No Promises: Sora and Riku have always been childhood friends. After finding themselves again on Destiny Islands, they start to have some unexpected feelings toward each other. Will they find out their love for each other? How will it turn out? Read on ^^

Hello everyone ^_^ I'm back! The idea for this story comes originally from my friend Sierra. This is RikuxSora so it is hot yaoi and boyxboy love. If you don't like, then I suggest you stop. Warning: there is a mini lemon, limey thing in the middle, and some swearing, thus the story is rated M.

Ohh, and I forgot to mention. There is Kairi bashing. I don't like Kairi, she is unnecessary and very annoying. I'm sorry if you think otherwise.

Disclaimer: Disney and SquareEnix own the characters and my friend owns the plot. I also don't own the name Fivel. Nyah. I hope you enjoy No Promises! And reviews would be greatly, deeply, and profoundly appreciated!

Here we are, we have arrived to the final chapter. I hope you all have enjoyed No Promises ^^. It may take me a while but I will come back and post another story. It may take some time… right. And without further adieu, here is the final chapter to No Promises.

Happily Ever After

The two boys walked across the bridge to their favorite place, the tiny island with the misshapen tree trunk. They walked together, side by side, holding hands, in the same spot where they had confessed their love for each other oh so many years ago. They had been together ever since then. You never saw one without the other unless one of them was at work. Even then, they made sure to visit each other every time they had a break and spend time with the other. They never got sick of the other's company and they rarely ever got upset.

"So Riku, what did you want to tell me?" The brunette turned to the silverette, beaming.

"Eh, it really doesn't apply anymore…" Riku answered, smirking at his husband's adorable nature to be curious.

"No! Tell me Riku, please?" Sora gave Riku his famous puppy-dog pout.

"Sheesh, Sora! I was going to say that I wouldn't put you through situations, well, like the one in the forest so many years ago." Sora's puppy-dog pout turned into an expression of pure confusion.

There had only been one time where the couple almost wasn't a couple. For the entire two weeks before Riku proposed to Sora, they had barely seen the other at all. To Sora, it always seemed that Riku was avoiding him, which led to thoughts that Riku was cheating on him. For Riku, he was working more to earn enough money for a ring. Riku didn't want a cheap fake ring for his missing puzzle piece, he wanted to get Sora a ring that would hold the most meaning. For five days, Riku left on a Gummi Ship in search of the perfect ring. While he was gone, Sora kept hearing rumors of Riku frequenting the local jewelry store and working more hours to stay away from Sora. The day before Riku came back from his trip, Sora had managed to pack all of his belongings and promised that he would wait for an explanation from Riku face-to-face before he did anything too hasty. When Riku arrived home, he noticed the packed bags and walked toward their master bathroom. Inside, he found Sora huddled over the toilet, crying his eyes out. Riku gathered the weeping brunette in his arms until Sora had managed to calm down and fall asleep. Riku placed Sora on the master bed and they fell asleep, clutching each other desperately.

When Sora woke up, he noticed Riku was in bed, next to him, and their legs and fingers were intertwined. Sora looked into Riku's eyes and noticed that Riku was watching his sleep again. Without breaking contact, Sora whispered a meek 'why' and Riku crushed into his chest. Riku apologized profusely over and over again and Sora cried with him. After a while, Sora explained why Riku found him crying in the bathroom and why his bags were packed. Riku was stunned beyond compared and went over to fetch his coat and pulled out a small, black, velvet box. Sora's eyes widened in surprise and sudden realization. Upon seeing the box, Sora suddenly realized why Riku had taken on so many jobs at once. Sora understood completely where and why the rumors had appeared, and he began crying again in relief and at his own stupidity. Riku chuckled at his lover's behavior. He quickly leaned down to place a chaste kiss on the rose petal lips and dried away the tears. Sora agreed to marry Riku and the couple hadn't been happier ever since; it wasn't possible for the couple to be happier than they were that day because after that day, they were no longer 'lovers' but they were 'soulmates.'

"And? C'mon Riku, tell me!" Riku shot a grin at Sora. He leaned down, held the sapphire-eyed boy close to his chest, and gave him a passionate kiss. Sora could feel his lips mold themselves around Riku's. Sora wrapped his arms around the silverette's neck and Riku enclosed Sora with his love. A playful spark flashed through Riku's aquamarine eyes when they parted their breath to breath.

"And, no promises."

so...first time ever writing that...*ahem* anyway! so I really hope you liked it!

Scarlet Rose