Spencer's Pov

I was at my favorite place in the world. I was at the cliff overlooking to forrest watching the sunset."Where is he?" I thought to myself.

"Hey Spencer! Ready to fight." My best friend walked up in his usual light Armor (with the exception of his Helmet which covered his face) he wore because he hated being slowed down while fighting .

"Hey Edd! I'm ready I've only been waiting an hour!"

I wore Heavy armor most of the time because i was really fast and it didn't slow me down much

"Shut your Trap and let's fight!" He said jokingly.

"Yaaawn hum Wha.. where am I?" I was in a bed after that strange dream.

"Who was he? I must've knew him since I never dream up people and wh- Cough Cough HACK "

My legs and chest were complety wraped in bandages.

"wha where am i?" i was only able to speak a soft whisper. I felt Complete shock all over

"ba-Blood?" I'd coughed up some blood just a few seconds ago.I looked around the room.

Everything seemed kind of blurred but I could make out the few Figures of Amy, sonic, Tails, and knuckles getting up very quick at the sight of me! Then I passed out...

I had just finished up my fight with Edd which I had won. "Damn How do you do it? One moment you were infront of me the next you were behind me" Eddward had said in defeat after we sheathed our swords."I wase'nt going to tell anyone but since your my best friend I guess I tell you. One day I was Walking through the forrest and I found ..This!" I said Pulling out a Green Emerald Out of my Quills."Whoa..." Edd was Completly Entranced in the Glow of the Emerald.

"Yeah I was messing around with it and I can Actualy use it to do some amazing stuff with it like appearing any where you want too!"

"ohh ... Oh yeah Thats pretty neat." Edwardd was still focusing on the Emerald, jaw hanging open

"Umm I'l see yah later.." I said, stashing the emerald in my quills.

"Ok... bye" Edward said looking at my quills while walking off.

"hmm strange?" I thought to myself looking over the cliff, the sun finaly fadding from View

Normal Pov

It was a rainy night outside of the Hospital. After the Scare of seeing Eggmans Egg Carrier nobody lurked in the city tonight. Out of nowhere, Two hooded figures Appeared on the street.

"So this is where he is then" One of the Hooded Figures said, being female my the tone of her voice.

"Yep, This is the only chance were gonna have to get him before his True power is Unleashed and brings the world to an end!" The other cloaked figure said Clearly being a Man before he started a brisk sprint with his friend towards the hospital.

"Are you sure that he will bring an end to the world? I observed him a few weeks ago and he didn't seem like someone with evil intentions? Me and him actualy met" the female stated as they got to the door.

"Trust me, whenever he completly remembers he's going to forget all that and rip the World apart!"

Spencer's Pov

It was the middle of the night when I woke up, I was wearing My usual clothes with alot of blood stains

"Wow what a strange dream?" I whispered to myself during the night. I looked over and saw them all sleeping in the chairs around the hospital room.

"Wow they really like me!" No one had really like me at home but these guys treated me better then my own family! The Chaos Emeralds were nowhere to be seen in the room. I got up out of the Hospital bed having nothing to do. My legs had no visible marks from the Sword Slice I had recived and The rest of my body seemed to heal completely overnight!

"Wow that could Be Useful-" I was intrupted by some talking outside of the window outside of room, in the hallway.

"I told you that Climbing the outside was better then looking through the entire hospital!" A female voice said In a hushed voice.

"Well we needed to go in the Hospital anyway to get his room Number." a really fimaliar male Voice had said still in a really hard to hear voice.

I walked outside of my hospital room and stuck my head out the window and looked around.

"Umm, hello anyone there?" I whispered out the window.


I was kicked in the face as someone swung in, I fell to the floor Dazed by the unexpected attack!

"Blaze!" Before I could do anything Blaze brought her foot down on my face, all I saw was darkness!

Normal Pov

"What was that?" Sonic woke up from his slient rest on the chair. He heard a deep Thump and someone landing on the floor?

"Quick Tie him up" Someone had whispered from the hallway.

"What what are you doing with Spencer!" Sonic had run out to the hallway to see the two-Hooded figures Finishing tieing up an Unconcious Spencer.

The two hooded figures said nothing and quickly teleported out of the hospital with Spencer.

"Guys get up Some people kidnapped Spencer!"

"Did you grab the Emeralds?" Silver said laying Spencer's unconcious Form Against the allyway wall

"Yeah I got them here" Blaze had replied taking them out from behind her.

Spencer was waking up moaning Then Coughed from the Cloth in his mouth keeping him quiet.

Spencer's Pov

I was coughing on a Piece of Cloth Blaze had tied Around my mouth."Mpph Mfpph" was all I could say With the Cloth Shutting me up.

"Can we Please untie That, He seems to be making him really uncomfortable" She said to Silver while looking at me. I nodded my head desperate to get it out of my mouth so I could Explain myself.

"No. He could use Chaos Control if he could talk" I said Emotion-less.

I don't get mad very Easily But I was Pissed at him and I tried to kick him from the ground succesfuly kicking him in the foot... still not doing much.

"Come on, he would have tryed that in the hospital! And he dose'nt have a Chaos Emerald either."

I nodded again, Happy someone was willing to let me talk.

"Ok, I needed to talk to him anyway" Blaze Got down on her knee and Untied the Annoyance from my mouth

"Thanks alot, Blaze" I smiled grateful, something was strangly fimaliar about her?

Blaze Was Shocked at me Knowing her real name but didn't say anything because she knew I didn't know her before I came here.

"I don't mean to be so Heartless but we can't take any risks with you" Silver Said acting more like the real him.

"But why! I didn't do anything"

"Your a threat to the future" he said sternly

"How!" I shouted

"Because you rip the world apart In a blind rage"

I was stunned.

"I would never do such a thing, I would never hurt anyone, unless it's to defened someone else!"

"Are you sure he is the one who End the world in the future? He dose'nt look like the person we saw just before we jumped back in time here?" Blaze questioned Silver.

"All I know Was that it was a Hedgehog from a Different Dimension and that we Might be able to stop 'The Shadowing' if we gather all the Chaos Emeralds! Thats all I heard from the Prophice" Silver said in an Unsure tone.

"I know of another Hedgehog , that dose'nt look like he's from here. He tried to kill me too!" I Exclaimed at the thought that it might be him.

"We can't trust you yet. You could be trying to Decive us. The Prophice said you Tricked the Smartest man of this Generation"

"I'll help you find the Chaos Emeralds" I Raised an eyebrow, baiting him

"We'll talk about this later, your about to fall asleep anyway"

"Oh, Ok thats understa- Wait what?" I was a little confused about what he said, I wase'nt tired at all.

"We gave you a drug that going to knock you out soon, I'm surprised you even woke up, even more surprised you were'nt speaking like a drunk." he said in a blank voice as if he was talking about the weather.

"You did what! What gives you the righ- oh cra..''" I started getting dizzy then everything turned black

Really again! Am I ever going to get a normal nights sleep!

Wow I left alot of un-answered questions in this chapter, like how Blaze had know him, and exactly how so? Just lately I noticed how much me and her character are So simmaliar. Like how me and her are Very Independent, Inward, kept our feelings to ourself's, and only a (Certain Time) ago we got some friends who cared for us.(Her Case: Cream,Sonic, and Everyone else in the Sonic Team(Excluding all of the Villians) and My Case: My friends ( i'm not gonna name any for certain reasons))