This is slash ( I just think holmes and watson would be amaazinnnnggg ) but it wont be made obvious till later :) its my first one reviews are love : )x
Based on bbc sherlock ( obviously ) but yeah hope its not thatt bad :)
My Sherlock
John Watson's POV
I awoke kind of suddenly when Sherlock banged on my door furiously exclaiming something about an incredibly interesting serial killer.
By the time I was up ( I say up I was pretty much sleep walking – Damn Sherlock's midnight violin concerts) he was already out of is over-sized silky dressing gown and dressed in a black suite with a dark grey shirt , which by the way he always leaves unbuttoned flatteringly low. He was rushing around our flats small living room quite elegantly collecting his coat and phone etc. All the essentials.
I put my coat on that already held all my vital possessions and saw down to wait for Sherlock , who for someone whose mind was so efficient , takes an awfully long time to get ready.
My mind wondered as I watched him fly around the room with a genuinely excited look on his face.
'God he is sexy' my mind suddenly exclaimed as I stared at his dark brown curls bouncing on his head. Whoa! What?
"What he hell…" My voice trailed off as I noticed Sherlock snap his head back round to look at me with a definitively amused look in his eyes.
"Day dreaming john?" He smirked slightly.
I nodded and laughed then went back to my thoughts. Thank god Sherlock is oblivious to sexual thoughts and ideas but what the hell did I just, well, think!
Sherlock's POV
As we travelled in a cab to Scotland Yard I desperately tried to concentrate on the case. It was an exciting one with torture and everything apparently but all I could think of was John and his random outburst back at the flat. I just could not deduce what it was all about. We had not spoken since leaving the flat and I was sincerely hoping that Lestrade could break the tension when we finally pulled up outside the station.
He was already there, as usual. How was this man so freaking predictable, it hurt my brain.
"Finally Sherlock!" he exclaimed as he carefully edged me and Watson into the building.
Interesting case? My arse! Less than ten minutes later I slammed open Lestrade's office door and stormed out.
"You call that an interesting case? It's clearly religious suicide! They torture themselves to repent for there sins and end up killing themselves! Jeeez Lestrade!" I scream at him angrily as I rushed out of the offices with John following me closely, mostly annoyed that my boredom had quite suddenly returned.
John had somehow kept up with my comparatively long strides and as we reached the outside I huffed and turned to face him.
"So, hungry?" I questioned.
"Aren't you gunna… pftt yeah but where?" I smiled a little bit as I realised John had finally stopped asking stupid questions. Maybe he has learnt something from living with me, aside from how to handle a jar of eyes correctly that is.
"Sherlock? Helloo?" John brought me back to reality. I never zone out , do I? No, never! Except with John? Why ? Breakfast then think, think then breakfast , think breakfast think.
Concentrate Sherlock.