Chap 3
When I first came back here I didn't see Gerald. Considering he was the only one that I had as a friend back then, I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed. That is until I heard the reason why he hasn't been to school. Apparently he won some scholarship for a term in an intensive training camp for those interested in furthering their careers in sports and it would count towards his admissions for college in the future, so it was a no brainer for him to go. He is one of the few that already has colleges scouting for him even though his still a junior, but he is apparently just that good. There were some other schools in the district that had tried to lure him away with promises and perks, but Gerald wasn't interested.
So I found myself sitting in the cafeteria with Thad chatting and minding my own business when a commotion started to happen by the entrance. Gerald Johanssen had come back to school and his adoring fans are just thrilled… note my sarcasm.
I knew one day Gerald would turn into a smooth talker and he had always been on good terms with everyone. And as the years passed he's turned into the most popular guy in school, not only because of his looks, but also his personality and athletic abilities. I sat there on the bench watching his interactions with others. The way the guys greeted him easily, as if he was their mate and the way the girls fawned after him and flirted with him. He gave everyone his attention and he knew them by name. If that's not charisma then you're blind. Yet as he sat at the table and as people clamored around him, my vision started to change. I could see another boy there, one with the odd shaped head and the easy trusting smile.
I had to shake my head a bit; it's not like to think about him these days. Being back in Hillwood really is bringing back memories.
This is what I do though, I watch people and I watch their reactions. You can tell a lot from what they do and act, consciously or unconsciously. And as I watched Gerald, I came to a conclusion that actually surprised even me. So I popped my head on my right hand and carried on observing.
Half way through lunch he finally noticed me or Thad/Curly, I really need to decide on what to call him. I can see the confusion, the way he was trying to figure me out, a hint recognition and then full on shock. I actually giggled at his expression. He came towards our table, ignoring everyone else and slowly people caught on where he was going and the cafeteria started to go silent.
I never moved from my spot and I watched with a smirk as he came towards me. Well, he did grow up good.
"Well, well, well, I never thought I'll see the day that Helga G Pataki would come back." He says and then promptly sits down opposite me. Thad and Gerald exchanged greetings and then his focus was back to me.
"Well, I never thought I'd be back." I said with a shrug.
"So how long you staying?" He asked with a hint of amusement.
"Long enough." I scowled and he chuckled.
"Still the bully Helga?" He asked with a smirk and then a cocky grin.
"Well it depends on the situation tall hair boy." I replied with a smirk. He does not have a tall afro anymore, but it's for old time's sake.
"What you doing Friday?" He asked without hesitation.
"Well depends on what you're thinking?"
"Catching up between friends and away from preying eyes and ears."
"For that to work there's only one place I can think of…" I said with a soft smile.
"The roof?" He knows what we both miss.
"The roof." I nod to him and gets up. The bell should be going soon. "It's good to see you Gerald, even if I didn't want to come back."
He gives me a grin and then does something I didn't expect to; he pulls me to him and hugs me. I was going to kick his ass, until I heard his softer voice. "It's really good to see you Helga and I mean it. Hillwood hasn't been the same without you." He then lets me go and walks away and waves. "I'll see you Friday, Pataki."
"Close your mouth Thad and let's go." He quickly pulled himself from his shock and started to look around as we left the cafeteria.
"You know what will happen right?" He looks at me with interest. "They'll be saying that you're dating Gerald by the end of the day, if not already."
I shrug "Thad, if I had to care about every single gossip that has come out of Constance about me than I should be already had tons of abortion, the mistress of the mob bosses, a cold assassin, not to mention the amount of men and women I've slept with. This thing will blow over like all the others." With that we took our seats and I proceeded to ignore him for the rest of the classes.
For the months that I've been here there was one place that I had tried to avoid, but ultimately failed at. Every day after school, I would walk around Hillwood. Trying to take in the area, trying to figure out what had changed and what had stayed the same. The truth is nothing has changed much.
Sure there is the changing of shops and there are always people coming and going of the place. But essentially nothing too drastic has changed. Mr. Green still runs the butchery; Caesar is still around doing everything; Harvey still works for the postal services, he just runs the whole office in Hillwood now; Willie runs the ice-cream store now; Officer Pudney, is now Deputy Pudney; and Mrs. Vitello, going on seventy, but still runs the flower place with a smile.
By the time I knew where I was going I was already looking at the steps that lead up to the boarding house… Arnold's boarding house. I would stare at it and leave. It's not every day, but it happens often enough, and sometimes I'm on the other side of the street. It was on one of these walks that I saw her again after so many years.
They may think she's crazy and going insane, but Gertrude Shortman was one tough lady and the years after Arnold had left, we had comforted each other when we missed him. Grandma G, as I called her before I left was the only parental figure I had while I was in Hillwood. Her saying may be crazy and cryptic at times, but once you get the meaning, it's the best advice you'll need.
Yet the first time I saw her, I nearly didn't recognize her. She looked like one of those old ladies that didn't know where they were going. Her eyes were dell, the bounce she always had with her is gone and the sadness that seems to settle around her was heart breaking.
I followed her at a distance, hoping to see where she was going and hoping to just see some hint that the old Grandma G was there. Her wondering got her nowhere and everywhere, until one intersection and car was speeding down the street and Grandma G was just about to step on the road and that's when I acted. I pulled her to me.
She didn't even look at me.
"Grandma G…" I didn't even realize I had said it until she stopped and slowly turned to me. Bit by bit I saw her eyes change. The spark that I knew so well was starting to resurface. Then it's as if someone had flipped a switch, her whole demeanor changed.
"Ms. Eleanor! It's so nice to see you again! This calls for a celebration! Yes Yes lets go shopping!" And that was it. Grandma G dragged me around Hillwood getting food and decorations. I saw more than once how the people who knew her would stare and other times they were crying happy tears. But it wasn't till I was in the boarding house and talking to Grandpa Phil, did I realize how bad it had gotten.
A year after I had left Grandma G was in an accident and for a short time Arnold and his parents came back to check on her, but it was short lived as they had another documentary to film. He said after that she was just never the same. The celebrations that she had loved so much are gone and slowly she stopped cooking, until she would just sit there and stare at something that reminded her of Arnold.
"Thank you Helga…"I turned to Grand Pa Phil, he was still looking at Grandma G as she danced around the kitchen and threatening Ernie with death if he so dared to touch her gravy. "I… I was truly losing hope here. She didn't want me to tell Arnold and them, because they're happy with travelling the world and all that. But I was losing my Gertrude, my Pookie…but she is finally back... Thank you." There was nothing I could say. No reply would stump the guilt that was building, knowing that I won't be here for that long. But there was something that I could do. This time I'm not going to lose contact. Hillwood is close enough to New York for me to come visit and it would be worth it, if I keep the spark in Grandma G's eyes and the craziness of the house going. That was a silent promise that I made myself that first night I spent at the boarding house.
And it was the beginning. I would eventually end up with my own room, and end up at this boarding place every weekend, until New York call again.