Winter Vacation by WeasleyForMe
Hermione and George have been together through thick and thin, and it's about time they treated themselves to a vacation! But maybe Hermione shouldn't have allowed George to plan the trip... what could possibly go wrong?
Happy Birthday to my dear friend Clover Bay! I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 5
"That's the hotel?" Hermione gasped as the cab pulled up to what appeared to be a castle set amidst a background of the Swiss Alps.
"If it is, then I did a great job," George said as the cab came to a stop in front of the grand hotel entrance.
They stepped out into the sunny yet very cold afternoon, and George watched guiltily as his wife shrieked and then shivered as she sprinted through the automatic glass doors into the hotel lobby. She was not going to be pleased when she opened her suitcase.
A hotel employee picked up all of their bags and George followed him inside. The scene before him was a beautiful display of gold and marble fountains and chandeliers.
"Wow, muggles sure know how to decorate," he told Hermione with a low whistle.
Hermione watched him as he froze and sniffed the air. His stomach immediately started to growl. "Do you smell that glorious smell? Is there a restaurant in here too?" he asked, looking wildly about the lobby.
Hermione laughed and led him toward the welcome desk. "Let's go check in first, and then we can fill your belly."
"Welcome to Lake Alpschall resort. You must be the Weasleys! Your room is all ready for you," the desk attendant informed them. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
Ten minutes later they were being escorted, along with their bags, up to their hotel room. As they walked, George was perusing a stack of menus he had just requested. He found the one detailing the lunch buffet that would be available for the next hour past the far end of the lobby.
"I don't even know how to say this, but the description sounds delightful," George said, pointing to the zürcher geschnetzeltes on the menu, as they arrived at their room.
"Oh! Oh my goodness!" Hermione exclaimed rushing into the room. "We have a view of the mountains and the ski slopes! Is that a chalet?" she asked the room attendant carrying their suitcases.
"Yes, you ski down to it," he replied in harsh English. "You should do before dinner. Too dark later."
He set their bags down in the closet and made his way out of the room as the Weasleys 'oohed' and 'aahed' at the view and the amenities.
A few minutes later, George glanced at the clock. "Hey, Hermione, we need to leave the room like, right now to get to the buffet," he called to his wife who was currently exploring the bathroom.
"Do I have time to take a bath?" she asked, admiring the marble tub and brass fixtures which was reminiscent of the Prefect's bathroom at Hogwarts.
"Well do I have time to get changed then?" she asked walking into the main room and gesturing to her denims jeans.
"No, no. No time for that," George said, taking her by the hand and leading her out of their suite. It was in his best interest that they avoid their suitcases for the time being.
"Why are you acting so odd?" she asked as they made their way back to the lobby. "Did you make plans for Ron to remodel our home while we're away?"
He gave her a funny look and shook his head.
"You did, didn't you! You know how angry I was the last time you ripped the carpet up!"
"Hermione, sweet pea, I'm just hungry. I promise I haven't given Wonnie-kins permission to do anything of the sort. We just need to go have a nice hearty meal. You know what they say, man cannot live on tiny bags of peanuts alone."
"Ridiculous," Hermione muttered as they rushed into the elaborate buffet restaurant.
George looked around at the fifteen different food stations and the dessert bar. "Now this is what I'm talking about!" They both grabbed plates and set off to sample all of the different Swiss foods that neither of them could pronounce.
Before the buffet was closed for the day, George managed to polish off seven and a half plates of food. "Just roll me back to the suite," he groaned when they eventually exited at the conclusion of the buffet hour.
"Sure thing," said Hermione, "I'll just go ahead and call a bellhop to wheel you up on a luggage cart!"
The mention of luggage immediately jarred George back to the pressing matter of how badly he had packed the suitcase for this cold weather. Who knew that it would be so cold in the middle of winter in the Alps? "Why don't we go explore the hotel a bit more Hermione?"
"No, I think a good soak in the tub would be great after that long flight and big meal we just had. Maybe, after we change we can go look around a bit more. I would really like to get out of these travel clothes and into something a bit warmer." George groaned at the sound of that. "Are you okay George, did you eat too much? I didn't think that a Weasley could ever eat too much!"
As they got to the room George became more and more anxious. Knowing that Hermione would eventually open the suitcase terrified him, and seeing that she was already beginning to run the water for a bath, he didn't see how he could escape his fate. "George, why don't you get me a nicer pair of jeans and a thick sweater for after I get out of the bath?"
At the conclusion of her bath, Hermione exited the bathroom in a fluffy white cotton robe which was the most wonderful thing she had ever worn. George sat on the bed with the suitcase in front of him still closed. "Why haven't you changed? I thought I asked you to pull out some clothes for me. George, what is wrong with you?"
George sat with his eyes looking down towards the suitcase not saying anything at all. Hermione walked over growing ever more suspicious and spun the suitcase toward her. Opening it, she couldn't help but feel redness spreading across her face. "George! Why are all of my bathing suits in here? All I see are bathing suits, lingerie, tee-shirts, and more lingerie. Where are my jeans and sweaters and thermal pants and wool socks? Why in the world would you pack these clothes? To think I trusted you to plan this whole trip and pack and…" She trailed off after seeing him bury his face in his hands. He wasn't crying but he definitely felt horrible and after all he had done to try to take her away, could she really be that angry with him over this clothing mishap?
"Oh George, I'm sorry. Let's not make a big fuss about this. I'm sure they have a store here somewhere, and we can go and buy some warmer clothes. You did such a great job planning everything and I don't want our vacation to start off on a bad note."
George raised his head and saw his wife looking at him lovingly. "I'm sorry, I just wanted this whole thing to be perfect."
"It is perfect, the perfect vacation for us to enjoy. Come now, let's go explore the hotel. I'll just throw on this tiny bikini that hasn't fit me in three years, and we'll be off," she joked, putting the same pair of jeans back on and picking out a tee-shirt.
George winced. He'd really been looking forward to his wife being more pleased with him for packing her whole lingerie drawer.
"Ooh, we should go see where they set up for the dinner buffet," Hermione said, causing George to perk up a bit. "There's also a pool and steam room around here somewhere, so I'll actually be able to wear my bathing suits. And then, let's look for a place to shop. We are going to need some warm outfits for skiing!"
"But I don't know what to wear skiing," George told her. "Actually, I don't even know how to ski."
"It's easy," she assured him with a kiss. "You'll love it." And off they went in search of shopping.
Poor George! He just wanted to make sure she had enough underwear! I hope you enjoyed it. Please review!