AH! Okay I want to go on record and say that this chapter has been done for MONTHS (I finished it at the end of August) but my beta (RedSatinBlackSilk) and I made a creative decision to wait to release it. Basically we wanted the holidays in the story to match up with the upcoming holidays. Kinda lame I know but that's what we went for.
Good news is that I should be updating more cause the next few chapters are set in December. Disclaimer: I am not Jewish and have never celebrated Hanukkah. All the information I used for this chapter is what I researched but I'm sorry if I got something wrong.
Thank you again for all the love and support. I love you guys and I love hearing from you.
So...Remember when I said things would get a lot worse before they got better. Yeah this chapter is defiantly things getting worst. You've been warned...
Chapter 14
"Happy Thanksgiving!" Puck called as he entered his childhood home. He had a pie in one hand and his special (non-alcoholic) jungle juice in the other. It was going to be a great day.
"Oh you're here," Ava Puckerman busted from the kitchen to sweep her son into her arms and plant a big kiss on his cheek.
"Hi ma" Puck said as he smiled and hugged her back.
She pulled away and noticed the items in his hands. "Noah Elijah Puckerman I thought I told you not to make a thing for this dinner."
"Did you really have to middle name me?" Puck pulled back with a smile. "Besides I didn't make the pies. Caleb did" He told her.
"Caleb?" She questioned and looked behind Puck to see her grandson with two more pies and a sheepish look on his face. "Oh my handsome grandson son."
"Hi bubbe," He said as she pulled him into a tight hug.
"Look how big you've gotten. You look just like your father when he was your age. Except for that ridicules hair cut he used to wear." She fussed and kissed both of Caleb cheeks.
"Hey the hawk was badass" Puck defended as he took off his coat and hung it up in the hall closet.
"Watch your language around the kids," She chided him
Puck just rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. The kids they're worse than I am."
"I refuse to believe that," She said back to him. "Speaking of which, where is that wonderful granddaughter of mine?"
"Right here Bubbe" Sarah said as she came into the house with a homemade center piece.
"Oh my beautiful girl" She said as she took the center piece out her hand. "Did you make this?"
Sarah smiled at her. "Of course. It was easy. All I needed was Pinterest and a hot glue gun."
Ava handed the center piece off to Puck and wrapped Sarah in an even bigger hug. "You are such a clever girl. She gets that from our side of the family you know." She turned to Puck again. "Smarts has always been a Puckerman gene."
"Sure ma" Puck said as he made his way to the kitchen to put everything away.
"Come in. Come in" She said to her grandchildren. "Hang you coats up in the closet. If you can remember where it is. I don't see you kids as often as I used to." She started in with her guilt trip.
"We know bubbe," Caleb said as he hung up his and his sisters coat.
"We've just been busy with school and extra-curricular activities." Sarah added as she followed her bubbe into the kitchen.
"Too busy to visit your own grandmother?" She accused. "You know when you kids were born and your parents were working to keep a roof over your head it was me that was taking care of you. And even when you moved into that fancy house of yours you still came to visit me every week cause you knew I'd have a treat for the two of you. Then you go to high school and suddenly you're too cool for your own grandmother."
Puck tried not to snicker. He's been on the receiving end of his mother's Jewish guilt trips before. But hell his kids were smart. They could handle it.
"But Bubbe we have to say busy," Sarah reasoned with her innocently.
"Oh and why is that?"
"Because we want to get into a good college and do something to make you proud." Caleb added on with sugar in his voice.
"Oh you two" She said and pulled them both in for a hug. "I'm already very proud you. You are wonderful children and don't let anyone tell you differently."
Puck smirked when he saw his mother's face soften. Damn his kids were good. "Okay enough of this. The Parade is gonna start in 20 minutes so let's put this stuff away and settle into the living room to watch my smoking wife and mother of my 'wonderful children' make all of America her bitch"
"Yeah" Caleb and Sarah said high fiving each other.
"Noah watch that mouth of yours" His mother chided.
Rachel took a deep breath.
"Nervous?" Jessie asked as he slid his hand slid behind her back.
They arrived in New York yesterday morning. After they settled into their hotel rooms, they were both rushed off to meet with wardrobe consultants about their attire for tomorrow. Then they rushed to a few meetings with press and investors of the show back in Chicago. Then it was a rehearsal with the vocal coaches (because apparently just one wasn't enough anymore) to make sure their song was perfect. Then they had a quick late night dinner before they were off to bed for their early start the next day.
Rachel was honestly in awe of Jessie. The Jessie she witnessed in New York was different one from the one in Chicago. Producer Jessie worried about every little thing and fawned over her every move like she was some sort of china doll. Actor Jessie was fun and care free. He was silly and didn't take things too seriously. He was the 'bad boy of Broadway' and it couldn't be denied how much the fans adored him.
She was also shocked to find that she had fans of her own. Which was crazy considering she hadn't even performed for anyone yet. But when they left the restaurant from dinner fans followed them and begged for autographs from both. She also noticed that they not only knew her name but wanted to take pictures with her and had some of her promotional shots that she had taken weeks ago for the show.
She was a little uncomfortable that they kept referring to her and Jessie as 'St. Berry. But it didn't seem like the time or place to discuss something like that.
The next morning they were both up by 5:00 am and were shipped off to hair and makeup for an hour and half before they had a quick breakfast followed by a quick warm up before they were asked to get into their appropriate places for the line up at 77th Street and Central Park West. Things were moving was too fast for Rachel and she just needed a moment to take it all in and catch her breath.
She looked over at Jessie who was still staring at her and waiting for her to reply to his question. Jessie just smiled knowingly. "It's a lot to take in. I know. But relax you're going to be amazing."
"I just don't understand how you do it. I mean we've been moving non-stop since we got off the plane" She confessed.
"I just try to take it one moment at time and enjoy myself as I go." He told her honestly. "Don't you worry Rachel Berry, you'll get used to the fame."
Rachel laughed at his teasing "I don't think I'll ever get used to all this." She confessed as she looked around at all the people. There were people everything and so many things going on at once.
Jessie took her face in his hands and gently pulled it his so he could look her in the eye. "Don't worry. All you have to do is open your mouth and with the first note all of America will love you." He told her "Plus you'll be up there with me. If you get nervous just grab my hand."
Rachel didn't trust her voice to speak but she nodded. Jessie smiled to her and gave her a quick peck on the forehead.
Before they knew it, it was 9 am and the parade was starting. Jessie and Rachel's float was more in the middle of the parade so they had to hang back while the first few bands, floats and balloons made their way out. Their float followed a Snoopy Balloon. Rachel couldn't help but smile. Snoopy was Sarah's Favorite character
Rachel could hear the people screaming and cheering. And when their float finally took off she grabbed Jessie's hand in a flash. She was thankful they had a little while of marching before they made it to the grandstand to sing in front of the cameras. It gave her a chance to get used to the butterflies in her stomach. In time her smile became less nervous and more genuine. Jessie was right. This was fun. The crowd was so much fun and she feed off their energy. She threw out waves and blew kisses to people as they cheered.
Jessie watched her with a grin. This was where she belonged. "I told you." He told her. Rachel rolled her eyes at him playfully before she turned to engage the crowd more. The float stopped. They were handed their microphones and told they were due at the Grandstand seats to perform in 2 minutes. Jessie looked to her. "You ready for this"
Rachel only smiled back at him. "Bring it."
"Up next the Bad Boy of Broadway Jessie St James, sings us a musical tribute to Broadway."
"That's right, Katie and he is accompanied by Rachel Berry rumored star of the upcoming West Side Story revival set to hit next year."
"Ma you're missing it" Puck yelled to his mother. He vaguely recognized the announcer say something about the float they were on but he honestly didn't care as Rachel's float pulled up and he saw her. His heart almost stopped and he couldn't wipe the goofy grin off his face even if he wanted too. Damn that was his wife.
"Record it. My hands are still in the Turkey." Ava yelled from the kitchen.
"Already recording." Caleb yelled as he turned up the volume.
Puck couldn't take his eyes off the screen. She looked so beautiful as she smile and waved to all the fans. He was damn proud of her. Not even when Jessie leaned in and whispered something to her that made her giggle would take that away from him. She also looked sexy as fuck in her red pea coat, skinny jeans and heels. Damn he'd have to let her know how much he appreciated the outfit when he saw her later on.
The music started and Rachel tapped her foot along with the beat. His girl always did like the rhythm. She turned to Jessie and started to sing.
Give my regards to Broadway
Remember me to Herald Square
Damn she sounded great. Okay maybe he was a little bias cause she was his wife but shit she was amazing. Pucks smile only got wider when a little star with the name Rachel Berry came on under her singing to let the viewer's know who she was.
Tell all the gang at Forty-Second Street
That I will soon be there
Rachel got this cute little sexy smirk on her face. She always made that face when she was confident and happy. Puck tried to wipe off the drool he was sure ran down his mouth.
Whisper of how I'm yearning
To mingle with the old time throng
She turned back to douche and sang with a big smile on her face like she knew she had him and the rest of the world in the palm of her hand.
Give my regards to old Broadway
To mingle with the old time throng
Rachel looked out to crowd. And Puck knew this was her moment. She was about to slay this song with an epic note and leave them all in awe.
Give my regards to old Broadway
And tell'em I (I'll be there)
Will be there (I'll be there)
Puck held his breath while she prepared to belt out the final note. Damn it seemed like this woman never seemed to stop taking his breath away.
I'll be there e'er long
"Yes!" Puck yelled when she finished her final note. "Fuck yes!" He yelled. The crowd burst in the cheers. Rachel gave Jesse a quick hug but then turned back and waved to crowd who couldn't seem to get enough of her.
Caleb and Sarah hugged each other.
"Way to go Mom!" Sarah clapped.
"What happen? What did I miss?" Ava came in with Turkey sill on her hand.
"Oh nothing but my mom making Broadway her bitch!" Caleb yelled and Puck high fived him.
"Caleb Liam Puckerman! Language young man. Your father may let you talk however you want but in this house it won't be tolerated" She chastised him
"Sorry Bubbe" Caleb said although it was apparent to everyone in the room that he wasn't sorry.
"Who wants to watch it again?" Puck asked as he already reached for the remote to rewind it to Rachel's part. Fuck his wife was amazing.
Rachel stepped off the float and felt wonderful. It was such an adrenaline rush to perform in front of all those people and crowd gave really good feedback. She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face even if she tried. She turned back to Jessie and gave him the biggest hug. Jessie just chuckled and hugged her back.
"I take it you enjoyed yourself Ms. Berry?" Jessie said as he held her close.
"You have no idea," She said to him as she pulled away.
"I think I can imagine" He teased as he pushed a stay hair out of her eyes. "Now come on. We have two quick interviews to do before we need to get you to the airport for your flight. You sure you still want to go. I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind if I brought one more to dinner tonight."
"Thank you but no" She told him with the grin on her face. Today had been absolutely amazing and the only thing that could make it better was to be at home with her family.
"Well alright. But you can always change your mind," Rachel slapped Jessie playfully in the arm as they headed over to their team to get ready for their interview. A bottle of water was thrust into Rachel's hand and she took it gratefully. The hair and makeup team came over to touch her up.
Then they were then shuffled off to some interview room. The first interview wasn't so bad. It was for some Broadway blog that wanted to know more about Rachel and the Show. They asked a lot of questions about her background and father's but never once was it mentioned that Rachel had a husband and kids. All in all, the first interview was very professional.
The second interview not so much. It was for another Broadway blog but they focused more on the gossip side. They asked more personal questions to Rachel like 'Why she didn't try for New York after high school like every other young starlet' and 'what was she doing wasting her talent as a Glee club director in Lima Ohio'. Rachel took the questions in stride but honestly she let Jessie answer the curve balls they threw at her. There were also a lot of questions about the status of Jessie and Rachel's relationship. Apparently they were the ones that created the name St. Berry.
"A lot of fans out there wanted to know when you two will make an official comment on your relationship status." The nasally blonde asked.
"I'm sorry what's unclear about it" Rachel asked confused.
The blonde scoffed "Well you two aren't exactly hiding anything. You've been seen all around Chicago together: Holding hands, late night dinners. It's very romantic in a long lost lover's kind of way."
What!? Is that what people thought was going on. Of course she knew the cast thought she slept with Jessie to get the roll but she didn't think some gossip blog would be printing lies about some fake relationship between them. Just the thought of it made her sick. Rachel opened her mouth to give this woman a piece of her mind but Jessie put a calming hand on her and answered the question.
"Rachel and I are just friends. I'm just thankful I get to work with her amazing talent again while she settles into her career. She is truly gifted; I think everyone is starting to see what I've always seen in her."
The blonde put her hand over her heart like he said the sweetest thing possible. Rachel rolled her eyes irritated. It's like the woman didn't hear a word Jesse said. They were friends. FRIENDS. Nothing more.
Rachel cleared her throat ready to re-iterate the point but Jessie once again cut her off. "Sorry but I think that's all we have time for. Our Star has to catch a flight." He looked at Rachel with a smile and she gave him one back grateful for him putting an end to the interview from hell.
"Of course" The Blonde said "Just one more question for Rachel" Rachel looked to the woman and tried to pretend that she didn't want to throw a chair at her head. She took a swig of her water to hid the distain look she sure she gave her. "How do you like New York?"
Rachel plastered a fake smile on her face. "I'm loving New York. It's so amazing I almost don't want to leave." She joked.
"Well you'll be moving back here in a few months so you won't have to." The interviewer joked back.
Rachel choked on her water and started to cough. Did she hear her right? Jessie got up to help her and a few people in the room rushed over to aid her with napkins. The woman was all but forgotten.
Did she say move to New York? Her? Where the hell would she get an idea like that? What was going on?
Rachel gathered her composure with everyone fawning over her. "I'm fine," she told them as she wiped off her top with the napkins. "Really guys I'm fine," They backed off all talking over each other but Rachel didn't pay any attention to them. Her eyes were trained on Jessie.
There was something he didn't tell her.
"Actually I really need to talk to Jessie for a moment," She spoke up over all the commotion in the room. Everyone got quiet at the request. "Alone." She told them as she looked over to make sure they heard her. Jessie nodded his head to the team and they filed out of the room muttering to themselves. It kind of irked Rachel that they listened more to Jessie's request then her own but she put it out of her mind. She had bigger issues.
"Jessie what was that about?" She asked him quietly.
"I think you just choked on some of the water. Don't worry it happens" He told her.
"No. Not the Damn water. The part about moving to New York," She told him through her teeth. "What did she mean by that? The show is in Chicago," Jessie was quiet for a few moments. She questioned if he heard her but they were the only two in the room. "Right?"
"For the workshop yes," He answered
"So what's this about New York?"
"Oh come on Rachel!" Jessie scoffed. "Do you really think the biggest revival in Broadway history would take place in Chicago?"
"I'm not..." Rachel stumbled. "I don't understand," She was confused. This wasn't making sense.
"The workshop is in Chicago. Away from the hustle, bustle and cruelty of New York but after the workshop; Once everything is secure with funding and investors the whole production is moving to New York." He told her.
"What?" She was shocked. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"
"Tell you? Rachel you have to have known." He said. "You really think we'd put all the time and energy into a Chicago production? You think the biggest director on Broadway would come out to do a season in Chicago? Think Rachel! This is business. You gotta start using that head of yours. You can't get around with just a pretty face. That's how people take advantage of you"
"Oh my god," She said shocked as she sat back in her chair. The whole time she was so focused about the workshop she never thought about what would happen afterwards. She never thought about much what it would be like after February. And here she was blindsided. They wanted her to move to New York. Jessie wanted her in New York. "But you…You said."
"I said I wanted to give you your dream" He told her "I want to give you what's always been yours. New York. Broadway. Hell even a Tony if we play our cards right." Jessie pulled her face into his hands and looked into her eyes. "You Rachel Berry are a star. And you deserve the whole world to know that. And I plan on making that happen for you."
Rachel's heart was beating out of her chest as she fought the panic rising within. This was all wrong. This wasn't what she planned. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. She felt stupid and foolish. She felt naive. How did she not see this coming?
She pulled back from Jessie "I…I can't…move to New York. You know that? I can't…"
"Why not" he said as he reached for her hand. "Why can't you go for your dream? It's right in front of you. Everything you ever wanted is right here. Why the hell is it so wrong for you to go for it?"
"I…I have a family," She stumbled. "A family that loves me very much,"
"Then don't you think they would want this for you?" He asked her. "I mean, hell Puck practically signed your name on the dotted line for you. Do you really think he would keep you from the one that you always truly wanted? Because that doesn't sound like love;That sounds like selfishness."
Rachel was shocked. She was confused. This was totally unexpected. She needed to get out of there. Fast. "I…um…I have a flight to catch. I need to go" She turned to grab her coat and Jessie stopped her.
"You don't have to make any decisions now. Just think about." He told her. "In the meantime focus on the workshop. That's what's important now." Rachel pulled back from him again and put her coat on. Jessie grabbed her wrist. "At least let me take you to the airport."
"No…I just…I'd rather be alone right now." Rachel snatched her wrist away. "I'll see you in a few days" Rachel turned away and rushed from the room. She didn't even have the energy to put her show smile back on. The others tried to help her as she made her way out but she fought them off. She grabbed her luggage that someone had thankful waiting for her and hailed a cab to the airport with a lot on her mind. This was defiantly a game changer.
I'll be there e'er long
Puck sat back and smiled at the TV. He'd watched the play back of Rachel's performance at least 50 times. The kids eventually got bored and went to help their bubbe in the kitchen but Pucks eyes were glued to the TV. Rachel was amazing and he couldn't be happier for her. This was huge.
Suddenly the TV cut off and Puck looked up to see what happen. His mother stood with the remote in her hands and her arms crossed.
"What'd you turn it off for? I was watching that," Puck questioned.
"I know. You've been watching it all day. In fact we all have and honestly I'm getting sick of it." She said sharply to him.
"Sick of it? What are you talking about Rachel was great?"
"Is that all you see when you watch that thing?" She questioned him. Ava sighed and turned the TV back on. She reversed the performance of her daughter in law and hit play. "Let me tell you what I see when I see that."
"Ma what are you talking about?" Puck complained.
The clip started to play but not even a few seconds in she paused it. "There. You see that?"
"What?" Puck looked at the TV curiously.
"Right there in front of you" She told him and pointed to the text at the bottom of the screen. "Rachel Berry"
"So?" Puck said still not understanding his mother.
"So last time I checked she was married with two kids."
"She still is" Puck defended
"Not according to that screen." She said back "Did you even notice she wasn't wearing her ring?"
Puck took a closer look to the screen and saw that in fact Rachel was not wearing her wedding ring. It stung a little but he wouldn't let his mother know that.
"What's your point ma?" He said getting irritated.
"My point is that a woman that is happily married shouldn't be going around without her ring and using her maiden name." She hit play. "A woman that is happy with her life doesn't run off to Chicago chasing a dream. She doesn't miss her children growing up. She shouldn't be holding hands and hugging on a man that is not her husband." She paused the clip right on a shot of Rachel looking into Jessie's eyes while holding hands. "That does not look like a woman that his happily married to my son. That looks like a woman that is half way out the door," She finally told him.
"What? Ma you're crazy" He defended "She's just acting. It's all for show,"
"No. Noah. There is something more on that screen." She sat down next to him "Now I love Rachel. She is a wonderful wife and a loving mother but let's be honest. This wasn't Rachel's first choice. Living in lima, working at that high school with a husband and two children wasn't want she wanted. And maybe she was okay with your life together for a time but now that she has a shot…" She pause "I just don't want you and the kids to get hurt."
"Ma-" Puck tried to speak but he didn't know what to say.
"I know you lost a father. But I lost a husband. So believe me when I say." She hit play again. "That woman may not be yours for much longer. She can very well decide that she doesn't want to do this anymore. And you'll gonna have to find a way to deal with that and still raise two kids." She grabbed his face in her hands and kissed his head "You're my baby boy and I just don't want to see you get hurt."
The doorbell rang and broke the tension in the room. "Oh that must be Rebecca!" With that she got off and ran to the door.
Puck could hear the noise of his sister's arrival in the background but he paid it no mind. His mother's words gripped his heart. It was like she took his worst fear and stabbed him with it. Rachel wasn't happy. Rachel wanted to leave.
This Thanksgiving sucked. He thought as he turned off the TV and went to greet his sister. He tried to shove the conversation aside in his head but the awful feeling in the pit of his stomach wouldn't go way. Their family wasn't enough.
"What do you mean the flight was cancelled?" Rachel argued with the woman behind the counter.
"I'm sorry Ms. Berry but due to some difficulties the flight was canceled. Now I can re-route you to Ohio but you will have to have a layover in Philadelphia. That flight doesn't leave until 6:45 and you will get into Allen County Airport at 11:50."
"This is ridiculous. I was supposed to be arriving at 5:30 and now you're saying that the flight won't even be leaving until almost 7:00?"
"I'm sorry ma'am but that's the best I can do. I can also offer you free first class seating for the inconvenience and vouchers for a free dink on board the flight."
"I don't want free drinks or first class. I want to go home" She told the lady. The woman looked back sympathetically but Rachel could tell there was nothing she could do. "Fine just do whatever you have to do." She grumbled as she looked down at her phone. It was almost 2:00.
Rachel typed out a quick text to Noah. She hated doing this to him. She wanted to be home with her family but instead she was stuck inside JFK airport for the next few hours on Thanksgiving. She briefly considered calling home but dismissed the idea as soon as it came. If she heard Noah or the Kids right now she'd start to cry and that the last thing Rachel wanted to do.
The woman handed Rachel her tickets with a sad smile on her face. "Happy Thanksgiving"
Rachel just rolled her eyes and made her way to the gate. This day was nothing like what she expected. Performing that morning had been so amazing and now it felt like a lifetime ago compared to the rest of the day. She swiftly made it thought security and walked to her assigned gate
Could she really move to New York? Is that what everyone really expected of her? And how could Jesse not have told her? In hind sight there were plenty of context clues to have figured it out but she still couldn't help but feel like Jesse never planned on telling her. She was starting to trust Jesse and now something like this but makes her remember why she should keep a close eye on him and his intentions. She sat down in an empty chair and planned to camp out for the next few hours.
Then there was Noah and the kids to think about. Would they be mad at her or excited for her? Would they come with her? Would they even want to? And what if they didn't want to move with her? Would she go alone while they were in Lima? How could they be a family if they were always so far apart? How was she even supposed to bring something like this up to Noah? Lately it seems like any little thing can tip the scale and send them into an argument that doesn't get resolved for weeks. She didn't want him mad at her again.
"Rachel stop" She told herself out loud. She was being ridiculous. They would work it out. Find a way. They always have. And she would sit down and form different plans for the situation. Then she'd sit Noah down and calmly tell him and be prepared with her plans for whatever he wanted to do. She'd tell him when she was ready and sure that they both could handle the conversation like adults. Most importantly she'd tell him when she was sure it wouldn't turn into a fight. But first she needed to brainstorm. She needed to find resources. Look up housing and schools just in case.
Rachel breathed a little lighter. Thanksgiving still sucked but at least she had a plan.
Puck looked down at his phone and sighed as he read the text from Rachel. Great, just great. She wasn't even going to fucking BE here for dinner. That wasn't gonna get his mom off his case at all.
After he thought about and tried not to think about the conversation with his mother Puck got pretty pissed. Who the hell was she to tell him about his own fucking marriage? Don't get him wrong. He loved his ma and would do anything for her. That woman has done so much for him he'd give his life for her but Fuck her for trying to tell him that Rachel didn't want him or his family anymore.
"Who was that?" Ava said and she came into the kitchen to help Puck as he prepared the food for the table.
"Um…Nothing," He said "Just…um…Rachel's flight got canceled so she's going to be coming in later than expected." He finally admitted.
Ava pursed her lips as she spooned mashed potatoes into the serving dish. "Surprise, Surprise," she finally muttered.
"You what ma just stop!" Puck said
She turned around to face him. "Excuse me?"
"I said stop." He told her firmly. "Stop with all this bullshit with Rachel."
"You watch your tone Noah" She told him sternly but Puck continued like he didn't hear her.
"I married a nice Jewish girl. I gave you your perfect little Jewish grand-babies. So why are you trying to fuck with this? What more do you fucking want from me woman?"
"I want you to wake up Noah!" She told him. "I want you to look around and see what's really happening. Rachel is your wife and she hasn't been around for months. You are doing this by yourself and I know what that's like."
"You may know what it's like when a spouse leaves and you may know the warning signs or whatever bullshit, but you don't know Rachel and fuck, you don't know me. We love each other okay and we have a family. So whatever else can just fucking wait cause we are in this together." He told her. She just stared him down with the mashed potatoes still in her hands. "Oh and news flash, Rachel isn't some drunken fuck who likes to hit her family for shits and giggles. She's sweet and kind and she's got talent and ambition. She wants the best for her AND for us. So don't compare her to that piece of shit that walked out on us. She's nothing like that and we're nothing like you guys were. So just stay out it,"
Ava sat the serving dish down. "You want me to stay out of your marriage? Fine. I'm out. You want to sit back and pretend that you and Rachel are perfectly fine and everything great? Okay then. You do that. But I stand by what I say Noah. So don't say you didn't see it coming when the other shoe drops. I warned you Noah" She told him. She picked the dish back up. "I won't say another word about it. Now let's try to enjoy the rest of this day as a family because believe it or not Noah, Rachel's not here and we're all you have." She swiftly walked out of the kitchen and left Puck speechless again.
Rachel tried to ignore her rumbling stomach as she turned the pages of her book. It was 4:00 and she'd only been here two hours. She sighed to herself as she thought about how time was passing slowly.
"I'm sorry is this seat taken?" Someone asked and pulled her out of her funk. She looked up and was met with none other than Jesse St James
"Jesse? What are you doing here?" She asked
"Well a little bird told me your flight got canceled." He said as he sat down next to her "And I thought that it must be just awful for you to spend Thanksgiving alone in an airport. So here I am."
"But how did you even get back here? Your flight doesn't leave until tomorrow night?"
"I may have purchased a ticket to get back here but hey what's a few hundred right?" He said with a smile on his face. "Now I am here to cheer you up and I've brought a little feast for us because I'm sure you must be hungry." Jessie started to pull Tupperware out of his bag. "So we have some Turkey, a little stuffing, some mac and cheese, green bean casserole and They wouldn't let me bring the cranberry sauce through so I stopped by the gift shop and we'll just have to make due with cranberry juice." He said as he pulled out the bottle.
Rachel stared at him with her mouth open. Jessie just smiled at her awestruck face. "Come on its Thanksgiving. And I promised I'd be here for you: Even if you don't want me to be." He said as he pulled out paper plates from his bag and plastic silverware he stole from the food court.
"Thank you" She whispered and she started to make her plate. Maybe things weren't so bad. And it was really considerate of Jessie to come all the way down here just so she wouldn't have to spend Thanksgiving alone. "What about your friends? Won't they be mad you're missing their dinner?"
"No. They actually packed the food while I got the ticket." He told her. "I care about you Rachel. You have to know that."
"I do" She said. "It's just…Why didn't you tell me about New York? Why keep something like that from me?"
Jessie sighed and ate a spoonful of stuffing before he answered her. "I just. I didn't know what to say or how to say it. I thought you would have figured it out"
"I feel like you lied to me and like I can't trust you." She told him honestly.
"Rachel you can always trust me. I only want what's best for you." He told her.
"I just don't know if New York is what's best for me." She confided. "I mean this has all been amazing but I have a family and a husband. This is all just happening so fast. I don't know what I should do"
"Hey" He said as he placed his plate down and grabbed her hand. "You don't have to decide anything right now okay. I know this is a lot on you. And I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. But you don't have to have everything figured out just yet. You can take your time and decide what's best." He told her. "I just wanted to give you options. I want you to see how amazing you truly are and how far your talent can take you if you just let it. You are the brightest star I've ever met Rachel Berry and I just want you to shine for everyone to see."
"Thank You" Rachel blushed little at his words and cleared her throat. She did have a lot to decide and think about. "And your right, I don't have to decide anything right now. We still have the workshop the get through."
"And we still have this wonderful Thanksgiving feast to get through" He joked. "I even got us some dessert" He said and pulled out a pack a Twinkies. "Now, no more talk of New York and workshops let's eat our dinner and just relax."
Rachel nodded in agreement.
Caleb shifted from one foot to another. This had to be the right place. He checked three times just to make sure but he still shifted nervously. He checked his watch again. Maybe he got the time wrong. If he did then he'd feel like the biggest idiot ever. No he couldn't think like that. If this plan go through it was totally going to be worth it.
He looked up again and did a little victory dance inside his head when saw what he'd be waiting for.
His mom was walking down the terminal looking exhausted. Caleb gave a sad smile. As much as his Thanksgiving kinda sucked not having her around it must have been worst for her to be by herself. Well that was why he was here. He was going to turn that shit around real fast.
He step up to her and grabbed her carry on out of her hand. She didn't even notice him at first but when she felt the bag leave her hand she looked up first shocked and then stunned. Caleb smiled down at her and she smiled with tears in her eyes.
"Caleb" She said as she pulled him into a tight hug. "Sweetie what are you doing here?"
"Well I figured you could use a ride home" He told her causally.
"Oh Sweetie" She said. Sometimes it still amazed her how sweet her son could be.
"Where is your father and sister?" She said and they made their way out of the airport
"Dad passed out on the couch about a couple hours ago. He doesn't even know I'm gone. Sarah is keeping look out just in case" He told her with his smirk that always meant trouble.
Rachel laughed at her son. They made it to the van only it wasn't the van it was Noah's truck. She glared playfully over at him as she got in. Noah clearly didn't know that he had taken it. Caleb just put on a mask of innocence as he loaded her carry on into the truck and got in on the driver's side. He started the truck and pulled off out of the airport.
"How was thanksgiving?" She asked him. It felt so good to be back home. The truck was filled with the scent of Noah and she felt her body relax into the ease of being home.
"Kinda sucked without you" He told her honestly. "Dad and Bubbe got into in the kitchen about something so dinner was a little tense. Aunt Becca is huge. But the food was good and we managed to sneak out a whole pecan pie without Bubbe noticing." He told her with a grin on his face. Pecan pie was Rachel's favorite.
"Aw thank you Caleb that was really sweet of you." She told him.
"It was no problem." He told her. "We saw your performance. Mom you were amazing. I never knew you could do anything like that. I mean I knew you were good but shit I didn't know you were epic."
She looked at him with a smile on her face. The performance felt like a lifetime ago. She felt like the woman on the stage was completely different person than the one in the truck with her son.
"I have to be honest. I was so nervous. I thought I was going to pee myself." She told him.
Caleb laughed. "No way,"
"It's true. There were so many things going on and people telling me to do stuff. But I was fun."
"And you fucking rocked it. Dad replayed it like 50 times I swear," He told her. She laughed. That seemed like something Noah would do. "So How was your Thanksgiving?"
"Long and lonely," Rachel sighed "I mean performing in the parade was amazing but I missed you guys a lot."
"Yeah we missed you too" Caleb nodded. "But we get it you know. I mean this is a big deal for you and its cool seeing on you TV and stuff."
"So what's new?" She asked him to change the subject. If they went down the path they were on she was going to end up in tears and swear that she'd never go back to Chicago. But she couldn't do that. So, it was best to just think about other things.
"Well I'm kicking ass in Spanish." He told her.
"Really?" She asked impressed.
"Well I have a C plus," He admitted. "But still kicking ass. We are wrapping up the set list of Sectionals. I have two solos this year." He told her proudly "Sarah started taking contemporary dance classes now. She said some bullshit about expressing her feeling but I think it was just to get out of her day to make dinner." He confided. "Dad probably already told you that he officially got the promotion so starting next season he is going to come on as the defense coach."
"Wow" She said shocked. "That's huge. No I didn't know that,"
"Oh shit" He said "Maybe he was going to tell you this weekend. So just…act surprised,"
"I'll try." Rachel smiled "How long has he known?"
"Um he got the news a few weeks ago," He told her.
"Oh," She said quietly. Why didn't Noah tell her? She knew that they were fighting off and on but she would have thought that he would have mentioned it on the times that they were on.
"I'm sure he was just waiting for the right time" Caleb said. He felt like an idiot. He here was making things worse by telling his mom that his dad was keeping shit from her. Great, just fucking great.
"No I'm sure your right," She told him she told him smoothly "Now tell me more about these solos?"
The rest of the trip was spent with light conversation about Glee, Friends, and the crazy adventures that the Puckerman children have gotten into in Rachel's absents. Caleb had her laughing so hard she almost cried when he retold the story of Sarah's first date with Chris. She swore she was going to pee her pants when he told her about the time he was just learning how to cook and under cooked the chicken which had the whole family sick and fighting over the bathrooms all night.
When they pulled into the driveway about an hour later Rachel felt lighter and happier than she had in a long time. This was best feeling in the world. Being with her family. Being home. She turned to Caleb with a smile.
"Thank you," She told him "I needed that."
"Just doing my job," He told her. "Now let's get you in the house before dad wakes up and realizes I stole the Batmobile." He grabbed her bag and they both made it into the house. "I'll take this up to your room." Caleb hugged his mom on last time. "Welcome home," He said before he bounded quietly up the steps and out of sight.
Rachel inhaled deeply. Home. The lights were off and the house was quiet except for the sounds of the TV coming from the living room. Rachel followed the sounds and the faint blue flicker of light into the living room. When she got there she saw Noah sprawled out on the couch fast asleep with his mouth wide open. He was still dressed from the day and she could see a little plate with leftover pie on the coffee table in from of him.
She smile to herself as she entered the room. She quietly turned off the TV and leaned over to gently wake her husband.
"Noah" She said softly. He stirred a little and closed his mouth but did not wake up. "Noah" She said again and shook his shoulder gently.
"Rach?" He questioned. He blinked open his eyes and squinted at her in the darkness. He gave her soft sleepy smile. "Hey babe"
"Hi?" She giggled at him quietly. He was so adorable when he was sleepy like this. "You fell asleep watching the game. You think we should make it to bed."
"No." Puck said as he shook his head. "Too far,"
Rachel gave him a patient smile "but Noah we've got to get you to bed. It's late"
"No" Puck gave her a small frown that looked almost like a pout. "Let's just stay here" He told her as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto the couch with him.
"Noah what are you-"
"Shh." He said as he tucked her under his chin. "We'll get up in a little bit but for now. Let's just lay here"
His breath evened out and she felt him slip back into sleep. She released a contented sigh and realized that laying there with him sounded like the perfect plan. She relaxed her body into him and fell into a comfortable sleep.
"What do you mean they won't let you go? Do they realize it's a religious holiday? You can sue them for that shit you know" Puck yelled frustrated into the phone. It was a week and a half after thanksgiving and the first night of Hanukkah. Puck had been cooking all day making Latkas and sufganiyah. And now Rachel was telling him some bullshit about not being there. This was Hanukkah. Hanukkah meant Family!
"I know Noah. And I brought up all of these points myself but they still refuse. I'm so sorry. I can come home this weekend. And Maybe I can Skype in for the menorah lighting?"
"No Fuck that!" Puck said "This is such bull shit." He said his brain working overtime to find a way to fix it. Sarah's birthday was on thing. Thanksgiving was another but he'd be damned before he sees his family not united on Hanukkah. "You know what babe, let me call you back" He said. He didn't wait for a response before he hung up the phone.
He looked at the clock. It was almost Noon. He'd have to work fast to put his plan in action. He didn't think he just moved. He ran around the house looking for the things he would need. He quickly packed up the food before he grabbed his keys and went to the store.
He ran around the market frantically looking for the things that he needed. When he was sure he got everything he threw the money at the cashier and didn't even wait for the change before left for the Lima high.
When he got to the school he ran straight to the office and requested to take his kids out early. "And tell them to fucking hustle" He told the secretary.
Ten minutes later two very confused Puckerman children showed up at the office. Puck didn't even stop to explain anything. He just started walking to the car and expected them to follow.
When they got back to the van Sarah finally broke the silence. "Daddy. Not that it's not cool getting out early and everything but do you explaining what's going on."
"Operational Hanukkah that's what's going on." Puck pulled out of the school parking lot and headed towards the freeway.
"What's operation Hanukkah?" Caleb questioned from the front seat.
"We're going to be together as a family for Hanukkah. So if your mom can't come to us. We're going to go to her. And the Puckerman's are going to have the best fucking Hanukkah ever."
"Fuck Yeah" Caleb said. He turned around to high five his sister
"Road trip" Sarah said back
Puck smiled to himself at his kid's enthusiasm.
Rachel answered her phone as she left the theater. It was Noah and she was glad he was actually calling her back. She was afraid he was so angry about Hanukkah that they wouldn't speak for a few days. To be honest her heart broke at the idea of not being home but there was nothing she could do about it. Clinton was being nice enough by letting her out of rehearsal before sunset but that was as much as he would budge on the matter.
"Noah? Hi sorry I'm just leaving the theater" She said
"I know" He told her.
"Well I'm glad you called back. Let me get to my room and we can skype me in while you guys light the menorah." She said and she made her way down the busy street.
"No need to babe," He told her.
"What? Why?" She said exasperated. "I know I can't be there in person but I still want to be a part of our family's traditions. This is our heritage and I want to be included in way that I can."
"I know babe but" He chuckled into the phone "Do me a favor and turn around,"
"What?" She asked confused
"Turn around," He told her again. Only this time she not only heard his voice on the phone but she heard him in person.
She quickly turned around and was greeted with the sight of Noah and her two children standing on there on the streets of Chicago grinning at her.
"Oh my," She said before she jumped into his arms. "What are you doing here?"
"Operation Hanukkah," Caleb explained and she hugged him next.
"You couldn't come to us so we came to you," Sarah explained further as her mother hugged her.
"We're a family remember," Puck told her.
Rachel nodded back with tears in her eyes. This was so wonderful and so much more than she ever hopped for. She looked down at her watch.
"We need to get going." She told her and led the way to her hotel.
When they entered her room Caleb and Sarah stopped a looked at each other. This was so much nicer than they expected. Douche was really pulling out all the stops. He was working harder than they thought.
Rachel walked over to table and made room while Puck pulled out the supplies he had grabbed before leaving the house and the ones he bought from the store.
"Here," He said as he handed the bag of food Caleb and Sarah. "Go microwave the latkes and make sure the sufganiyah didn't get squished."
They nodded their heads and went to prepare the meal of microwaved latkes, applesauce and the fried jelly filled treats they both enjoyed. Meanwhile Puck took out the menorah and Rachel started to set the candles. Puck turned back to pull out his Kippah and toss Caleb his. Caleb caught it and placed it on his head. Puck unzipped his case and pulled out his guitar. Within 15 minutes the Puckerman's were done and ready to celebrate their make shift Hanukkah in Rachel's hotel room.
They gathered around the table. Puck started them off with the reciting of the three blessings and eventually everyone joined in. When they were finished Rachel and Puck joined hands and light the first candle on the right side of the Menorah. Rachel beamed up at him. They lit their Menorah that way every year since the day they were married. Together as a team. The leaders of the family. Relying on each other for strength and being patient with each other in their weakness. This was right.
After the candle was lit they continued and recited the traditional hymn Hanerot Halalu and the hymn Ma'oz Tzur. Caleb and Sarah picked up on their parts of the evening by reciting Palm 30 and 67.
When the rituals were done they did the traditional blessing of the meal and began to eat their make shift Hanukkah feast. Now normally the food was much better and there was a lot more of it but tonight sitting together in that hotel room no one could find it in them to complain. After they were finished Puck pulled up his guitar.
The kids laughed with sly grins on their faces ready for this Puckerman family tradition. Puck strummed the first chords and began to sing Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song. The family jumped in with every verse and laughed out loud at their favorite parts. When the song ended they all were shouting with glee "Have a happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy Hanukkah!'
They all laughed together and cheered as the song finished.
"Okay I gotta admit" Caleb said out of breath from laughing so hard "Not traditional but still one of the best Hanukkah's every. Now we just have to keep it up for seven more days" He joked.
They laughed along. Puck set his guitar down and approached the kids. "Okay I'm gonna be frank with you. I left in a hurry so I didn't grab any of your presents." He told them. They pouted a little but didn't seem too fazed by this news. "So here's the deal." He took out his wallet. "He is $50 each and the keys to the van. Go find your presents but" He told them before he handed them the money. "I don't want you back here for at least two hours" He told them seriously.
They laughed and nodded and he handed them the money. "Hell for another $50 we'll sleep in the van" Caleb told him. Puck thought about taking them up on that offer but dismissed the idea.
The kids weren't stupid. They knew their parents wanted some alone time so they could sex each other up. And even though the thought was kinda gross it was also what their parents needed. They needed to love each other and be reminded of everything they still had. So the puckleteens smiled, grabbed their coats and hugged their parent's goodbye before they took off for the mall in search of their presents.
When the door closed behind them Puck turned to Rachel with a smile. "Now as for you, I got your present right here." He told her as he pressed her against the wall. Rachel moaned. It had been far too long and they didn't get any alone time while she was home for Thanksgiving weekend.
"But Noah," She smirked coyly at him. "I didn't get you anything."
"Oh yes you did" He said as he lifted her up to wrap her legs around his waist. They kissed some more before Puck realized he wanted more than her kisses. He grabbed her up and made his way to her bedroom. When he got there he threw her down on the bed. "Time for me to unwrap my present" He said.
Puck and Rachel laid cuddled up in her bed about an hour and a half later. Neither one wanted to move. They were both perfectly content in that moment. But the kids would be back soon and they needed to get dress. Puck looked down at her and kissed her deeply. She smiled into the kiss.
"So…sectionals are in a few weeks." He began. "And I know you're crazy busy but I'm sure all the Glee kids would love to see you there."
Rachel smiled at him "Sure. I'll have to ask about it but I'm gonna try my hardest to be there." She told him.
Puck grinned at her and pecked her lips "Time to get up."
"No." Rachel pouted "Just 5 more minutes of naked time,"
Puck laughed at her as he rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to get cleaned up and put his boxers back on. He came out smacked Rachel's bare ass as she went in after him. She squeaked and turned around to give him a playful glare.
Puck went around and made the bed then started to redress. As he was buttoning his shirt he noticed some papers on the desk in the room. A note was on top:
Hey Rachel,
Here is the info you requested. These are the best Schools in New York and the Apartments highlighted in yellow are only a few blocks from the Theater.
Puck pulled the note a side and looked through the papers. There were maps and info of Schools, apartments, and jobs all in New York. He could see Rachel's loopy handwriting where she had made a few notes in the corner. What the fuck was this? Was his Mom right? Was Rachel trying to leave him?
"You think maybe we can call the kids to pick up a movie before-" Rachel came out the bathroom and stopped in her tracks when she saw the look on Puck's face.
"What's this?" He asked her as calmly as he could.
"Noah I…" She said
Puck slammed the papers down "What the fuck is this?" He yelled
"Nothing," She said as calmly as she could. This was not how this conversation was supposed to go. She was not ready to do this. "It's just research."
"Research?" He asked "These are apartment listings in New York! Hell you have school applications for our children in here." He was so pissed he couldn't think straight.
"I wasn't making any decisions" She tried to explain. "I just needed to do the research,"
"For what? What the fuck is going on?"
"The show is moving to New York!" She finally shouted back to him.
He recoiled like she slapped him in the face. "What?" She was leaving. He wasn't enough.
"The show is only in Chicago for the workshop. Once it gets picked it. It's moving New York."
"And I guess you're moving with it" He said
"No…I don't know." She told him honestly. "That's why I wanted to do the research. I wanted to form a plan."
"And you felt like you should make this plan without me." He asked her harshly. His anger rose again.
"No. I just," She stumbled to explain. "When Jesse told me about New York I didn't know what to do. I knew we needed to talk about this but I had to come to grips with it first. I didn't want this to be something else to tear us apart."
"You're fucking moving to New York! How much more apart can we get?" He said
"I haven't decided anything!" She tried to tell him calmly.
"Really cause it sure as hell looks like you have," He sneered.
"I just wanted to explore all our options"
"Our? Oh so now you're including me?"
"I was going to tell you. I just didn't know how. So I did some research to explore the options. I didn't know if I would go alone or if you guys would go with me. I wanted to be prepared"
"Sounds like you made up your mind to leave,"
"Noah listen I want to do what's best for our family but I also-"
"You also want to do what's best for your fucking career. Cause heaven forbid anything come between Rachel Berry and her Career." He yelled "You say you want what's best for us. I call bullshit. I would give up my job in a second if that was what it took for our family."
"That's not fair Noah. I am trying. I don't know how to handle this situation any more than you do." She said as she felt her own angry rising at him.
"You know what Rach. Fuck it. Let's explore the options then. Oh yeah that's right. We can't fucking move our family to New York!" He told her flatly "Think about the kids. That is if you can still remember them. Caleb starts his senior year next year. You gonna make him do that at a new school in a new state? And Sarah finally found her place. She has a boyfriend and friends. You gonna rip that away from her?"
"Oh and let's not forget you Puck" She threw it right back at him. "You finally got that big new job and promotion: Defensive coach. The job you never told me about!"
"I didn't tell you about it cause I didn't want to bother you with my shit. You're so busy running around with douche that you don't give a fuck about what's going on with me or your own fucking kids" He spat at her "And right now you're being pretty fucking selfish. You're not thinking about me or the kids. You realize you missed Sarah's birthday right? You also missed Thanksgiving and you would have missed Hanukkah if I didn't do anything about it. But that shit doesn't bother you does it? It's about you and your fucking career. I'm sick of it."
"I'm being selfish?" She questioned dangerously. "Noah I don't know if you remember correctly but you told me go! You made me take this deal. You told me to go for Thanksgiving. You said you wanted this for me. I finally have my chance to go out and show people what I can do. Show people that I can be more than just some silly school teacher from Lima who once had a dream. I thought you did that because you cared about me but obliviously I was wrong about that. If anyone is being selfish here it's you." She thought about what Jessie told her. How could he not want her to go for her dreams?
"Really?" He said "Is that what you tell yourself to feel better? Or is that what your new BFF Jessie has been telling you? That I'm the bad guy here. I'm the one that's selfish. Well guess what Rachel? I'm the one that is at home taking care of your fucking kids and working your fucking job. But I'm the one that's being selfish?"
"You're the one that is trying to stop me for achieving my dream!" She yelled. "You're the one that doesn't answer his phone like child when he gets pissed. You're the one that is cutting me out of our family."
"I don't have to cut you out of the family because you're already doing that yourself," He snapped back at her "You are the one that has been lying and sneaking and all this other bullshit. We used to be in this together. Remember that? Remember being a wife and fuck team? How long have your known about New York? A week? Two?" Rachel is silent "That's what I thought. You can say whatever bullshit you want but when it comes down it. I'm the one that is keeping this family together while you are running off doing your own thing."
"This wasn't the plan" She shouted at him. "We weren't supposed to be stupid and get pregnant in College. That wasn't the plan. You know it and I know it. And maybe we've been okay with the way things the way they were but now there are just some things that we can't ignore. We have a chance to go back and fix our mistakes."
"Mistakes?" Puck felt like she ripped his heart out of her chest. "I'm sorry that you didn't get your perfect little planed life!" He yelled "I'm sorry that I was there for you when you told me you were pregnant. And I'm sorry I was there while you had two of my children. I'm sorry I worked my fucking ass off to provide for you guys and to make you happy. And I'm sorry I'm-" He pause for a moment "I'm sorry that we're not enough."
Puck stormed out of the room. Rachel threw her robe on and followed him with tears down streaming down her face. "I never said that! I love you and I love our family. It's just-"
"You love your career more" He said cutting her off as he packed up his guitar. "God you sound like you're in high school again! You're a fucking grown woman with kids. And whether you choose to wear the ring or not, you have a husband."
"A husband that doesn't support me! A husband that won't even talk to me. A husband that just gets pissed and runs off every time I say something he doesn't like. A husband that won't even talk about things that will make our family better or stronger. I didn't choose to do anything yet." She said helplessly watching him go. "And even if I did, why is it so wrong for me to just want this? Why can't you be happy for me? Why can't you understand?"
"Understand What? That you're saying fuck you to our family. That you've magically found yourself and now we're not good enough for you?"
"I want more for us" She yelled. "I want more for the kids. I want more for me and my life."
"You don't wanna be a Lima loser." He told her. "You know what. I'm proud of our family and our kids. I'm proud of what we did. I'm proud of what we have…or at least what we had. So fuck it. Rachel Berry or Puckerman or whoever the fuck you are. I don't care what you do. I'm done" He said as he grabbed his shoes and his guitar and slammed the door.
Wow...so that was...intense. Before anyone mentions it, YES Puck is being hypocritical. Also they are BOTH contributing to the problems in their marriage.
Don't hate me. I have a plan guys. Puck and Rachel have some growing to do in order to fix this but they'll pull through.
Please Please PLEASE review and let me know what you think.
Next Chapter is Sectionals so until then...
Thanks! Review!