to think that he had only held back that first time because Mai had been in the room.
Joey stood up, stretching. "Well, I don know bout ya but I'm gonna go an touch base wid Zu. Let her know dat da judge is deliberatin' an all." Joey said. Atemu had no idea why Joey felt the need to explain where he was going. The court was on a brief recess while the judge was deliberating. Atemu had briefly glanced down at his own phone and saw that he didn't have any messages from Mai or Yami which he was worrying. He was going to call Mai as soon as everything was finally wrapped up here. He needed to know if she'd been able to find Yami.
Joey then made his way out of the court room leaving just him and Yugi still seated on the bench. Yugi lightly squeezed Atemu's hand again. "Are you okay?" Yugi asked softly.
Atemu shrugged, "Not really but it is what it is." Atemu replied flatly.
Yugi sighed, "You're not upset that I didn't deny that you were my boyfriend are you?" Yugi asked.
Atemu rolled his eyes, "Yugi to be perfectly honest the status of whatever is or is not going on between you and I is probably on the bottom of my list of things to worry about. You want to say that I'm your boyfriend then that's fine with me." Atemu said.
"So, your okay with us being together? You're okay with us making it official?" Yugi asked.
Atemu wanted to scream. That was not what he meant at all. What he meant was that it wasn't worth bothering about. It was unimportant. Most certainly not the priority that it apparently was to Yugi. "Yugi, we are not together. Not officially and you know that. I told you that on Saturday that I need to deal with my own stuff first. And if anything...things for me have gotten messier since we spoke on Saturday. Not better." Atemu said.
Yugi nodded, "Yes, and I know that. I'm not saying that you and I have to go out on a date tomorrow. I'm just saying that, once you have everything that you need to take care, well taken care of. Then we could give dating a try." Yugi said.
Atemu sighed, "Sure Yugi. If that's what you want, to wait an undisclosed amount of time for me to get my shit together than that is your choice. I'm not going to hold you to anything." Atemu said.
Yugi nodded before his face got a determined look on it. "Will you at least agree to go with me to the dance at the end of the year? Even if we aren't together. It'll just be one night and you and your brother have already volunteered to help put this together. The least you can do is attend the dance and see the finished product." Yugi said.
Atemu sighed once more. The dance was scheduled for Friday June 7th and today was only the 1st of May, still more than a month away. "Fine. I will provisionally accept accompanying you to the dance." Atemu conceded because to be honest he almost felt like he had to agree. After kissing Yugi like he had on Friday and falling asleep with him on the roof of Yugi's home turning Yugi down just didn't sit well with Atemu.
Yugi's face lit up with a bright smile, the brightest Atemu had ever seen on Yugi's face before. And he would be lying if he said that he didn't like seeing Yugi smile like that. "Thank you Atemu. I promise we'll have a good time that night. You won't regret it." Yugi said.
Atemu nodded before his eyes subtly flicked back down to his cellphone. He still hadn't received a text from Mai or Yami. He hoped that wasn't a bad sign. Atemu frowned as he glanced back up at the empty Judge's seat. He really wished the judge would hurry up and sentence them and be done with it so he could get the hell out of here.
"What do you think is going to happen?" Yugi asked.
Atemu shrugged, "To be honest I don't know. Probably community service or something like that. Maybe we'll have to pay a fine." Atemu replied indifferently.
Yugi nodded, "Well, that isn't so bad." Yugi said.
Atemu sighed, "No, not really which is why I wonder what is taking the judge so long to make up his mind." Atemu said.
Yugi snorted, "Atemu, the judge has been deliberating for maybe ten minutes. That's not that long." Yugi said.
Atemu rolled his eyes, "Well, it feels like a long time." Atemu muttered. Yugi chuckled, apparently he found Atemu's impatience amusing. Brat. Atemu thought almost fondly.
Joey chose this moment to return to his seat. "Zu says dat she wishes us luck an wants me ta give her a call once da judge makes his decision." Joey reported.
Atemu just sighed however when he saw the door to the judge's chambers open and the bailif call "All rise." Atemu would be lying if he said he wasn't relieved. Finally this whole court case is going to be behind them.
Judge Man took his seat before he cleared his throat, "After reviewing the evidence regarding the fight breaking out on Saturday April 6th, I find the defendants Atemu Sennen, Yugi Motou and Joseph Wheeler guilty. And they are hereby sentenced to 200 hours of community service." Judge man paused a moment before he glanced at the trio, "Now I'm going to say that I won't be nearly as lenient with any of you if you end up in my courtroom again. Try and stay out of trouble and make good choices. Is that understood." Judgme Man said.
"Yes Judge, we understand." Yugi, Joey and Atemu said in sync. Although lets be realistic here even if we didn't understand we would still say that we would judge. We're not idiots. Atemu thought to himself.
"Very well court is adjourned." Judge Man declared before banging his gavel.
Atemu was the first to turn to leave, unwillingly dragging Yugi with him who was still holding his hand while he was busy digging his cellphone out of his pocket. Now that that waste of time court case was over he could turn his attention back onto what was important finding out if his brother was okay.
"Ummm, Atemu not to ask an unwanted question, but where's the fire?" Yugi asked as Atemu dragged him over towards the courtroom doors.
"I want to call Mai and find out if she's made any progress." Atemu replied.
"Any progress on what? Or is this something personal that you don't want me to know about." Yugi asked.
Atemu sighed, "Its one of the many things that I need to deal with first. But, fine I can tell you the bare bones of it. Yami went missing this morning and I think something really bad is happening to him. Mai is looking for him." Atemu said.
Yugi sighed, "That doesn't sound good." Yugi said.
"That's because its not. And I'm worried because I still haven't heard from either Mai or my brother." Atemu said.
"Atemu, wait up!"
Atemu glanced back over his shoulder to see Aknamkanon and Amara were calling out to him as they were trying to quickly catch up with the pair. Atemu rolled his eyes before coming to a stop and clicking 'call' on Mai's contact before bringing the phone to his ear.
Mai's cellphone rang twice before she answered, "Hey hun, how was court?" Mai asked.
"Court was fine. We're done. We all got sentenced to 200 hours of community service." Atemu said, "Now, enough about that did you manage to find Yami?" Atemu asked.
Mai sighed, "We're working on it right now hun. I went by the school and confirmed that Yami never arrived at the school, or at least not as far as any one is able to confirm. My next stop was to the Domino City Police Department. Right now we are at Akunadin's hotel waiting on a court order to come through since barring that the hotel staff will not let us enter or even call Akunadin's hotel room since he apparently left orders that he is not to be disturbed under any circumstances. As soon as that order comes through we are heading up there." Mai said.
Atemu sighed, "Thank you Mai. Please, keep me posted." Atemu said.
"Don't worry hun, I will." Mai promised.
Aknamkanon and Amara came to a stop beside Atemu just as he hung up the phone. "Who were you in such a rush to call?" Aknamkanon asked.
"Mai." Atemu said stiffly.
Amara awkwardly cleared her throat, "Why did you need to call Mai? And why didn't she come in, I know she had been planning on being here for the hearing." Amara said.
"Yami never turned up at school today. He's currently missing so Mai is working with the police to try and find him." Atemu elaborated, "I hadn't heard anything so I wanted to know if Mai had been able to find Yami."
Aknamkanon frowned, "And you didn't think this is something your mother and I should have been informed of?" Aknamkanon asked.
Atemu shrugged, "Why? Its not like you could do anything about it." Atemu said. Or that you would even if you could. Atemu mentally added.
"Atemu!" Yugi hissed, his elbow lightly pressing into Atemu's side. Atemu turned and shot Yugi a look. "That was rude! Your mom and dad care about you both and you basically just implied that they don't." Yugi said.
Atemu shrugged once more.
Aknamkanon sighed, "Why don't the three of us head home. Maybe clearing the air while we wait for news from Mai might be good for all of us." Aknamkanon suggested.
Atemu just shrugged before he released his hold on Yugi's hand to go and climb into the car. "I'll text you later Yugi to let you know if Mai managed to find him." Atemu said. Aknamkanon and Amara both climbed into the car with Atemu and closed the door before their driver took them home.
The car ride home was tensely awkward with none of the three passengers saying a single word.
They got home and Atemu was the first out of the car and he quickly headed straight up to his room before closing the door behind him. He did not want to deal with whatever it was Mr. and Mrs. Sennen wanted to talk to him about, especially not as worried about Yami as he was. He was in no fit state of mind to play nice with the Sennens.
Atemu glanced around his bedroom before his eyes landed on the strange package that the trespasser had dropped off when he'd broken in the night before. The package was black and had what looked like a red ribbon tied on the top.
Atemu picked it up, more to have something to do than anything else. He opened the lid and his eyes widened when he looked at what was unquestionably a real human heart. The only good news was that it clearly was not a fresh one since it still smelled like formaldehyde and was no longer leaking blood. But as far as gifts go it was a pretty grotesque gift to give someone.
Or is it not a gift but rather a threat? Atemu wondered before his eyes landed on a folded up note in the box. Atemu grabbed the note and unfolded it, his eyes dancing across the writing which was done so that it appeared to have been written in blood although Atemu was almost certain it was just red ink.
I'll wrap my arms around you a little too tight
I'll be the noose that ends your life
I'll tear gashes in your pants as I hold you down
I'll pull too hard and drag you to hell
I'll take your heart, in the center just to the left
For its mine. I'll take it right out of your chest.
I'll clutch your hand a little too roughly
I'll shatter your bones and call you my lovely
I'll take you to the Eiffel tower and guide you to the top
I'll hold you from behind and give you a gentle shove
I'll rip your ribs out with my teeth, one by one
And play them like the grand piano. Show the world how its done
I'll lather my lips with venom, being careful not to taste
And I'll kiss you until your last breath, simply watching as you break.
Give me a call beloved and I will be your worst nightmare.
-Your thief in the night
Atemu frowned as he read the note. That still didn't clear up whether someone was trying to threaten him or if this was just some sick and twisted love note.
A/N: And that will do it for now. Oh, and in case you are wondering about Akefia's love note I modified a 'horror love poem' I found online the original is called Be My Own Version of Death by Bobbie Jo Price. All I really did was change the perspective of the poem, so other than that they are the same.